I guess I have a similar story to many people on here - I played UT for a couple of years when it first came out (completed the game on Masterful, lol), then I had a break where lots of stuff happened. Then a couple of years ago I re-bought the CD off Amazon for £3, and here we are. Since coming back I discovered this new (new to me at any rate) game type called "Bunny Track", which I found quite fun, mainly because my aim sucks, so it's nice not to have to shoot too many moving things.
THEN I got a bit annoyed by having to play many crappy maps, so I thought I would see if I could do a better job...taught myself Ued with lots of help from tutorials and friends, and made some maps. I'll post a few pictures below of some of them (I have made around 12 now). I am a reasonable mapper by BT standards, but having recently downloaded the UTR pack and some other maps from here, I can see that I still have a long way to go. I'm also a novice when it comes to scripting, although I have been learning a bit more about this lately.
I am a player, map-fixer and part-time admin in the BT cups on Clanbase, which is quite fun. Currently the 6th NationsCup is about to start, with 12 nations signed up

Real-life I am a school teacher - I teach ICT, and I run an after-school club to teach kids Ued

That's about it really. I love UT (so much better than 2003, 2004 and UT3 combined...), and I enjoy mapping and learning new stuff. Have a look below - I'd be really interested to see what people think (and if you want the actual maps, I can provide downloads, or just come to my clan's server!)
My church - inside

...and outisde

Looks like sniper level

Inside one of the buildings:

Some delivery bay: