How can i create Water, Fire or Ice Textures?

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How can i create Water, Fire or Ice Textures?

Post by Ronaldo1 »

Hey Guys,
i am just creating textures for including into my map. But in some maps are special textures: Water, Fire and Ice. I've looked at the Texture Properities and i saw "FirePaint" and etc. that setting not appears in normal imported textures.

Now my question: How can make a normal texture to Water, Fire or Ice textures like this (the green thing in the picture)?

Best Regards,
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Re: How can i create Water, Fire or Ice Textures?

Post by Feralidragon »

It's simple :wink:

Just go to: Texture Browser > File > New...

Then choose the in Class what type of special texture you want: FireTexture, IceTexture, ScriptedTexture, Texture, WaveTexture or WetTexture.

Next you have to define a Palette to set the colors that your special texture will use to the effects, such background color and particles color.

Then do the whatever effect you want. :rock:
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Re: How can i create Water, Fire or Ice Textures?

Post by Ronaldo1 »

Thank You :gj: :D
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