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Post by Rakiayn »

this topic will be my development journal of my mod 'unrealspawn'
I will update this thread when I make more progress

What is unrealspawn?
Unrealspawn is a mod in which players are able to spawn and upgrade monster,inventory and projectiles.
Players are able to do so with credit they earn by killing monsters and players.

there will be 2 gamemodes:
-kill the queen (name might change)
each base has a skaarjqueen, kill the enemy queen to win the game
-spawn defense
basicly towerdefence for ut. use the spawner to defende against incoming waves


-working on bug fixing and replication isues of the core of the mod

here is a videos:

Last edited by Rakiayn on Thu Apr 28, 2011 5:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: UnrealSpawn

Post by Creavion »

Looks fun, although a plasma - flak cannon looks somehow weird IMHO. Does it work with EXP (killing of enemies and/or accomplish objectives) and leveling or what?
And "Tower Defence" seems still to be popular. I know the gametype mostly from watching WC3. Would that need special maps as well?
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Re: UnrealSpawn

Post by Rakiayn »

it works with statpoints ( credit). you gain them by killing enemies or kill (neutral) monsters
these statpoints you can use to upgrade stuff . I dont think i am using leveling. but you will be able to tweak your armors / weapons/ boots etc to get advantages over others.
and towerdefence will use special maps yes. they should be a little like assault maps with the humans defending and waves of monsters traveling to the end of the map. as humans you can also spawn monsters and turrets to help you defend. or you can kill them yourself with weapons or projectiles.
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Re: UnrealSpawn

Post by Creavion »

Rakiayn wrote:it works with statpoints ( credit). you gain them by killing enemies or kill (neutral) monsters
these statpoints you can use to upgrade stuff . I dont think i am using leveling. but you will be able to tweak your armors / weapons/ boots etc to get advantages over others.
and towerdefence will use special maps yes. they should be a little like assault maps with the humans defending and waves of monsters traveling to the end of the map. as humans you can also spawn monsters and turrets to help you defend. or you can kill them yourself with weapons or projectiles.
Ah ok. Sounds good. But I dont think you really mean Assault maps. I guess its more simple.
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Re: UnrealSpawn

Post by Rakiayn »

yes not as advanced as assault maps.
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Re: UnrealSpawn

Post by GenMoKai »

looks pretty cool imo, if you want to i can test it ;)
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Re: UnrealSpawn

Post by Feralidragon »

It looks quite cool, specially that Flak (really nice skin there).
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Re: UnrealSpawn

Post by Rakiayn »

the flakskin is from sevin-bullits. im still looking for more skins though. there are very few weapons skins
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Re: UnrealSpawn

Post by Rakiayn »

@gen, I will send you a beta soon to test :)

I added a new category to the mod.
the custom projectile, a projectile that can be spawned and altered by the player.
things that can be changed:

-momentum transfer (impact energy, can also be negative ( gives some very cool results ) )
-bounce time ( how many times it can bounce)
-bounce energy (how much energy the projectile looses after bouncinng)
-life span ( how long it will excist)
-blast radius
-impact effect ( the effect that is spawned when it hits something)
-physics: flying or falling
-light color

I plan to add these custom projectiles to the weapons and monsters, so that monsters and weapons can use these custom projectiles too

here is a video i made in which I demonstrate this class:

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Re: UnrealSpawn

Post by GenMoKai »

Rakiayn wrote:@gen, I will send you a beta soon to test :)
I'll wait for it ;)

But the options sounds good, cool demonstration! cant wait to test it
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Re: UnrealSpawn

Post by Hook »

Very cool!
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Re: UnrealSpawn

Post by Rakiayn »

just a small update.

I am still working on this mod
the spawner and the window system is finally getting close to being finished.

I am changing the spawner window system. as you can see in the attached picturem there are some buttons behind each slide bar.
if you push the + button the value of that propertie will increase, but it will cost money.
the - button will reduce the value, and you will get (some) money back.

there is also a free mode ,where every slide and bool can be changed without costing any money
this mod can be used to create rpg mods or just to easily create a window which allows the player or admin to have some sort of control in the game.

My plan is to finish the window system and its replication until it fully works.
then I might make a gamemode for it , but Im not sure if I will finish this project.
even after I finish the window and the spawner, I still dont have an actual gamemode or map, or something which is playable.
This concept of this mod doesnt seem to be very populair. So im not sure if it is worth it to finish this.
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Re: UnrealSpawn

Post by JackGriffin »

It's fun to play (the testers you sent me) but honestly brother it's just too involved. It takes some minutes to cruise through the menus, even though the choices are nice. 2k4 RPG suffered from this too when it got so damn involved that it took 20 minutes to set up a new player. Players want to play and as a coder I've made this same mistake and overdeveloped stuff.

A good rule of thumb is three to five choices with a setup of less than 30 seconds. Any longer and players just lose interest due to overwhelm. If it were me I'd create presets you can buy certain setups "all at once" without having to select 10 different things.
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Re: UnrealSpawn

Post by papercoffee »

JackGriffin wrote: If it were me I'd create presets you can buy certain setups "all at once" without having to select 10 different things.
This would be cool... you can fast decide what to choose.
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Re: UnrealSpawn

Post by Nephew9999 »

Uhhh this is a cool mod! ill wait 4 it!