Rakiayn wrote:I decided to drop this mod.
thought a lot about it and it was a hard decision to make.
But it is to far away from finished and it will not be played anyway so there is no point in finishing it.
I wont be making any other mods or maps. I had fun working on it but it is time to move on.
Rakiayn wrote:I decided to drop this mod.
thought a lot about it and it was a hard decision to make.
But it is to far away from finished and it will not be played anyway so there is no point in finishing it.
I wont be making any other mods or maps. I had fun working on it but it is time to move on.
another sad day has begun.
But see it as a nice experiment
1000 MPH Studios MAY NOT play any ut99.org community mappack 2 map without George W. Bush explicit permission
Before you close the books completely I could offer you a test server if you wanted. It's going to be very hard for you though if your code is in the shape it was when I looked at it. I'd offer to help but I couldn't make heads or tails of what you were doing. That's why I preach clean code lines, proper spacing, etc. When you get to a point like this it's almost impossible for someone to assist in any way and all those incredible things you accomplished are doomed to be lost.
If you are dead set on quitting this would you consider letting me at least clean the code up and you can release it? It's a lot of work on some pretty neat ideas and there may be people wanting to try continuation. I felt some of your concepts, while way overdone, were pretty damn good ideas and a simpler presentation would have been accepted into UT on a larger scale.
that is very kind of you to offer.
setting up a test server would be of no use though because the replication is broken. (when joining a a lan game there is buildup of lag until the server crashes. I believe this is because some actors are spawned every tick. just one of the many issues)
anyway I havent been able to fix the replication. this replication stuff is just out of my league.
when I think I understand it, I code it the way I think it should work, and it doesnt, so I get more confused.
Im not sure why you want to clean the code? and by releasing it you mean in an unfinished state for others to use?
I think the code is in better shape then the last time. I removed a lot of useless code and improved the spacing etc..
the replication is in far worse state though.
and even I did manage to release a finished version of this MOD. It will not be played, simply because ut99 is not played anymore.
the mod survival from you and The Dane was an awesome mod, yet it was not played online. I remember playing it online on the servers but never met other players.
another example. I played several times on the test server for the christmas mappack but never met any other players.
I dont want to soud negative but it is ust one of the reasons why I want to quit and that is why I explain it now.
it is just us few fanatics who are left.
I will give the mod to you.
You can use it in anyway you want.
Hey any wanna like to play Monster Match... lets join Ultimate UT Server India
here is found 10 game types with Monster Match i am used Monstermatchbeta2 version i think this is better version made for team MM
Stop work with the Monstermatchbeta3 version we can raise the version mmbeta2 mod am fixing some errors & monster names, stuck problem & new scoreboard ... i thinks more logs can stuck servers, client.. am fixing new version of MM without don't change the monstermatch.u file new file named MMGame.u & we don't want to make new HUD (who want new HUD. Players like for playing game & don't thinks HUD & other thinks) any way good luck & play in Ultimate UT Server India we raise Monster Match Game type for UT99 (I like Monster Match for ever) (thanks to Rakiayn)...........................