I actually started playing UT when it came out, My dad bought it, And we played together. I was bout 4 back then.

I've been playing lots of ICTF, Many clans, cups, etc, etc...Until, I found BT. (About 2 years ago). From then, everything changed, I got intrested in mapping somehow, And released my first map in 2008. Also some othermaps, Which I made to learn, where put online. Although I never asked for it. When I found out, there where also BT cups, I created my own cupteam BBT (Belgain bunny trackers.) , With my mate Fulcrum. The first cup, we won Silver in division 2. I think it was Fall 2010, I'm not sure though. The year after, We started playing a Div1 cup, But I got inactive cuz of school stuff, And I was trying some new stuff. Somehow, I got back in UT, BBT became FoS (Fucking Ownage Squad.). There playing Div1 this season. Since I didn't want to fuck it up for them, I created another team with my mate, Thunderdome. NwS (No Wrong Steps.) We're playing division 3 this year.
And that, Is a little bit of my UT history.....