Screenshots for fun

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Re: Screenshots for fun

Post by Radi »

Yeah. . Very funny and great shots of nothing..
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Re: Screenshots for fun

Post by EvilGrins »

Radi wrote:Yeah. . Very funny and great shots of nothing..
Well sure, they're not a Nali with a bong or anything...
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Re: Screenshots for fun

Post by Radi »

Dont mind me. . I just have a bad day. .
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Re: Screenshots for fun

Post by EvilGrins »

Radi wrote:Dont mind me. . I just have a bad day. .
Ah, you just need a hug...
...hold still!
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Re: Screenshots for fun

Post by Radi »

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Re: Screenshots for fun

Post by EvilGrins »

Hadn't played around with NW3 in awhile...


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Re: Screenshots for fun

Post by EvilGrins »

Took a shot at the 512k maps: DM was me and 5 bots, CTF was 2 teams of 6; 12 players total.

Nice open area, some inside building action, multiple levels to fight on, good placement of items: I like it.

Only had 1 problem, and it's a design thing...
...what's with all the tiny vehicles that nobody could fit into?

The selection window seemed a bit off too; why such a tiny image?

Loved it! Took a sec to get used to the layout, sorta feels like a bunnytrack map in parts, but it works out great.

There's this tiny sideways hall just as you exit either base, which seems odd but advantageous. Tiny window above it...
...I popped into that to snipe with a rocket launcher anyone exiting the base!
Up and down layout works well for such a short space, allows people to run away with the flag without getting killed easily from behind.
Flags are situated well, but the pointy bottom is usually positioned into some kind of base so you can't see the pointy part.

Didn't love this one, but it may just be a map you need to get used to. I kept getting lost in the tunnel, though I think it's one big loop.

Map has a bot pathing error, or sorts, in that they had a hard time getting out of the base as the angular door to the tunnels kept hanging them up.
Which also made for a great killzone for those in the base, on both sides. Also hard on human players for trying to get around the bots stuck by the door.

Kinda iffy. Seems fun, nice setup. Only had 1 issue and it's mostly a confusion thing...
...what is that arrow pointing at?

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Re: Screenshots for fun

Post by Hellkeeper »

EvilGrins wrote: The selection window seemed a bit off too; why such a tiny image?
For size of course.
You must construct additional pylons.
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Re: Screenshots for fun

Post by EvilGrins »

As a hopeless addict of any HallOfGiants maps, had to have this! Did the smaller of the 2 and it was very fun, even though having giant Skaarj on the map I couldn't shoot was very disconcerting:

Despite the condensed scale, basic layout was the same. The tubes are thinner and entirely redone, with team colors indicating where they go. Weapons were here and there, a single ammo pack near each unlike 2 as on the original. Action was much more intense, at least on the one I tried.

Only encountered 1 problem:
Like I said, the tubes are thinner and therefore narrower. Apparently some models that are a tiny bit larger than standard players, like the SKtrooper, can get stuck in the tubes where they bend...

...I had to fire 2 redeemers in there to get him out, as he had my team's flag.
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Re: Screenshots for fun

Post by jay2 »

Thank your for the advice Grins.
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Re: Screenshots for fun

Post by {S.o.W}DeathMask »

What about a review of my map? I'm curious to know what does EG think about it.
{S.o.W}DeathMask, 9 times CWC UT2003, 1 time EMKTC.


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Re: Screenshots for fun

Post by EvilGrins »

{S.o.W}DeathMask wrote:What about a review of my map? I'm curious to know what does EG think about it.
It's taking awhile because I'm trying to be thorough, and plus people keep popping out new maps while I'm reviewing the other ones:

Not to mention I gotta wait until someone replies before posting new ones, to avoid double-postings:

All told, next review, which will have a LOT of maps, I'll try to get up by Thursday at the latest:
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Re: Screenshots for fun

Post by EvilGrins »

I should mention, I don't like maps with no music. Especially in team games because I don't just let bots do as they do, I send them commands... and on a map with no music, the moment you bring up the command menu it starts playing the intro UT music. Not fond of that, it got old real fast.

If you don't want music on your map then use one of the soundless music tracks, it prevents this.

Right off, my favorite original UT music track... and perfectly set for the action on this map!

Intense action, tight quarters, multiple levels. Gotta keep on your toes because even with a few other players it's always intense.
Lots of little holes and areas you can fall from your level to the one below.
I especially liked the placement of the shieldbelt. It's like playing basketball with yourself.
Yeah, not shown here. Very popular area of the map, I kept getting killed when I tried to take a screenshot there.

Not so fond of this one, but not because anything's wrong with it. Feels like a bunnytrack map in parts but my main issue was the lack of music.
In a deathmatch, unless you have taunts keybinded, anytime you bring up the command menu it plays intro UT music. Grrr.
Other than that, it's a fun enough map. Nice open middle fighting area, a few side passages of multi-level combat.
I had a lot of fun, beyond the lack of music... Grrr!

As a rule, domination is my least favorite gametype to play. I could watch it for hours so long as the botpathing is nice. Typical DOM setup is 4 teams of bots, no team balancing on, instagibs with the disintegration mutator up.

Right off, I loved this map!
Map is well handled, with only 2 glitches I noted at all. Action is good, bots handle it like a dream, fun all around.

The glowing orbs cause a lot of glare, blinding at points, and I thought they were a trap before I realized they were jumpads. If you catch them at the right angle going down, they sorta unwrap from the orb.
The only 2 problems I had, the glitches, were the warp zones and the "ghosts". This might take some explaining.
In UT "ghosts" are kind of like bots in spectator mode but they can still tag the control points in DOM. Don't see it often but it happens on this map a lot. Despite being dead, all health gone, they're still running around the map tagging the control points... and since you can't see them you can't shoot them. Even bots who can perceive them can't stop them as you can't kill what's already dead.

Other glitch, maybe, were the warp zones. Each level around the edges of the map has 4 doors. You go through one and you appear out of one of the others on a different part on the map. I'm a fan of maps with warp zones so I'm fairly familiar with how they work, but usually when you watch someone else go through them from their own view, it's not supposed to look like he flipped around the opposite direction. While the player does appear somewhere else on the map it's supposed to look like he's still running in a straight line. On the map it looks like he flipped directly into the opposite way.

Tight quarters but very fun.
Map doesn't seem to have any real problems that I could find, except for one little thing.
In the next screenshot, right around that control point, bots got hung up. They'd start running in circles for no reason, or jumping around even when no threats were nearby.
Other than that, a nice solid level.
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Re: Screenshots for fun

Post by EvilGrins »

sometimes I think I should've also made a "Videos for Fun"
a Godlike Skaarj in the Unreal1 conversion to ut2004, against a very interesting weapon package.
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Re: Screenshots for fun

Post by EvilGrins »

Contrary to what the guy who made this map stated, the bot-pathing is more than adequate; he said it sucked. I think that's mainly as he overlooked a little thing.
Pickups & weapons are also an aspect of bot-pathing. Where the actual pathing may fail, the pickups around the map filled in the gaps nicely.
I had the bots play this map while I watched. They handled it beautifully, no hangups at all... and for the most part Batzarro owned it!
There's no music (Grrr!) which I didn't like. This map really need something fast paced with a killer beat. Also, I see a potential problem with the netting over the arena, in that it's not completely solid overall. There's a few gaps where you can get out of the arena near the top, which are admittedly hard to get to but as you can see from the 2nd screenshot above, the rockets coming down on the right side there, it's not impossible to get bounced that high.

Just as a basic concept, I loved the map. I've got a serious weakness for HealPods, those energetic fields that if you can get into them it slowly restores you to peak health. It's a seriousy under-used aspect in UT-maps, I've got it on a couple DM, DOM, and CTF maps I've collected over the years.
This map has a ginormous HealPod field in the center, going up VERY high. As an added benefit, it also functions as a lift with no gravity when you get into it.
Nice music, space themed... orbiting a very familiar planet. Good music. Combat is mostly on the ground & 2nd level, very little but some the higher from there you get.
The only problem issue, and it's nt much of a issue at all, is on the raised arches around the edges.
Where the Skaarj is jumping down from, blasting a DispersionPistol? There's 8 of those little ledges with seeimingly no pathing on them. Once a bots on those they'll stay there unless they happen to see an enemy come into view. Bots will wander around on them, with what little space on them there is, so they tend to notice something to attack pretty quickly but if not... they're outta the game until then.

A very simply CTF map, that looks more complicated when you 1st play it. It's like parkour for CTF.
There's a lot of paths if you go down into the building structure under each flag placement, and as the bots favor those areas, it took me a bit to find the simple way.
Instead of going down the stairs to the paths, jump off the roof at that corner, land on that path, hang a hard left and then right into the other team's base, grab their flag, then do the whole thing in reverse.

Very fun overall.

While this map has no music (Grrr!) it was refreshing in that the flag placement is right up front. Most CTF maps that have bases/temples/whatever you have to fight your way in to get to the flag, but here the flag is the first thing you see when you reach enemy territory. All the internal structures of the temple are behind the flags.
Very intense action if you have human players, on their own the bots don't leave their respective team areas.
Design wise, very nice. Weapons are leaned against walls at an angle rather than just rotating on the ground somewhere...
...and that's just a beautiful staircase. It angles to just the base of that opening there and then you run on up into it; doesn't look like it but you can.
This map might be ideal for a 1st use on any server, if you setup with a few bots and yourself, or just bots... as while you wait for human players to hop on and play the bots will not capture any flags on their own. Only real problem I had with it, other than the (Grrr!) no music, was the area where the sniper rifles are. You can't reach it without a translocator, and I tend to have those disabled in CTF... not that this is really a map that requires any sniping.

This is his original version, I haven't played his update to it yet.
Good intense play, and you SERIOUSLY need to watch your step. A platform in space with jump pads.
Actually the jump pads are kind of tricky around the flag, which is placed on a floating pedestal you can only reach by getting bounced to it.
The map has several jump pads, but the ones around the flag are tricky. You have to get on them dead center or you won't get the full bounce and you won't be going to the flag. Hitting them a little off to either side will also bounce you a little off more that way, which there's nothing but outer space to fall into and die.

This map is fun with human players but while also fun to watch with only bots it will go on forever as, currently, the setup has bots grab the enemy flag but not leave the enemy base afterwards.
A mix of dark and bright lighting, both open and tight corridors; map seems weirdly named as most of the action doesn't happen in the courtyard.
There's a good sniping area to defend the base from inside each base, although the view from those places is more long-range based. You can't see very well once the enemy gets close to your base.
On the far right, base's left, is this one slightly awkward door.
The stairs aren't ideal, especially if you're on the run and forget. You can't run straight into that doorway, you have to run & jump. The stairs are too tall to just step on them in normal movement.
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