Cyborg Superman (download)

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Cyborg Superman (download)

Post by EvilGrins »

Normally when I make a skin I usually put it on a bot and let it play to check it out. This one I wore ingame. Whether or not I put it on a bot or keep it for my own use I haven't made up my mind but I'd like to share it with whoever wishes it too.


This is based on the Cyborg Superman that popped up shortly after Superman died fighting Doomsday. I used the Superman skin made by Chris Ollis, parts of the Metallian Moose, and the head pieces from one of the robot heads in the soldierskins put out by Team Orbit. Team colors were initially from the aforementioned moose but I ½ swapped those out for the gauntlets from the Captain America skin put out by the Fragmaniac clan.

I started this skin a few weeks ago but largely worked on it the last couple days. Got the basic framework done last night.


To look at the actual texture file, it ain't pretty...but it all works out nicely on the Male Soldier model. It's about as close to the actual character's design as I can get. Sadly, ut99 doesn't allow for me to have 2 separate hand designs or the left one would be human looking.


First team colors I stuck with for about 3 hours. Was basically cool with them but for whatever reason, I didn't think the gauntlets were enough. So I poked around until I found something that looked better, altered tints and brightness to match with the team colors on the left foot, and now I'm done...


...unless I get a sudden urge to give it another go sometime in the middle of the night.
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Last edited by EvilGrins on Mon Mar 11, 2013 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cyborg Superman (download)

Post by Embr »

Hey, I love the skin, but do you still have the old version laying around (with the original gauntlets)? They're much cooler than the new ones in my opinion.
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Re: Cyborg Superman (download)

Post by EvilGrins »

Embr wrote:Hey, I love the skin, but do you still have the old version laying around (with the original gauntlets)? They're much cooler than the new ones in my opinion.
I don't usually keep the old ones after I update them but it's an easy edit.
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Re: Cyborg Superman (download)

Post by EvilGrins »

I'm planning to update this skin soon, by the way. Something I know how to do now, that I didn't know then, can vastly improve that whole torso area on the left side.