Gauntlet 10 Release!

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Re: Gauntlet 10 Release!

Post by Rajplu »

I installed a fresh version of UT GOTY + patch 496cRC3 + MapVoteLA13 + Gauntlet10Beta ... And Wildcard Gauntlet appears in the game selection menu. But there will be no add-ons in the MUTATORS menu ... And MapVoteLA13 shows empty map lists.
I was adding this to the Unreal Tournament.ini file

Code: Select all


Are these weapons in this mod or do I have to download them from some website
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Re: Gauntlet 10 Release!

Post by OjitroC »

I've got Beta4 - there are no weapons in Gauntlet-10-BetaV4.u nor are there any mutators (other than the base mutator presumably called by the gametype).

But all the files you need are in the download package from the link in the first post - plus instructions in the Readme on how to install/use the gametype.
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Re: Gauntlet 10 Release!

Post by Rajplu »

Thanks for the help.
I've already done it and it works. I know that Nexgen111 cannot be with SmartSB because it is impossible to put a server. I thought these weapons are a separate MUTATOR ... but they are not :(
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