How does one go about skinning monsters?

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Re: How does one go about skinning monsters?

Post by Dr.Flay »

Irfanview, and XnView will open PCX and DDS files (all decent progs do). Just export them as DDS (it is just a file-format and you don't need anything special to "edit" it), then you just need to open it then save it to PCX for UEd2.

If you must do a screenshot, Irfanview will also allow you to grab the contents of a window, rather than the whole window or screen.

8bit PNG would be the preferred option for uploading individual skins here, as the moment you turn them into a JPG you trash the original palette (they will also be smaller)

Texture packs are also more preferable than "MyLeveling". Far easier to manage, and swap around with alternative versions while testing. That way I can work on a low, medium, and hi-res version of the same textures at the same time.
:idea: 1 map, 3 texture-packs, depending on how big you GFX card.
My map U1 edits at the moment have a 256x256, 512x512 and 1024x1024 textures. You pick what suits you (I use the large ones). This is the standard I will be sticking to for U1.
This also allows for easy creation of optimised server-only mini textures, should you want to include in a distro.
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Re: How does one go about skinning monsters?

Post by EvilGrins »

I never convert to .jpg cuz it tends to make certain colors, especially red, very fuzzy. Only reason it happened with the textures I did in this thread is cuz that particular hosting site automatically converts.

I've got the originals on my system in .png and .pcx
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Re: How does one go about skinning monsters?

Post by EvilGrins »

Don't think it counts as double posting if it's been a REALLY long time and it's a thread you started...


...but does anybody know where I can get the skin for that guy right there?
Last edited by EvilGrins on Wed Dec 06, 2017 1:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How does one go about skinning monsters?

Post by UnrealGGecko »

If it's a really old time (48 hours I think), then I guess it's ok.
As for that funny looking skin, I have no idea. But now I want it too :)
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Re: How does one go about skinning monsters?

Post by EvilGrins »

GEx wrote:As for that funny looking skin, I have no idea. But now I want it too :)
It's from this ·

Project was started but then seemed to fizzle up and die. Just hoping that the skin, Brute variant called the BigMan, is available out there somewhere.

Re: How does one go about skinning monsters?

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medor wrote:
EvilGrins wrote:
GEx wrote:As for that funny looking skin, I have no idea. But now I want it too :)
It's from this ·

Project was started but then seemed to fizzle up and die. Just hoping that the skin, Brute variant called the BigMan, is available out there somewhere. ... =51&t=1922 ...
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Re: How does one go about skinning monsters?

Post by EvilGrins »

medor wrote:
EvilGrins wrote:
GEx wrote:As for that funny looking skin, I have no idea. But now I want it too :)
It's from this ·

Project was started but then seemed to fizzle up and die. Just hoping that the skin, Brute variant called the BigMan, is available out there somewhere. ... =51&t=1922 ...
Okay, but is the Bigman in that the same one as in that shot I got above?

I'm looking for that particular Bigman skin.

Re: How does one go about skinning monsters?

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medor wrote:No

Re: How does one go about skinning monsters?

Post by ASLY »

EvilGrins wrote:Well, I don't use Photoshop. I use ThumbsPlus...

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

...just sayin :mrgreen:

Apologies that these are .JPEGs but my usual image hoster is having a bad day so I had to opt for which automatically converts to those.
Cool monster textrues, can you send me some texture for my new MH map in a PM?
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Re: How does one go about skinning monsters?

Post by EvilGrins »

ASLYE702 wrote:Cool monster textrues, can you send me some texture for my new MH map in a PM?
Any monster in particular?

Re: How does one go about skinning monsters?

Post by ASLY »

Uhm if you can send for me every monster texture would be good
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Re: How does one go about skinning monsters?

Post by EvilGrins »

Have this map, MH-UnrealWorld, I'd never really played before today when i spotted these in it:


Wonder how many other maps I haven't tried have monster skins I haven't seen before...
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Re: How does one go about skinning monsters?

Post by EvilGrins »

In the post above this one I showed 2 monster skins I hadn't seen before, on a map I had but hadn't played until then: MH-UnrealWorld. Sadly, I can't extract them from the map. It's one of THUNDERBOLT'S and he apparently put some kinda security on it to prevent anyone from ganking his special textures from it.

Oh well.

Kicking activity up in this thread again as I'm gonna go back through it soon, though not today, answering all questions I missed before, showing a new thing on skinning monsters I accidentally learned recently, and finally setting up uploads of some of the extra skins I have in the correct format.

1 thing I will answer now: The skins I got from ut2004 I got from playing it, then grabbing the files out of my ut2004 cache folder. I've never been able to find downloads for those monster skins anywhere, so that's the best way for you to find them. Find a server playing Invasion, play a few rounds until you see monster skins you like, exit out and then extract from your cache.

The cache setup for ut2004 is a lot different than the one for ut99. It actually lists the specific file names, making it much easier to find them... if you're doing it manually and not using some cache extraction utility.
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Re: How does one go about skinning monsters?

Post by UnrealGGecko »

If ya want I might try to ask THUNDERBOLT about those skins, since he's still pretty active at destinationUnreal. :wink:
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Re: How does one go about skinning monsters?

Post by EvilGrins »

GEx wrote:If ya want I might try to ask THUNDERBOLT about those skins, since he's still pretty active at destinationUnreal. :wink:
I'd appreciate that, though I'm more interested in the Titan than the Brutes.