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Looking for rare voicepacks, skins, models. Also funny maps.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 5:25 am
by MLBlue
Hello, Ive been a fan of classic UT , and lately Ive been into some "archeological research" looking up rare files (mainly quality voicepacks, skins and models, as I like to do a lot of bot play and have a ball) that people have done for UT, not just the files from some of the well known sites like Skincity, etc. but long gone "ancient" UT sites that Ive only been able to see with, and even then Ive only gotten files from them if their links refer to file hosting sites that still exist like fileplanet, gamefront, atomicgamer, etc. If you got something thats been hard to find on the web or just plain doesnt exist anymore except on your hard drive, etc. let me know so I know that some good content out there isnt gone forever.

Id list the collection I have so far, but its a lot, so I may post some screenshots in the future. If you are looking for the same kind of thing, feel free to ask and we can trade, maybe I got something youve been looking for. (I can give you links where I found some stuff if you are curious or I could just email the files to you.) For example, did you know that there was a female soldier skin of Leela from Futurama or a Zoidberg voicepack? I found those during a Google Search and found a Futurama fan site that had it. I also had to email some people (crossing my fingers that their emails on their web 1.0 homepages still existed) and managed to snag a Tupac Shakur VP from one dude and a Starscream VP from another guy. No kidding!

Im also on the lookout for any maps that are fun, like cartoony stuff, hilarious themes, anything other than the usual serious maps, or gigantic room in someones house. Think FUNNY. :)

If you want to help me out today, here is a model and a skin Im looking for:

Did you know that there was a Samus model done for UT99? I didnt till recently. I cant find it anywhere! ... model=1086 ... amus-s.jpg (image doenst wanna show up in the post for some reason. :/

Im also looking for Counselor Troi skin for Unreal Tournament which I cannot find anywhere except this webpage, and of course, the download link doesnt work. :( ... skins.html

Re: Looking for rare voicepacks, skins, models. Also funny m

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 9:06 am
by papercoffee
Because the image link is broken can't post pictures from webarchive_org

Re: Looking for rare voicepacks, skins, models. Also funny m

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 11:29 am
by MLBlue
papercoffee wrote:Because the image link is broken can't post pictures from webarchive_org

Ah, I see. Thanks for letting me know.

Re: Looking for rare voicepacks, skins, models. Also funny m

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:41 am
by EvilGrins
That Troi skin? I can't find it either.

Have you tried emailing the guy that made it? His email is at the site:

Re: Looking for rare voicepacks, skins, models. Also funny m

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:47 am
by EvilGrins
I did a quick skim at the better modeling sites i follow. Near as I can tell, there's no Samus for ut99. It was made for the other UTs but not ours.

Re: Looking for rare voicepacks, skins, models. Also funny m

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:27 am
by MLBlue
Ive tried emailing both guys, but nobody has written me back yet. :( I didnt get any return to sender messages though when the email cant find the person you are trying to reach, that means the emails still exist, so maybe there still is hope.

As for the Samus model in question, it must be very rare. I posted that link for proof, they put it in the UT99 section and the screenshot doesnt look like a background from the other UTs so it must be a converted Quake or Half Life model.

Re: Looking for rare voicepacks, skins, models. Also funny m

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:21 pm
by EvilGrins
Don't worry about the whole return to sender stuff. I never use it.

I've written a total of 2 people about old UT content. 1 guy got back to me like 3 weeks after I wrote him, never heard from the other guy. Give it time. You've waited this long so you can wait a bit longer.

The link you've got for the Samus goes nowhere that I can see, so I couldn't see the pic. Good rule of thumbs when using recovery websites, if you get pics that way download and rehost them.

Re: Looking for rare voicepacks, skins, models. Also funny m

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:57 am
by MLBlue
Well, ive finally managed to track down the Samus model for UT! Its a quake converted model as I thought and there is no fancy animations like rolling up into a ball or anything. Unfortunately there is no team colors and the model uses male voices instead of female ones (like a lot of converted models are prone to do). here is the link, the file is safe and uncorrupted, give it a try. A rare find!

Screenshots: ...

Re: Looking for rare voicepacks, skins, models. Also funny m

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 6:54 pm
by Blade hunter
Sorry to bump this old thread but since I'm a bit seeking for the same downloads and they aren't available anymore ... I wonder who can have them
Mostly the voice pack of starscream