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Texture Tweak

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:44 pm
Im making a tweak for me, and don't know what is that command to use only one texture in the game
I tried this commands:
SET Texture Texture Botpack.Ammocount.AmmoCountBar
SET WallTexture Texture Botpack.Ammocount.AmmoCountBar
But this 2 doesn't works, someone know what is the command works? :help:
Example video:

Re: Texture Tweak

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:19 pm
by Creavion
What exactly are you trying to do? "Anti-Tweaking" a map by replacing anything with the same texture?

What is the use of this? Who would need this? Even by telling you "this is a job for the UEd", the same question comes into my mind an other time: Who needs this?

Re: Texture Tweak

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:35 pm
Im just making the game even more unrealistic :D

Re: Texture Tweak

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:15 am
by papercoffee
if you use the matrix code (somewhere should be a texture for it ...I'm certain) you could make a fun effect.
But's useless for normal game.
And you downgrade a map, where the mapper spent hours/days/weeks/month to place the textures.

Anyway open the Editor select with the right mouse button a wall "all surfaces" => decide for a texture => Click! => save the map withe another name ...done!