Yeah i its too blue, and I think you shouldn't use white as a lightcolour. Yellow and blue would fit together, but this combination has already been used in too many maps.
Maybe you should try an almost completly different lighting. For example turquoise and orange.
ylanmak wrote:Maybe gold could work instead of yellow.
What's the difference between gold and yellow?
Put the saturation of the blue light up to, let's say, 180 or so. It's also way too bright, put down the brightness to something like 25 or 30. Then add lot's of yellow lights on the very bottom of the walls. Small radius (< 20) but high brightness (140 < X < 180). Saturation somewhere between 40 and 60. And add some coronas to the yellow lamps..
About to be non-active My very last UT map project: CTF-FacePalm (tropical CTF-Face remake) Why do I leave?click here What I want to do next: Joining an UDK team (uncertain however) and improve 3D modelling and texture editing skills
Thanks to those who visibly supported me until/at the end!
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