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The Angry Video Game Nerd Voicepack for UT99!

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:20 am
by MLBlue
Hello! This is my second voicepack for Unreal Tournament that I finished recently. Its rather large but that's because its filled with lots of rants from the Angry Video Game Nerd, some quotes from almost every video! This is a Mature voicepack and has LOTS OF BAD LANGUAGE, so you have been warned.


In all there are 16 Acknowledgements, 16 friendly fires, 7 Orders, 32 taunts, and 25 Others, so its nearly a fully maxed out voicepack. The pack was created with wavepad to convert the audio to wavs and Play This to convert the wavs into a voicepack. The audio itself came from converted youtube videos. Please download and let me know what you think!

Its not perfect, as one Friendly Fire didnt play for some reason and a few text errors are present but all audio samples are where they need to be. Please turn down any music and turn up the sound in case its a little low. I may fix this version in the future, but this one was pretty tiring to do! If you want the wav files so you can make one yourself or for another game, just send me a private message and Ill give you my email and send you a zip of the files! I recorded myself for the Names part (Red Leader, Blue Leader, etc.), so even that has some vulgar flair to it as well. ;)

Here is the link to the pack: ... ament-1999

Re: The Angry Video Game Nerd Voicepack for UT99!

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:43 pm
by JackGriffin
Honest criticism or pat on the back? Here's your pat on the back:
You obviously spent a LOT of time on this. Well done on your part. The audio is very clear and the mod is done correctly. +1 for including the source code.

Now, stop reading if you don't want the honest criticism....
The pack is almost 14MB. Way too big but I see why that is, and I'll get to that in a moment. The choices are good but probably 2/3rds are just quite simply too long to be used. In a normal game they are going to be interrupted by the next voice whether bot or player. They should not be longer than 3 or 4 seconds each, and this is a hard and fast rule because the game will enforce it. Nothing ruins a good voice pack more than to have messages constantly never finish. Most VP makers don't grasp this idea and they all make "speech" taunts that go unused instead of "Slam" taunts that get spammed because they are short and simple. I mean who doesn't use "Boom!" almost all the time instead of the longer default taunts?
Your sample rate is too high too. Drop it and your pack size will rapidly fall too. You need to get this beast under 3 or 4 MB before it will be taken seriously (which it should because it's damn good choices).
Lastly you have this in your code in several spots:

Code: Select all

AckString(8)="Yeah, you know what, that's a pointless argument right there. That's like if your dad said, "I fucked your mom." It's like: "I can't argue with that!""
You can't have multiple "" in the same line. The game thinks there are multiple lines to print in this one line because of it. Make them:

Code: Select all

AckString(8)="Yeah, you know what, that's a pointless argument right there. That's like if your dad said: I fucked your mom!..It's like: I can't argue with that!"
And these lines are just too long but it's because the individual taunts need seriously trimmed down and one will fix the other.
You also have some errors in the code like:
line 202:

Code: Select all

If you decide to redo this proper then let me know and I'll fix your code so it works. Your VP bugs are caused by it but they can be fixed.

BTW admins, apologies if the quoted language is improper for the forum. I will edit it out if it's offensive and defies the forum rules.

Re: The Angry Video Game Nerd Voicepack for UT99!

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 9:11 am
by MLBlue
No, I definitely like honest criticism. I tried doing it in 8 bits to reduce file size but I would get slight popping noises during the audio so I kept it at 16 bits, 11025 Hz. I dont know what else I could do to lower it without it sounding like crap. yeah, some stuff was long, I could probably figure out how to shorten some of them. I guess I was pretty eager to fit in all the good lines. Now what did you think was "damn good choices"? Im curious to know which stuff you found the most hilarious.

Yeah, I should have really gotten rid of the quotes in that one, I never had quotes in the other ones, so I think it would be a good idea to remove the quotes from that line period. The one with the errors in the code, I believe I had copied and pasted some text over the original friendly fire line, so it must have gotten jumbled and didnt bother to play it, I should have looked it over when I was editing. Would fixing the code now make a diference or would it be a good idea to start from scratch again? Like I said in my previous post, I can send the actual wav files if you want to use them.

Re: The Angry Video Game Nerd Voicepack for UT99!

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 11:19 am
by Feralidragon
Actually, I think he can have multiple "" in the same line, but he has to escape the ones that are within the text as \", for example:
"John made a "fabulastic" job"
should be in UT:
"John made a \"fabulastic\" job"

Give it a try, I never tried it myself but I know string types in UT has escape support, for stuff like new lines ( \n ) for example.

Re: The Angry Video Game Nerd Voicepack for UT99!

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 12:15 pm
by JackGriffin
MLBlue wrote: Would fixing the code now make a diference or would it be a good idea to start from scratch again?
I don't think that's necessary at all but you ought to discard taunts that go longer than any of the default ones if you cannot shorten them. What audio program are you using to downconvert the wav file? It's going to be absolutely necessary to get them as 8 bit, 22K or so to get the file size to something manageable.

Anything worth doing is worth doing right, otherwise you waste your time because no one will use it. I'd tell you if it were crap but it's not and you ought to give this a good effort because it deserves it.

Re: The Angry Video Game Nerd Voicepack for UT99!

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 9:32 am
by MLBlue
JackGriffin wrote:
I don't think that's necessary at all but you ought to discard taunts that go longer than any of the default ones if you cannot shorten them. What audio program are you using to downconvert the wav file? It's going to be absolutely necessary to get them as 8 bit, 22K or so to get the file size to something manageable.

Anything worth doing is worth doing right, otherwise you waste your time because no one will use it. I'd tell you if it were crap but it's not and you ought to give this a good effort because it deserves it.

I've tried shortening some taunts with some fancy editing , got rid of some samples and took out the music themes. I still only got it down to 10 megs give or take (Im pretty fussy I guess). I use NCH WavePad Sound Editor for audio editing. I just dont know how to get it smaller without getting popping noises. I can send you my samples if you think you can work with them.

Well, I wasn't figuring that the pack would be used on servers much, maybe just used for personal fooling around with, curiosity or goofing with friends. But thats really nice that you think highly of the pack.

Re: The Angry Video Game Nerd Voicepack for UT99!

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 1:53 pm
by JackGriffin
Send me one of the larger ones and let me try compressing it with CoolEditPro. I have pretty good luck with that.

Re: The Angry Video Game Nerd Voicepack for UT99!

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 11:31 pm
by Dr.Flay
Thumbs-up for CoolEdit pro :tu:

Audacity will serve you well, if you want a well supported freeware prog.
I have had no popping making 11KHz 8bit music files, just the general drop in quality.
(don't forget to convert to mono files)

The old ModPlug Player is still a useful tool for such things.
(a few example tracks on one of my pages)

Re: The Angry Video Game Nerd Voicepack for UT99!

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:48 am
by Pinguin
FilePlanet closing, here's a new mirror from my Dropbox space: ...

Re: The Angry Video Game Nerd Voicepack for UT99!

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:43 am
by Super8ZX
Can somebody reupload this?

Re: The Angry Video Game Nerd Voicepack for UT99!

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:55 am
by UnrealGGecko

Re: The Angry Video Game Nerd Voicepack for UT99!

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:41 pm
by Pinguin
Updated my Dropbox links on my post of both this one and Gray Fox VPs.
PS: I uploaded both of them to first (thanks to GEx for posting). Have fun! :wink:

Re: The Angry Video Game Nerd Voicepack for UT99!

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 7:04 pm
by {dFb}VanQuisher
Great Voice pack man ! I like it but from a server owner operator , they all are right about the file size , length of taunts ,and taunt lines.

I think your best bet is to break it down into 3 different voice packs and edit the taunts and you won't only have one great voice pack but three wonderful server , user friendly voice packs .
Everyone hates to go to a new server and wait on long downloads.They just disconnect and go some where else most of the time so from a admins perspective , downloads need to be as small as possible to have a shot at staying on a server .
Hope this helps out to explain why to keep it short and sweet !

Great work by the way .