Postal Babes for UT

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Postal Babes for UT

Post by JackGriffin »

I'm in the process of creating Postal Babes for UT and I'm interested if anyone wants to do some beta testing?

Postal babes is a mod from the game Postal where girls spawn around the winner of a game and dance while voting goes on. This is from 2k4's version:
Mine will be a little less 'adult' because it is not my intention to offend the female players. In fact if there are female server admins I promise to make a male version for them.

I'm going to add dynamic sounds and texturing of the model (in this case Abbey, and she's fixed) so that the server owner can use his own skins on the girls as well as have their choice in music to play. I'll add a demo vid later today if I get some time and a little more done on it.
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by Feralidragon »

Talking about those, you could automatically detect if the player is male or female and add dancers accordingly.
I find this feature particularly funny for the guys that use female models, I wonder how they will feel when they get males dancing for them :lol2:
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by JackGriffin »

Actually debated this but you know how homophobic teenagers can be :roll:

Still, it might make a nice option. The hard part is sifting through the animations to find something suitable.
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by ASLY »

Sounds good, i wanna test it :-)

Btw, i see formerly similar stuff in <[MHA]> Monsterhunt Server
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by Dr.Flay »

I totally agree with Ferali.
If a male plays with a female model/character/avatar (in any game) they should be treated as such.
If someone has a problem they can swap to one of the many models they probably have.
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by JackGriffin »
I can't PM you the archive password :/

If you can get it, let me know what you think. I'm still adding spawn effects and eye candy but I think I'm done for today.

Ferali helped me bust out some proximity checks to ensure it doesn't spawn in walls and get all messed up. Also it will clear any level music playing so you can enjoy whatever end game music is selected by the admin (or yourself) regardless of the map. It should also clear the dance floor of pickups, pawns, etc too. Please don't share it yet, it's not done and I'd like to keep this package name. BTW the MHA stuff is my work too so I'm not 'borrowing' :wink: When I was doing MH2 I wanted to build this mod but I cheated and just included it into the gametype. This is what I should have done then and created a stand-alone that worked in multiple game types. Also the MH stuff has very limited code in it and often spawns in bad spots, etc.

BTW, has anyone ever noticed the 'hidden' anims for the conni model? Whoa, really adult stuff, too much for this mod. Now it makes me wonder whats in the other ones.
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Last edited by JackGriffin on Sat May 26, 2012 2:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by EvilGrins »

Do you need MapVote for this to work?

I use MapRandomizer.
JackGriffin wrote:I'm in the process of creating Postal Babes for UT and I'm interested if anyone wants to do some beta testing? Mine will be a little less 'adult' because it is not my intention to offend the female players.
Go with dancing cows. Udderly dreadful but no chance of offense... except maybe from vegans.

Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by ASLY »

EvilGrins wrote:Go with dancing cows. Udderly dreadful but no chance of offense... except maybe from vegans.
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by EvilGrins »

Why is there a password?
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by JackGriffin »

Because certain people have no problems posting beta test work onto their servers as a download even after I have explicitly asked them not to. It's messy and forces me to rename my package. This way I can offer it to test and have reasonable assurance that it's not a problem. I have tried to explain that posting a tester version of a mod into a coding/development section is NOT the same as posting it in a downloads area for everyone but I failed to get my point across. So, well there you go. That's why.

And yes this mod will work with any gametype. I have my own 'winner' check so it should spawn even in an MH/CTF/DOM/whatever game. That's what I need the help in testing though.

Tonight and tomorrow I'll finish this up. It needs better spawn effects and lighting and I need to build the dynamic stuff to let you choose your options. One thing I'm not very happy with this the stage the girls are dancing on. I've built several but none are very good. Does anyone want to take a stab at a small platform for them to stand on as they turn?
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by Metalfist »

I like the idea of ferali aswell :P, but I rather want Skaarjs dancing for me xD ^^
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by Feralidragon »

Metalfist wrote:I like the idea of ferali aswell :P, but I rather want Skaarjs dancing for me xD ^^
Fetiche? :lol2: :tongue:
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by papercoffee »

Feralidragon wrote:
Metalfist wrote:I like the idea of ferali aswell :P, but I rather want Skaarjs dancing for me xD ^^
Fetiche? :lol2: :tongue:
How about some dancing vegetables for a certain mod?

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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by JackGriffin »

The only real limiting factor is the animations of the models you want to use. It's damn hard to find something that loops and looks good. If you have a model in mind and you can dig out a decent anim that loops, ofc I'll hook you all up.
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by JackGriffin »

The visuals for the mod are done:

I added some purple effects and lights and got all the spawning stuff set up. I'm going to work out the dynamic loading part of the mod in the next couple of days then it's time for server testing.
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