Postal Babes for UT

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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by JackGriffin »

Here you go guys, full download:

I wrote a simple readme but if you need further explanation just let me know. Huge debt of thanks to Ferali for helping me over some humps on this :tu:
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by EvilGrins »

JackGriffin wrote:Here you go guys, full download
I can't access it.
I suspect this may stem from back when you blocked my IP.
papercoffee wrote:
Feralidragon wrote:
Metalfist wrote:I like the idea of ferali aswell :P, but I rather want Skaarjs dancing for me xD ^^
Fetiche? :lol2: :tongue:
How about some dancing vegetables for a certain mod?
"Uhh ...naughty broccoli!"
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by JackGriffin »

Let's be clear, I still don't like you :lol2: BUT no one should have trouble accessing this download. I have strict limits on the website access from China, Russia, India but nothing domestic I thought? PM me your IP range and I'll check it. I used one of those IP to Country websites to get all the ranges for the blocked countries and there very well could have been strays in it.
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by EvilGrins »

JackGriffin wrote:Let's be clear, I still don't like you :lol2: BUT no one should have trouble accessing this download. I have strict limits on the website access from China, Russia, India but nothing domestic I thought? PM me your IP range and I'll check it. I used one of those IP to Country websites to get all the ranges for the blocked countries and there very well could have been strays in it.
Soon as I get home I'll check it out. All I know is I clicked it and got a big old "404" message like I'd never seen before...
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by Dr.Flay »

If you still can't DL it, try routing it via "Coral CDN" like this. ...

or try a proxy ?
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by JackGriffin »

Update: Dr. Flay was kind enough to optimize the texture pack that comes with the mod, making the dancers look much better all the way around. I've updated the download to switch to the better texture pack but in case you already have it, here's his work:
Fixed upload

Just swap out the lines in the ini file to
Thanks for this bro, very classy helping like that. :tu:
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Last edited by JackGriffin on Sun May 27, 2012 12:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

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medor wrote:Folder UTPostalBabesTexturesA.rar but contain UTPostalBabesTextures.utx (attention to mismatch)
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by JackGriffin »

Yep medor is right (thank you for catching that). I fixed the file but if you grabbed it, don't worry. Just rename yours and add the A like this:

Man that's poor attention to detail on my part. Sorry guys. The new textures are worth the trouble though. They look so much better on the dancers!

BTW, in case you wanted the raw bmp images to photoshop your own skins onto, here they are:
Be sure to create your own utx package and point the ini file to it. If you need help just let me know.
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

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medor wrote:error animation ?

only one move tits :ironic2:

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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by JackGriffin »

Did you mean to use:
UTPostalBabesTexturesA.abby1t_3 ?

Ah, nvm I see what you mean. Yes, only one of the anims has the 'boob bobbing' in it. That comes from the model itself though.
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

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medor wrote:Yes i see that after ...not the same dance :loool:
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by JackGriffin »

I wish I knew animations better because I have a model I'd much rather use. There is a specific 'postal' dance too :(
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by Dr.Flay »

Just so you are clear on what I did (and to be honest there are lots of skin/texture packs that need this tweak).
Actually this skin pack is the first UT99 one I've used this idea on (I was actually wondering how compatible the Ueds are).
I have been optimising some huge UT2004 texture files (30-40 MB files end up being about 5-7 MBs!)

1) Opened the texture file with Ued3 (UT2004), and compressed them to DXT1 format, with the right-click option, and saved the new file.
2) Next I opened it with Ued2.1, then opened the properties of each and changed the "Level Of Detail" (LODSet) from "World" to "Skin", then saved the file.
Done. :rock:

I could probably have done it all in Ued3, but I wanted to make sure Ued2 could cope with the main reason for using v3.
Even if I had done it all in v3, I still would have checked and re-saved it with v2, to make sure it was "U1 legal".

The LODSet is what makes the biggest difference on skins, as size isn't usualy the problem. The graphics settings in UT's prefs page have diferent settings for World and Characters. This is how to link the 2 together, so they work right.

DXT1 is the format of choice here, as 3 and 5 include an alpha layer, and will make them larger than needed.
If the texture needs transparency, then you would use DXT3.
Compressed textures are faster to copy to memory, and use less graphics RAM.
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by Feralidragon »

Wait... so UT1 supports DXT1 textures? :o For real?
I have to try that up, I have a feeling that could severally reduce my weapon pack final size... if that works that is.
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Re: Postal Babes for UT

Post by JackGriffin »

The postal texture went from 2251KB to 1185KB with this so yeah it's a rather hefty reduction with an increase in texture clarity. This needs to go out everywhere Flay. You've hit on something really big!
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