Do you want a cooky?JackGriffin wrote:I think they wandered off while we discussed thisLooks like no love for gopo now

Do you want a cooky?JackGriffin wrote:I think they wandered off while we discussed thisLooks like no love for gopo now
This is one of those cases where I wished my hunches on this stuff were wrong.JackGriffin wrote: Small edit: ... ost2563478
The new way of doing textures is crashing people. I'm going back to the original and sticking with it.
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Smilies · wrote:Replace Skaarj with EvilGrins
That doesn't fix the problem directly, it's possible to have player starts in tight corridors and it's frequent to find them near walls, but it's possible to check the area around each player start and see which one is good enough to spawn the dancers around.SC]-[LONG_{HoF} wrote:Better yet..... Just have the winner spawn at a player start.
Did you mean dancing female Skaarj? There are existing models for female Skaarj, though I don't know if they were ever put into ut99.Vanlanthiriel wrote:Just saw this on one of servers. Good job! You should really make Skaarjs for female players
Would be interesting to make it possible to adjust number of dancers which spawn, and specific skins for each.
Smilies · wrote:Replace Skaarj with EvilGrins