Vanlanthiriel wrote:Just saw this on one of servers. Good job! You should really make Skaarjs for female players
Would be interesting to make it possible to adjust number of dancers which spawn, and specific skins for each.
Did you mean dancing female Skaarj? There are existing models for female Skaarj, though I don't know if they were ever put into ut99.
I meant UT99 Skaarj Hybrids as dancers.
Female Skaarjs were made for UT2004, but they don't really look like Skaarj and I'd say they don't have fitting animations for dancers... but if someone wants them as dancers and knows how to do it, that would be good too.
Well... they weren't actually made for ut2004. Someone adapted a skin-set from a previous UT game... although other than being girls they definitely look like Skaarj.
Yes, that's it. I found them here:
Well I would never say they have something with Skaarj, no tusks no muscles, they remind me more of Avatars or something, but that's just me I guess. They rather look like models which could make good dancers for this mod.
There was another remake of hybrids for UT2004 but I was never able to find it.
Funny this gets necro bumped, the timing is spot on. I was going to post in here anyway today.
The short answer is no, the mod will not work in UT3. The IDEA will work but you need to redo it so that it is compatible with the UT3 engine. However there is some good news too. Yesterday I converted the mod to work in Unreal and added the dancers to my hub map. I'll do a thread more about this in a day or so when I'm happy that it's fully tested and I've cleaned up the code. It's all good though. I'm running a test hub map and the postal babes work just fine. These will be map-placeable though and not an end game spawn since coop games don't really end, they just server travel. Anyway more on this later.
This is my Unreal coop hub map:
I'll try to get this done today and released. I'm working on the hub map too so it may be later this week before I get both done.