Obscure UT sites

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Re: Obscure UT sites

Post by EvilGrins »

MrLoathsome wrote:This site is pretty obscure: http://ecoop.ucoz.com/load/
While that site often seems pretty dead, there's some choice stuff there. Only thing that's prevented me from deleting the link cuz I keep finding stuff I like.
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Re: Obscure UT sites

Post by UnrealGGecko »

I found a few japanese UT pages scattered around! If anyone is interested, then I'll send them here soon.
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Re: Obscure UT sites

Post by JackGriffin »


Guys there is some AMAZING stuff in this repository I'm creating. I just started this morning sorting into proper folders and I can't stop opening things and wanting to test them. I see things I'll bet every person in here will have interest in from maps to mods to weapons...There is stuff in here I've never heard of or seen and it looks to be high caliber work (some of it, heh).

I think once I get this sorted I'll talk to Skillz about adding everything to UT-Files too. Stay tuned gents, this is surely worth it.
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Re: Obscure UT sites

Post by UnrealGGecko »

JackGriffin wrote: I think once I get this sorted I'll talk to Skillz about adding everything to UT-Files too.
Do that, very pleeeaaase :D
Offtopic: Skillz is the maker of the site, right? Does he know that some browsers doesn't find the site at all (Internet explorer and Opera for example)?
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Re: Obscure UT sites

Post by JackGriffin »

Skillz and I have had issues so take that into consideration for my response. We don't particularly care for each other very much, though I think personally he's a nice guy and has done some wonderful things to help the community. That being said he's doesn't really correct people who think he's a much more skilled coder/developer than he truly is. He may not be able to fix the site even if you bring that up with him.

All in all though it works OK and it's become the go-to place to grab files. He ought to be commended for hosting it.
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Re: Obscure UT sites

Post by Hook »

Yes, Hermskii and I could talk to Skillz also, but I am sure he would be very willing to do this also :tu:
Sounds like a very good idea to me also, as Skillz already has a very good thing going.
This would make it even much better, and be a great benefit to us all.
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Re: Obscure UT sites

Post by Dr.Flay »

EvilGrins wrote:
MrLoathsome wrote:This site is pretty obscure: http://ecoop.ucoz.com/load/
While that site often seems pretty dead, there's some choice stuff there. Only thing that's prevented me from deleting the link cuz I keep finding stuff I like.
I wouldn't take it personally Loathsome. Awww, there-there :nonono:
If it makes you feel better, I have the RSS feed in Opera, so I can see as soon as one of your wonderful mutators gets released :mrgreen:
It even features on the dynamic RSS fed page, I setup at MyOpera http://my.opera.com/Unreal-Tournament/links/
(You'll notice that the most official sites have broken feeds!)

Actually seeing as we are harvesting links here, can people keep an eye out for useful feeds for the page. It is a crafty way of collating loads of Unreal news, all on to 1 page :tu:
Try it, and you may even start using it regularly. (hmm I need to sort a custom banner and logo... Papercoffee? :wink: )
BTW. anyone can join it if they want taggable, searchable gallery-space for Unreal related stuff. Huge resolution pictures are not a problem, but not preferable (I could regret saying that :sad2: ) as the MyOpera site will scale the view based on what sort of device you are browsing with.
There is not a lot there yet, as I have not put much time into it (the main thing was to have a page of RSS feeds).

Not sure what you mean. Not only does Opera "find"? UT-Files, but it can browse it as well. I've never had a problem anyway.
It does have a bunch of errors, but nothing that stops Opera anyway (haven't tried IE).
http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http% ... &verbose=1 :noidea
If someone has "Content-blocked" the URL within Opera, then it will not open.
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Re: Obscure UT sites

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Must have been an old version then, because I downloaded the newest Opera mini on my phone and it finds the site without any problems.
@Asian sites: here they are, as promissed: http://page.freett.com/SHED/index.htm
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Re: Obscure UT sites

Post by papercoffee »

This strikeforce looks interesting ...didn't know about this mod.
nice finds.

Another Asian UT pages: アンリアルトーナメント
http://www36.tok2.com/home/gumpinch/index.html (I have the skins of this guy) :rock:
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Re: Obscure UT sites

Post by papercoffee »

OMG ...another page is down http://members.fortunecity.com/bot40/Terrain/Part1.html ...this page hosted many pretty good beginner tutorials. easy to understand.
Did someone rip this side ?
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Re: Obscure UT sites

Post by EvilGrins »

Recent chat about the dispersion pistol from Unreal2 has me looking to see if anyone tried to port it to ut99. No luck yet but I did find all these:

http://www.gamefront.com/files/listing/ ... ifications
JackGriffin wrote:Wow, Loathe....just...wow...
Now I have no idea what this is, but it's FANTASTIC and I want it!
Found it!
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Re: Obscure UT sites

Post by Renegade »

Link dump:

http://www.celticwarriors.net/Website/D ... nloads.htm
http://fragfinity.freeforums.org/ut99-downloads-f3.html (Obscurish)
http://www.skaarjmonuments.com/ (Obscurish)

Some of these I'm sure have already been posted and are well known.
That's just all the links I've bookmarked for UT. (In addition to this site of course)

Jack, what are you planning to release here? The ultimate package?
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Re: Obscure UT sites

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Didn't have anything better to do so I went diging for more sites...
http://unreal.pl/dzial.php?dz=download&id=muty (it says ut3 on the browser but it's not (unknown language))

EDIT: http://www.unrealriders.de/index.php?site=files
http://www.unrealteam.de/forum/download ... e02d3373f8

EDIT2: Got bored so decided to check the member sites here (i'll check UP and UT-ZONE members next). No luck so far...
http://tuxandroidbase.altervista.org/vo ... ut99.shtml
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Re: Obscure UT sites

Post by Renegade »

Some interesting tutorials (one covering the extrude brush builder) and a handful of maps here:

Google translate is your friend.
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Re: Obscure UT sites

Post by Dr.Flay »

This one people will have to go an individual quests, as it is hosted in the webarchive.
http://www.unrealism.com hosted other peoples sites, but when it died so did most of the projects and downloads.

Projects included;
Action UT
Daniel's Maps
Dark Designs
Fatal Arts
Mod Realm
Model's Zone
Objective Point
UT Freak
UT Unlimited
Wolf's Unreal
:satan: Necromancers and grave-robbers step forward, and harvest all you can.
http://web.archive.org/web/200312250210 ... alism.com/
The last living day of Unrealism :sad2: