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DM-FeelNaPali (Release), Build: 1.0.536

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:04 pm
by Creavion
First of all: If you expect a milestone of a map, move along, nothing to see here. If you can accept a somehow half-flawed map, then take a look on the following screenshots and read on:

But hey, somehow I managed to finish and to release a map, after that long time. Specially because after that long time I wanted to make something simple and small, but it ended up with more work than expected. I wanted to make a small Napali-ish themed map, with a little bit jungle and ancient feeling. I tried to figure the reasons why I dropped so much stuff in the past. I did not find the solution but since I had not taking care of the textures, it worked here better than expected, although I nearly lost motivation near the end. Anyway, some words about the map itself: The map is location on top of a mountain somewhere in the desert of Napali (the Unreal beta had some of them, until Epic removed them or retextured them for the final). It is rather small, well playable for 3 or 4 players I think. As you might see, the map is set during sunset. I am not really happy with the overall map, specially about the lighting (I already got some negative comments about that), but the red-ish effect also comes because of the GenEarth textures I used and I wanted to use exactly these textures, since they looked rather desert-ish and half fitting to the skybox. Some lighting bugs also can be found (specially on trims) and I could not fix them all, not even with help of SpecialLit, HighShadow details or brightcorners. Also the map is horrible built, more add-brushes than anything else. I have problems with layouting and this thing is/was my own attempt in creating one. I only could manage to realize it that way and it was already difficult enough for me. Some further comments: I modelled myself some new Unreal plants, since the old ones suck like hell .. mostly. I once wanted to make more, but you know how this works: At the end things things never turn out the way you expect them yourself. The palm trees however are based on UT2004 (ONS-IslandHop). I re-UV-skinned them and vertex-edited them a little bit sometimes. Sure thing: I still need some training with modelling (plants). Thanks to editor dave for some hints about the lighting, the oldunreal dev team and VERY special dots! Without dots this map would have never turned out the way it is no, since his static meshes were big help to import and export stuff. Also if you rebuild the lighting in UnrealEd for UT, you will see big differences. That`s it for now. I hope although of its flaws you can somehow play the thing and hopefully it is not my last work. BTW: I needed around 7 weeks for this map, NOT years like most other do nowadays for their maps, hehe.

Last but not least:
(1.76 MiB) Downloaded 362 times
(1.35 MiB) Downloaded 363 times
Info! Yo have to extract the content of the two zips first and THEN merge the two parts together with hjsplit!

Re: DM-FeelNaPali (Release), Build: 1.0.536

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:12 pm
by FraGnBraG
man, that was a fast download !!! damn, I wanted to play guitar tonight, now I have to play this map, lol :)

congrats on not taking 4 years to release it :tu:

Re: DM-FeelNaPali (Release), Build: 1.0.536

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:24 am
by Renegade
Oh gosh. What a beautiful map. To conceive that it's half-flawed is silly. I'd say 1/5 flawed.

>The lighting issues are present, but nothing major. I happen to like the reddish hues.
>The sniper rifle placement is odd I think.
>Dat Ancient Head :gj:
>Troll Tex :lol:
> Layout is easy to learn, which is a plus, but it does feel awkward in some spots. Something about it reminded me of Revelations last couple of maps (Valkyrie, Gorgon)
>Thigh pad placement on that branch is awesome.

That's what was in my head as I was playing (Just walking around, no bots). Great job.

Re: DM-FeelNaPali (Release), Build: 1.0.536

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:45 am
by GenMoKai
I'll check it when in awake again. Just back from nu shift :)

Re: DM-FeelNaPali (Release), Build: 1.0.536

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:24 am
by papercoffee
I played the Map with Bots in team-deatch-match...

Very well done... no stutter and no lag ...only if you are in spectator mode and you fly above the areal (but who wants to do this?)
One single disappearing Polygon (screen shot comes later)... but no noticeable errors.

Very beautiful ...everywhere are eye-candies (I like the walk-able branch). Good aligned textures and perfect use of them. The shadows are impressive ...the lighting is ok.
The Architecture is plausible. Creavion, really good job.

Well are mainly the contras. The Layout is ok nothing to get excited about but viable... The problem is... the eye-candies there are to much of them
especially the greens in the main battle zone.
The player is pretty fast distracted or irritated. Bots don't see the vegetables.
So, I changed my default game style from berserk to fight from distance. when ever I got involved in a battle in the centre of the map I got kicked in the nutz.
The backyard of the pyramid thing was the same ...if you got cornered in those beautiful garden it was pretty sure, seconds later you will be pushing up the daisies.

A technical and visual very beautiful map with great architecture, but the decoration is on some places too much and affect the gameplay.

Re: DM-FeelNaPali (Release), Build: 1.0.536

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:44 pm
by Creavion
Thanks. At the end I was just glad finally being able to contribute something after that long time.

Well, if I would have come with "hey, the master of mapping is back. Here comes the next milestone of awesomeness", I am very sure your post would have looked VERY different. Besides well I am really not that happy with that map, it was somehow enough to release it and not to remove it for all eternity from hard disk drive.
Lighting, yearh... but I have not used ANY zone light, not at all! Without dots "colored lghts" (light actor showing the actual light color + brightness) and LightingOnly mode I would have been screwed.
Sniper rifle: I did not want to place this rather powerful weapon at a spot where you can overview as player most of the map, not in a DM map at least. In fact at the beginning sniper and ripper were switched but then it turned out that way. Sniper + Udamage = 2 powerful things. I thought if you are nearly on top of the map (where the ripper is placed) and then you also get the sniper, you would have a deadly advantage and an overkill camping spot. At least this was my chain of thought. Also the other way around: Ripper + Udamage in a narrow area = overkill as well.
Layout: Like I said, it was a random thingy, nothing planned at all, I tested around until I found something half decent. I am not somebody who can draw a whole map with layers and all this stuff on paper to translate this then on the computer.
Thigh pads: Actually this was supposed to be a root, the same things which are on that wall... did not work well enough.
If you like it (enough), then I am simply and only glad as designer.

Gen: Wondering what you will say about it^^

For real, no lag? Map laggs even on my pc, lol what?
I know there is at least one bsp bug near the thigh pads roots. But when I tried to fix it, I could not make it any better, in fact it turned out worse than before.
Visuals: Like I said, it was supposed to be a root, not a branch.^^
Shadows: Well yearh, not possible to render with UT at all, if you tried to rebuild the lighting.
Bugs: Well if it worth to relase a new version, I will keep this in mind (in fact as mapper you should never think a final release is a final release at all, never happens, completly unrealistic)
Green garden: I see, the same twist as with Kamah. Looks like I can not do something like in Far Cry and co, I simply can not do that. I have to consider this for a next map in that setting, not to spam a map with foilage and stuff.

So you can post bugs, but I can not promise to be able to fix all of them. In fact I have to do most of the work outside of UT`s editor.

Re: DM-FeelNaPali (Release), Build: 1.0.536

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:29 pm
medor wrote:I have ply it on server it's a cool nali map

deserve to reduce the lag and why not put a prayer nali

Re: DM-FeelNaPali (Release), Build: 1.0.536

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 1:10 am
by JackGriffin
Crev, would you like it added to the FF test server so you may see it online?

Re: DM-FeelNaPali (Release), Build: 1.0.536

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:26 am
by Dr.Flay
The simple opinion of a country-boy...

...It's got trees in it, Hooray !!

Re: DM-FeelNaPali (Release), Build: 1.0.536

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:44 am
by Creavion
JackGriffin wrote:Crev, would you like it added to the FF test server so you may see it online?
Sure, if it works online?! It is my first map ever... being THAT small in filesize.
Although I am sure, a version 1.1 is required to release at some point. Only a matter of time, until some critical annoying bugs are found.

Re: DM-FeelNaPali (Release), Build: 1.0.536

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 7:11 am
medor wrote:it is online here

Re: DM-FeelNaPali (Release), Build: 1.0.536

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:44 am
by Metalfist
It looks awesome and love the details. It doesn't lag on my laptop either.
I felt exactly the same as renegade:
Something about it reminded me of Revelations last couple of maps (Valkyrie, Gorgon)
and I love his maps! Good job!

Re: DM-FeelNaPali (Release), Build: 1.0.536

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 2:54 pm
by GenMoKai
Creavion wrote:Gen: Wondering what you will say about it^^
Well there we go, just played your map ;) It isnt one of those uber high standard maps you made. But it really feels like a oldskool unreal kinda map :) nothing special, and also nothing bad.

I like the layout, weapon placement and the lighting (maybe a bit to much orange, but it fits the skybox) And i also like that special "mylevel" texture.

What i didnt like was that are a little bit to much "big" plants on the floor. Barely could see some enemies time to time. Only where they were shooting. But overall ;) i like the map

Re: DM-FeelNaPali (Release), Build: 1.0.536

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:01 pm
by Creavion
Amount and placement of plants won`t be changed anymore, since they cast shadows and thus are responsible for the lighting as well.

I can only consider this for the next time I am making a level with such type of plants.

Re: DM-FeelNaPali (Release), Build: 1.0.536

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:04 pm
by Feralidragon
As expected a really nice map. :gj:
However, when I tried it I saw a humongous BSP bug near a playerstart, however after trying the map again I don't see it anymore (weird...).
Anyway, it doesn't lag in my pc/laptop either, and I don't see any reason to given that compared with what you already released, this map is far more simple, and better, the filesize is now LOW, YAY! (server admins will want to have this map online)

The good points: I liked the branch-thighs detail, it also felt a bit like Revelation's maps (because of the crystals, great atmosphere and the decos in the walls (the lozenge ones), yet lots of trees and plants as it's characteristic in your maps.
Adding to that I tried to exploit some spots in the map, but with no avail (this is a big plus given how many of these spots were potentially exploitable in this map, fortunately the ones I found are covered up).

The not so good points:
- This map is flooding the log with these:

Code: Select all

Warning: Property LightMapDetailLevels of Class Engine.ZoneInfo not found
Warning: Skipping 1 bytes of type 1
Warning: Property LightMapDetailLevels of Class Engine.ZoneInfo not found
Warning: Skipping 1 bytes of type 1
Warning: Property LightMapDetailLevels of Class Engine.ZoneInfo not found
Warning: Skipping 1 bytes of type 1
Warning: Property LightMapDetailLevels of Class Engine.ZoneInfo not found
Warning: Skipping 1 bytes of type 1
Warning: Property bUseMeshCollision of Class UnrealShare.Plant2 not found
Warning: Skipping 0 bytes of type 3
Warning: Property bUseMeshCollision of Class UnrealShare.Plant2 not found
Warning: Skipping 0 bytes of type 3
Warning: Property bUseMeshCollision of Class FeelNaPali.PalmPlant01M not found
Warning: Skipping 0 bytes of type 3
Warning: Property bUseMeshCollision of Class FeelNaPali.PalmPlant01M not found
Warning: Skipping 0 bytes of type 3
Warning: Property bUseMeshCollision of Class FeelNaPali.PalmBranch02M not found
Warning: Skipping 0 bytes of type 3
Warning: Property bUseMeshCollision of Class FeelNaPali.PalmBranch02M not found
Warning: Skipping 0 bytes of type 3
Warning: Property bUseMeshCollision of Class FeelNaPali.Plant1M_NewA not found
Warning: Skipping 0 bytes of type 3
Warning: Property bUseMeshCollision of Class FeelNaPali.Plant1M_NewA not found
Warning: Skipping 0 bytes of type 3
Warning: Property bUseMeshCollision of Class FeelNaPali.Plant1M_NewA not found
Warning: Skipping 0 bytes of type 3
Warning: Property bUseMeshCollision of Class FeelNaPali.Plant1M_NewB not found
I guess you know why this happens... did you save it in Ued2.0 before release, or just Ued2.1?