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Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:05 pm
by Higor
I will start posting some silly prototypes here, and will update over time if I add or change something.
Most of these can only be used by summon commands and might be useful for educational purposes.
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The Water Field, summon WaterField.xcWaterField to insert it.
It's a physics affector with a destroyable core inside.
Contains informative code on creating a spherical non-solid collision system and making a player swim in a non-water zone, should work on network games (not tested).
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The antigravity addons, summon AntiGravity. AntiGravityPlatform and summon AntiGravity. AntiGravityGear
These reduce a player's gravity artificially, just get the gear or simply jump from the platform without using air control and you'll be able to fly way high while others can't.
The antigravity platform can be destroyed.
The platform contains informative code about creating an external collision hull that forwards damage to the platform pawn.
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The half-assed hoverboard, summon HoverBoard.xcHoverBoard to insert it.
Jump on it, crouch and start driving, can be destroyed as well.
Contains a platform that forwards damage as well, usage of Attach and Detach events, and usage of antigravity code, should work well on net games (not tested).
The hoverboard doesn't transfer velocity to jumps, get hit and say goodbye to it.
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The ninja rope, summon NinjaRope.NinjaRifle to insert it
Find a proper ceiling, and start swinging around like spiderman, you can even change weapons while hanging and shoot.
Contains informative code that makes a falling object hang like a pendulum, works clientside.
Air control allows a player to swing and gain acceleration.
The actual rope is invisible, wasn't going to spend 30 minutes coding the rifle while 5 hours coding the effect...

Re: Prototypes

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:42 pm
medor wrote:BIG THX :tu:

Re: Prototypes

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 12:25 am
by Higor
I'm thinking about a Worms style ninja rope, with a limited grappling hook function.
I already got some ideas that might be able to swing a player like a pendulum...

Re: Prototypes

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 4:37 am
by Higor
Added the invisible ninja rope.

Re: Prototypes

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 4:46 am
by Dr.Flay
Is there a reason not to mod the Chaos grappling-hook ?

Re: Prototypes

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 4:52 am
by Higor
Unaware of it's existence...
Does it allow a player to swing around?

I intend to add extra features, being the distance modifier, so you either hang closer or further, which would work in a similar way a grappling hook would.
It would allow a player to shoot at a distant ceiling, get closer to it and then start swinging to the other base, and silently descend like one of those annoying spiders.

Re: Prototypes

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 7:16 am
medor wrote:when summoning WaterField i can see a pawn in middle :cry:

Re: Prototypes

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 7:41 am
by Vankuss
The NinjaRope ala Worms is very good. I shall try it.
And no, it isn't the same thing as the Grapple (the one in the InstaGib servers today): the grapple simply bring you to a destination. The NinjaRope (as I understood) let you swing up and down and left and right :D

Re: Prototypes

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:58 am
by Shadow
Nice ideas and decent coding, but as flay already said the grapple is an Idea from the ChaosUT mod (the grapple let's you swing too once close enough to destined surface), so is the AntiGravity Device and also the Hoverboard (ChaosUT Evolution / UT2004), this is no criticism, I'm happy to see at least the hoverboard in UT99

The Watersphere is a nice effort on simulating volumes, but it lacks additional effects like ViewFog, Enter/Exit (Actor) Effects and Sounds
you seem having compiled them in UnrealED?

Re: Prototypes

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:23 pm
by Higor
They are just prototypes after all, the goal was (and still is) to put ideas in paper in less than 3 hours including quick testing.
Starting and compiling in UnrealED is simply done out of confort and speed.
The code is legible and anyone with some understanding will add the missing things like said effects, or tell the hoverboard to float higher on open field and upstairs and lower in closed areas or tunnels.
These are in no way intended to be used as final implementations.

PD: The water sphere has two visible meshes not one, the earth mesh I used isn't a double sided one so I used a second one with negative scale.
PD2: The hoverboard works by attaching and extra decoration mesh as well...

Makes me wonder... if there was some native code telling the renderer to draw an array of meshes in a specific actor offset (like the CTF flag is done on the player), these visual attachments would be extremenly easy to produce.

Re: Prototypes

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:23 pm
by papercoffee
whatabout a random gun ...with every shot came a different projectile out of the weapon. looks like the pulse but shoots everything. only the redeemer should be a little bit lesser available.

Re: Prototypes

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:47 pm
by Higor
I'm thinking with a weapon that fires harmful short distance purple ionized steam ( :loool: no idea what i'm saying anyways) as primary fire, while secondary fire displays a shield that absorbs projectiles and saves them.
When both fire and altfire are held, the saved projectiles will be fired back, kinda funny if you get to steal an enemy warhead.
If the player is holding both fire buttons at the moment the projectile is absorbed, it will immediately bounce back to where the player is aiming.

Looks like a totally legit weapon :loool:

Re: Prototypes

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:02 am
by Dr.Flay
[quote="Higor"]Unaware of it's existence...
Does it allow a player to swing around?

Yes it does... I am stunned...
If you haven't played with Chaos, you haven't played UT to the full! (especially in 2K4)
Get it now ! You need it !
The forum is still going, so you can even get coding help there (not much though)

Bouncing and rocket-propelled rifle rounds,
Sword-fights and sniper cross-bows,
proxy-mines that hunt you down,
and a modified Flak cannon that doubles as a melee weapon and grappling-hook.
You can go up and down, and swing around. Experts with it can "Spider-man" across a map, and are difficult to hit when really going for it.
There are loads of other cool features, like hearing the heart-beat of someone low on health, and being able to sneak-up behind someone, and kick them of the roof :face:

I don't play UT3 much as there is no Chaos, and UT after Chaos is boring.

Re: Prototypes

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 11:40 am
by Torax
About idea of weapon that reverses incoming projectiles.. As i remember it was implemented firstly in mod for Unreal 1 called Unreal4ever, which later was ported into UT. There was a weapon, called QSG. With primary fire creates temporary black holes, which sucks everything and able owner to teleport between them
Alt fire creates a field around owner, that neutralaise any damage, reverse incoming projectiles, pushes enemies and objects back and allows to travel through own black holes.

Nicely thing when playing coop:)