Flag Return Time

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Flag Return Time

Post by .:AE:.KiLLaH »

I'm currently making a RX map, or rather recreating an existing one entirely, and I was wondering if you can change the return time for a flag dropped?..without editing ctf gametype..just the flags in the map itself.

I didn't see an option in the flag properties, perhaps I'm missing it somewhere? :confused2:
I hope this isn't a coding thing. I can't code lol.
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Re: Flag Return Time

Post by lauren »

Its a thing that was set in coding . you cant change it unless u change the codeing
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Re: Flag Return Time

Post by ][X][~FLuKE~][X][ »

bit more in depth than that and yes it would require scripting/coding to achieve and for me isnt a straight forward approach as "flagBase" is only the location for the teams flag location, the flag dropped (i could be wrong) acts as anything else dropped in UT, given a time limit to how long it is dropped for and then destroyed, so no direct point to easily script in or replace flag drop time that i can think of.

i did look and couldnt see anything as a quick fix to set time limit on flags.
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Re: Flag Return Time

Post by .:AE:.KiLLaH »

I figured it would be a scripting thing. Dammit :| Thanks though.
RocketX Community Mapper