New monsters

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Re: New monsters

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

OjitroC wrote:
SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} wrote: PM me the .u package.
Sent just now :tu:
Any more questions let me know.
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Re: New monsters

Post by EvilGrins »

Ever run into a file conflict on your own system?

There's a Xan monster that's in the Boss.u file.

There's a separate Boss.u file for a minotaur monster.

I renamed it to BullBoss.u so I could summon it and see if I could still use it. Clearly they can both be on the same map, but in UnrealEd it causes some display issues if you open both .u files at the same time.
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Re: New monsters

Post by papercoffee »

Load one of the .u files and look into the texture browser. Then close UEd and open it again and load the other .u file.
I bet both u. files uses textures with the same name. Or what kind of display issue do you mean?
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Re: New monsters

Post by EvilGrins »

papercoffee wrote:Or what kind of display issue do you mean?
They don't use the same textures, but no matter what I rename one of them too, in its core it is still Boss.u file, just like the other one.

In the display after opening them both, under ScriptedPawns, when both are open it doesn't fully display what's under the Xan boss anymore; no sign of Brass.
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Re: New monsters

Post by EvilGrins »

EvilGrins wrote: Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:42 amIt's a Ghost (file attached) and sadly it doesn't look like a guy with a blanket over its head. It flies, it can go through solid objects, and it basically goes around chasing people and draining their lifeforce.
Addendum: Okay, the ghosts aren't entirely invulnerable but they're pretty close to. Other than the redeemer, solid ammo doesn't hurt them but energy does.

For example, the minigun won't even slow them down but the pulse rifle can hurt them.
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Re: New monsters

Post by OjitroC »

EvilGrins wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 4:03 am ...Other than the redeemer, solid ammo doesn't hurt them but energy does. For example, the minigun won't even slow them down but the pulse rifle can hurt them.
Interestingly they're also damaged by Food Fight's SaladThrower (haven't tried the rest of the FF weapons so don't know about them).
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Re: New monsters

Post by EvilGrins »

OjitroC wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 11:50 pmInterestingly they're also damaged by Food Fight's SaladThrower (haven't tried the rest of the FF weapons so don't know about them).
No doubt because vegetables are chalk full of energy enriching vitamins!
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Re: New monsters

Post by papercoffee »

Do all projectile weapons hurt them?
solid ammo doesn't hurt them but energy does
In UT it's vice versa ...the energy ammo is the solid one and the hitscan ammo the non-solid. :ironic:
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Re: New monsters

Post by EvilGrins »

papercoffee wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 2:51 pm Do all projectile weapons hurt them?
Don't seem to... pretty much go right through them. Sure energy blasts go through them too, but at least they hurt them while they're going through.
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Re: New monsters

Post by EvilGrins »

The monsters of WarNukingGround are some of the toughest out there, and their projectiles in a class by themselves. Take what's in the screenshot to be a good indicator that not only do several of these monsters have nukes, those nukes are self-guiding too.
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Re: New monsters

Post by sektor2111 »

I'm still wondering if you know what you do over there:
The_Same_MESS.PNG (3.82 KiB) Viewed 1584 times
The ONE ORIGINAL FILE is enough for making a "map", the other one it's a charge WITH NO SINGLE reason - yeah, that "FIX".
For refreshing any random lack of memory:
Fake Mapping Resources thread has some other info for mappers not for spam-posting borks.
Right now I could see this "NavigationPoint":
Some_Plonky_Guess.PNG (11.96 KiB) Viewed 1582 times
Oh, really ? I might be interested what reachFlag(s ?) is developing this "NavigationPoint"
For the record - repeating for "ignorant ones" as said by that "Master" - concerning himself too:

Code: Select all

#define DEBUGGINGPATHS  1 //1 to put path info in log
#define MAXMARKERS 3000 //bound number of turn markers
#define MAXREACHSPECS 3000 //bound number of reachspecs 
#define MAXCOMMONRADIUS 70 //max radius to consider in building paths
#define MINCOMMONHEIGHT 48 //min typical height for non-human intelligent creatures
#define MINCOMMONRADIUS 24 //min typical radius for non-human intelligent creatures
#define COMMONRADIUS    52 //max typical radius of intelligent creatures
#define HUMANRADIUS     18 //normal player pawn radius
#define HUMANHEIGHT     39 //normal playerpawn height
Take a look at Line number 4-5 if counted from 1 and line number 3-4 if it's counted from 0 (zero) as a hint.
And now the tiny tech behind an almost useless class before XC ages
While Scout is 50 × 52 UU, when Editor is testing if Scout can reach there, it finds it UnReachable and then NO ONE can navigate this path if it goes mapped with Default plain Editor - unless you had the "balls" to perform some pathing stunts before XC age because here is generated only a path starting from this point as those "in-air-placed" SpawnPoints. For teleporting purpose we could use a... Keypoint, as Bot does ordered for "Hold"... Story it's longer here, it doesn't worth spamming.
Now you understand (@medor) what I was trying to say about a XXI century MH controller discarding all Non Stock "creations" based on packages "participants" and quitting game ? No ? Too bad...
Edit: Hey, graphic guy... images please !
Here is a sample of map using a PlayerStart and Thigpads. Paths are created using this "NavigationPoint". Original Goblin has done these:
And after stepping into XC ground we do have the other "Goblin" extra-work for these pointless "NavigationPoint" actors:
The two new reachSpecs added also have no purpose because we do not have arrows pointing through these points but only going down - one-way. The probing in game doesn't worth wasting time because RememberSpot and ShowPath won't head pawns anywhere.
In XXI century and using XC_EditorAdds, somehow we can have some "Navigation", but it might head to Dumb Bots running in place unable to roam correctly:
Discussion about brute-forcing these it's Off-Topic here, and perhaps you won't find too much information as long as these paths are not physically navigable by Bots unless you are able to write a SpecialCost code restricting small pawns from taking this road which also it's Off-Topic. Let's not forget default DevPath which has limitations and then here we might have a "XC map" for working as intended only in XC Servers and not really working as expected in plain UT.
And that's all about MH "resources"... Sweet dreams !
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Re: New monsters

Post by EvilGrins »

sektor2111 wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 6:23 pm I'm still wondering if you know what you do over there:
It's weird... as I have both though I'm not sure where I got both from; you download a lot of maps and you often find stuff you didn't realize at the time.

Here's the thing though, whenever I've edited a map with this I always use the "fix" version, but when my UT mapping tool is listing what files goto what maps, both of them come up.

Not sure why, maybe the "fix" needs the original for support or something?
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Re: New monsters

Post by sektor2111 »

For some of those "mappers" their only best thing was copying package using a... File Manager - I don't get why. You have to understand that original assets and references will always trigger the load of original file doesn't matter if Apple is now called Nut. In package Nut there is always a reference called Apple-Seed which is part of Apple ignoring the Nut, because actually this it's not the way of "fixing" or changing something. Here is nothing fixed we do have a dual charge and run-time results perhaps are pretty much unpredictable.
3rd person query: Okay, dumb Sektor, tell us how to solve such a map.
1st person answers:
- Importing in MyLevel and replacing actors probably in two stages. Stage 1 replacing monsters with a custom decoration - saving map;
- Reloading map, MyLeveling trash and replacing custom decoration with those custom monsters - all assets should not gonna load anything else, but only new MyLevel.
- Using a MyLevel and map in T3D format properly edited and imported after making sure about MyLevel loaded.
Three - MH specific:
- forget original MH if you want to compile some new class. Do that with ALL MH assets removed, gone, and map fresh loaded. You can save them in a txt file for copy-pasting them back in the clean compiled assets. No, it won't be any duplicated actor in map if an actor similar named could not be found in map. Duplicates are showing up when Brush12 wants to be imported in a map having already a Brush12 or whatever junk called with the same name.

Should I do some MH editing feature in MapGarbage for selecting ALL MH assets available in purpose to be copied/deleted/saved in an external "for-importing" format ? This would clean map and will make possible compiling MH stuff,... else adding them back probably won't fit in original locations unless I will need to preserve other properties of copied/saved actors, but I might have doubts if Goblin won't still ruin original locations...
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Re: New monsters

Post by EvilGrins »

While it offers a wide range of monsters, the xloc.u suffers the flaw that all but maybe 1 or 2 of the dozen or so monsters in it have a default health that's around 10pts at most...
Image's mostly designed for placing them directly on a map and editing the stats for each species manually.
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Re: New monsters

Post by sektor2111 »

Mmm.... I would not be so sure. Now days I'm using mods which are not only dropping extra annoying monster health but even has a limitation for minimum health. No monster will ever have under 200 or whatever it's configured, and code is easy to modify and even implement where it might be needed.
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