billybill wrote:I am the author of several unreleased mutators and game modifications which I intend to release some day
(blue indicates already released and easy to find files)
color projectiles system
all projectiles and lenses of weapons are colored in one of 5 team colors
weapon swapper
swaps weapon priorities and binds of the player for the round
Ipserver extensions
displays all spectators, players, bots correctly in server browser
Bot extensions
changes the attributes of bots per round so they behave entirely different from one another and what the default bots do. can fill settings file with virtually unlimited number of bot names (but only 32 randomly chosen per round)
score recovery
allows everything to be restored when a player reconnects, including how long remaining they have for powerups, the direction they were facing, whether they have 2 of one weapon (enforcer), weapons without ammo, the current weapon they were using, any physics the player was undergoing. unfortunately you would lose a couple of player slots due to the laggy nature of it collecting the data when it is about to lose connection and restoring it when they rejoin
mapvotela extensions
allows players to vote for map DM-Morbias][ for example and then be downloading a remixed version (also with accompanying files can display default map in ubrowser)
x3dfx mapvote extensions
allows for players to vote in mutators and then download those mutators dynamically when the map switches
redirect changer Direct: ... Info: ... 389#p42436
based on map prefix or what is listed for that map in config
auto spectate
puts players into spectate slots if they try and join the full server (also messes with ipserver to display a simulated "maxplayers")
skin swapper/join checker
- optional, allows players to change their player class ingame using commands (reconnects them same as score recovery). to pre-set skin classes and skins.
- allows you to specify only allowed skin class and skins for your server to prevent skinhacks, crash skins, portal usage
(could potentially create lag going through a list so either drop player slots, dont use approved skins list, or use a liter edition like below)
join checker lite
checks them on join for known skin hacks (replaced the MaleSoldier.utx skin to fix this, so irrelevant now)
Better anti-tweak mod (more info soon)
antitweakv52 (update)
blocks more tweaks that would be considered illegal in tournaments
antitweakv52 for bonus packs
yes, a seperate one must be made for bonus packs
redirect server
redirects all udp requests, or simply answers them with the results gathered at the specified rate. redirects players to new server on join
I can't think of any more right away, but also numerous maps and mods sent to me to release
oh and let me know if any of the names would get in the way of existing ones because I don't intend to do that
who am I billybill
who am I billybill
Last edited by on Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:25 am, edited 7 times in total.
- Godlike
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Re: who am I billybill
Well, as for names conflicting, perhaps you should change the "weapons swapper" one. There's already one "swapper" which is about replacing standard weapons by the weapons you want from any mod.
Perhaps you should call it "weapon priorities changer" or perhaps another more direct and simple in what the mod actually does.
Perhaps you should call it "weapon priorities changer" or perhaps another more direct and simple in what the mod actually does.
Re: who am I billybill
billybill wrote:will do. This does actually do that if it's fully set up, but at bare minimum replicates new binds and priorities in place of existing weapons, TIW minigun for minigun for example, could be used for zero ping weapons etc. I actually think I named it weaponswap which is a variation but will think about it before posting. thanks
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Re: who am I billybill
billybill wrote:thanks, I really want to re-write anti-tweak from scratch and have it use replication and only perform the checks once. Rename it, and merge it with the latest unreleased pure. maybe strip some of the TTM HUD stuff people don't want. provided I get permission. Let's say I only re-wrote it any idea for a name? Tweak Blocker is taken.
I lose more and more creativity every year I live
- Godlike
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Re: who am I billybill
We all do. Most of it is lost during school actually, then it's quite hard to recover it.billybill wrote: I lose more and more creativity every year I live
- Godlike
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Re: who am I billybill
Nice to see you back and being creative 
Oh my word, some of those projects are outstanding
The score recovery I love, and have other ideas that cross over with a few of these, which I have posted at Hooks forum. ... f=4&t=1681
Will you harvest the existing player data from the game-tracking accounts ? People just get to use the data to have dynamic signatures, and peoples scores and awards are going to waste.
The RPG mutator for 2K4 has an effective and simple system, which may be a good method to employ, though it bases your unique key on your CD key.
I believe somewhere on this forum we have discussed the idea of embedding the redirect info into a map. Good call
Though just like DNS lookups, it needs a 2nd fall-back address if the first is unavailable, (I would encourage people to also use the CoralCDN for the addresses).
On the subject of the weapon swapper name, I suggest that maybe it should reflect the "per round" nature, or just call it BillyBillsSwapper.

Oh my word, some of those projects are outstanding

The score recovery I love, and have other ideas that cross over with a few of these, which I have posted at Hooks forum. ... f=4&t=1681
Will you harvest the existing player data from the game-tracking accounts ? People just get to use the data to have dynamic signatures, and peoples scores and awards are going to waste.
The RPG mutator for 2K4 has an effective and simple system, which may be a good method to employ, though it bases your unique key on your CD key.
I believe somewhere on this forum we have discussed the idea of embedding the redirect info into a map. Good call

Though just like DNS lookups, it needs a 2nd fall-back address if the first is unavailable, (I would encourage people to also use the CoralCDN for the addresses).
On the subject of the weapon swapper name, I suggest that maybe it should reflect the "per round" nature, or just call it BillyBillsSwapper.

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Re: who am I billybill
billybill wrote:Score recovery recovers FPH correctly using "time" value (uscript) too forgot to mention. it does take a minute or two to update correctly on client's scoreboards but only the time is replicated and FPH is calculated from there
Regarding game tracker can you please be more specific I am not sure what you are talking about (sorry)
I will probably stick to the name weaponswap but I will stay away from the word swapper to avoid confusion with stuffswapper
The redirect changer currently changes at the very beginning of the map before anyone has connected. You could have it cycle through a list to download the header of the file at the end of the last map. If I did end up doing that I want to do it separately because it could get too confusing for people. How it works at the moment is by wildcard matches DM-* or using entire map names. It will check each line in the config until it finds a wildcard match so you can put a lone wildcard at the end of the checks for a default option.
As an example the config looks something like this:
here is the url for it when I did release it months ago, i didn't realise anyone had actually mirrored it! ...
Regarding anti tweaks. There are 2 anti tweak mods
-The Anti-Tweak line, which is tournament ready, really straight-forward code and provided the mutate command isn't hooked and the file hasn't been hex edited or recompiled with GUID changed then no problem.
-The Tweak Blocker mutator, My guess as to why noboby uses this one is because I have heard it kicks people randomly. I have yet to look at the code, I'm not sure what this was meant to be, whether he was going down the path of letting the admins decide each and every unacceptable tweak but at the same time checking them mid-game
Why some servers would put Ace and Pure but no anti-tweak (and anti-skin hack) I am still trying to fathom. There are 2 ways they operate I guess, only check people when a complaint is received and in this case many many people would get away with illegal tweaks. And false accusations would make the admins not take it all that seriously.
The second method they would lag your client by taking auto-screenshots so their admin team can review them at a later time.
Both of these should be obsolete by now. However in the off-chance someone has paid for cheats that bypass ACE a screenshot would help. But why not simply install as a precaution? Nobody wants to lose their job to a robot
Anyway, I would be basing it on the same blocked tweaks of AntiTweakv52 but it would work differently. My guess is it was written to use the /mutate command rather than replicate because he was trying to have it do bonus packs or stleast leave the door open to more 'check settings without necessarily getting the result' and ended up leaving it like it is
The reason I started this thread is to motivate myself into releasing them more regularly, I do NOT want to end up the guy who claims he can skateboard and then it turns out can't even ollie
Re: who am I billybill
billybill wrote:As you can see I have put the link for the redirectchanger you wanted Dr.Flay.
I've had several reminders lately that a website emphasising how to set up a vanilla server and some basic client fixes are absolutely needed.
New data-center hosted servers popping up that just dont work
Videos of players of other games buying UT on steam and it in it's raw state and thinking it is absolute crap. Even a new renderer and new textures would be a huge deal
Videos of tournaments I've viewed where the display goes upside down because they don't even have a mod like specfix
Then there's the experience of me setting up a server in a random location on the globe only to have it crashed by someone instantly because god forbid it might compete with their own server
So here I am once again knowing I can do something about these problems, getting ready to pick a random area of the globe and set up a website with a bunch of fixes and see if it gets any support.
Anyone who feels the same way that I do you are welcome to help with the project, get in touch
And please feel free to bump this thread so I release everything stated above. I usually only play this game once every month or two
- Godlike
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Re: who am I billybill
Groovy, I missed the last posting, as I too have a life elsewhere
The Gametrackers I am refering to are sites such as and etc.
They collect info and statistics, that could be harvested.

The Gametrackers I am refering to are sites such as and etc.
They collect info and statistics, that could be harvested.

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Serverside snippets/mutators release
billybill wrote:A utility one that was requested here a while back but the author didn't know how to with the instructions or I was too blunt with them. Should be easy to change the set commands and recompile if a different mapvote is loaded
mapvote list keeper (for mapvotelav2.bdbmapvote)
selects map on the same list if no votes are cast or server is empty
I saw a post on asking for better anti-cheats so here's a couple to start with, there is a crashfix thread with another fix in it
ssantishockho (serverside anti-shock ho)
stops players form using animation cheats on their secondary fire
stops clients from sending messages normally only reserved for the server to send
("borrowed" from pure or nexgen or both I forget which, here is serverside version, all credit to them anyway)
oh what the heck I'll add a couple more. If I at least try and public release this stuff then I know that when I do lose it someone else would've made use of the code
teleport with shock combos (ini option whether to drop flags)
serverside cluster redeemer
in deathmatch mode makes the redeemer shoot 80 lazy grenades (number can be changed)
in arena mode makes the redeemer shoot 6 normal grenades (number can be changed)
serverside combo instagib
supercharges the instagib shots, shockballs and shock combos to inflict maximum pain to enemies
Couldn't get upload working even though the files are tiny, get them here . All compressed files come with int files and config files where needed, and all contain help files, source. Link may not be around for long. And please notify of bugs!
- Godlike
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Re: who am I billybill
*Whacks mosquito with a newspaper*
Looking forward to the color projectiles system, should be interesting
Looking forward to the color projectiles system, should be interesting

My work for UT99: (NEW!) Mute, Counter-Strike VP, MaleOne+, FemaleOne+ and the FemaleTwo220 voicepacks DM-XC-NaliTreeV2 (from the 2012 Xmas Contest mappack), DM/DOM-20AC-CastleGeorgeV3 (from the 20th Anniversary Contest mappack), DM-UFFO, DM-WreckingBall, CTFM-Sundial
my small spec of files at Google Drive
List of console converted maps, models & more!
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Re: who am I billybill
@Wises: Please don't act like a child. That mosquito post was utterly unnecessary and visibly in retaliation to whatever dispute you hold against the OP.
I removed your post, and I ask you to not repeat such stunt.
I removed your post, and I ask you to not repeat such stunt.