
Discussions about Servers
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Post by toodamcrazy »

A buddy and I have got a server up and running that is LG zpIG CTF. We were part of the big LG IG community 8 years ago and we would like to try and get people to enjoy it once again. So if you would like please come and check out the server.

We played 100 speed but we would like it to be populated. Would people like 100 or 135? this is something we are feeling out right now so please leave feed back and maybe some good LG map suggestions. I have face, stadium, thronsV2, Romra, DC and few others at the ATM.

Thank you,


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Re: ~DaM~nation

Post by Dr.Flay »

How about LG IG NW3 ?
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Re: ~DaM~nation

Post by toodamcrazy »

Not sure what NW3 is TBH. But we like CTF
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Re: ~DaM~nation

Post by Dr.Flay »

Tut-tut you should have a look round the forums you post in.
Hold on to your seat. You are about to see UT99 blow your mind :D
Watch the video here http://www.ut99.org/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=4309&start=0

You don't need instagib when you have a level 5 nuke :satan: but there is instgib options.
..and we need more CTF NW3 so....
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Re: ~DaM~nation

Post by toodamcrazy »

Looks interesting, just not my style :oops:
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Re: ~DaM~nation

Post by scarble »

I was LG DM GMC (Giant Map Clan) back in the day. Never had the coordination for IG :ironic2:
More about swooping down from the kitchen counter with a full 8-ball :mrgreen:
But I might drop in occasionally to decorate your maps with my giblets.

Re: ~DaM~nation

Post by Skillz »

LGI 155/55 is still around; http://www.tdnclan.com still plays occasionally. Most of the guys are MIA however.

It was also played mostly at 155% speed, but 135% was also used.

Most of the "GMC" guys from back in the day now post on http://www.fpsnetwork.com but it's not that busy. The old site used to be http://www.utgmc.com but I don't think Skag has done anything with it in a long while.

I still host game servers for both types (155/55 LGI CTF and 155/55 GMC DM)

Pretty sure http://www.hncclan.com still has a 155/55 LGI server as well. Same story there as well, most of the guys are MIA or play other games now.

Only major difference between "GMC" and LGI 155/55 other than DeathMatch and CTF was the fact that GMC didn't use the instagib mutator all the time; usually the large maps had the ESR as a pickup somewhere in the map along with the other weapons, plus you had the ability to use the translocator which was almost necessary to get places.
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