Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

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Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by KeeperUTX »

NW3 can't be the ONLY pack of weapons in my UT! It'd be good to see another weapon or two that I haven't heard of yet or something.

So I'd like to get some suggestions. Which WPs are good? The only two that I already know of that are in the 'famous' ranks of UT are NW3, of course, and U4E.

So, my friends, if you'd be so kind as to post a few suggestions and the like!
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by Creavion »

Naliweapons 2

just kidding
Chaos UT, try that one!
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Some of the Weapons Factory weapons aren't that bad, problem is (or maybe not) that it comes in a new gametype and has new player skins...
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by {dFb}VanQuisher »

I have always wondered why some one made jets in ut99 but no one has made vehicles yet .....Not really a weapon but can have weapons on them .....Just a question and or idea is all ...I have been toying around with the idea of making a Ironman suit you can fly around in like the jets for my Ironman map....Have a few ideas on some aux ALt fire options instead of what the demeer has to offer . I would like to see VCTF stuff for ut 99 but a lot of work and would any one play it ? I don't know but.......Just ideas .The NW3 is way cool and we have servers running for that but we also made a LMS version for UT99 we play every night with just the NW3instagib ......so NW3 has brought back alot of my 2k4 and UT3 people to play with the gun ...They like the new guns and detail of the new games but the game play in ut99 is the best and now NW3 guns.......winner winner chicken dinner !
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by Feralidragon »

The only UT weapon mods I liked so far were U4E, ChaosUT, Apocalypse Weapons and SLV/RX. Everything else.... some are fun to play online, but not worthy to keep in my local drive imo.
{dFb}VanQuisher wrote:I have always wondered why some one made jets in ut99 but no one has made vehicles yet.
http://feralidragon.blogspot.pt/2010/02 ... pment.html

But I never finished them, and never will. I will release them though this month together with the final version of NW3, but only to show what they could have been (they do not work online anymore, the AI needs more work, the physics have some bugs, the visuals are not that good, etc)...
Anyway, ground vehicles in UT (tanks, jeeps, cars, etc) are *hard* to code unless the coder goes native (which means download of extra dlls and almost no one wants that from normal mods).
On the other hand, flying vehicles (planes, jets) are very *easy* to code, that's why they exist in the first place.
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by {dFb}VanQuisher »

Very good answer.....Tank looks incredible ......I do not do code so your explanation was the perfect answer .
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by Dr.Flay »

There are plenty of weapons packs.
Check ModDB
Many mods, will install a weapons pack to go with the new game-type.

If you have the GOTY edition, then you also have access to Chaos weapons. If not then install ChaosUT.
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by EvilGrins »

I've been playing since the game came out. There's literally hundreds of weapons packages.

Some are really good.
Most of them suck.

Not sure where you'd look but try and find a weapons package called Excessive. It amps up the power of the default UT weapons to insane levels.
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by KeeperUTX »

Wow, a bunch of replies! Thanks, dudes! ;)

@Feralidragon: You're intending to release the unfinished version of XVehicles in the final version of NW3? Then you could call it NW3X :)
Vehicles that were made by the man that forged such an awesome weapon pack ought to make things a tad more... crushed :D

@Creavion: Thanks for reminding me of CUT, I really want to get some melee action with the Bastard Sword, maybe fry someone with the Turret or the Vortex!
Image This is Eevee, a ferocious creature that never relents in tracking its meal. It will lead you to ruin, and when it does, it will finish you.
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by Feralidragon »

KeeperUTX wrote: @Feralidragon: You're intending to release the unfinished version of XVehicles in the final version of NW3? Then you could call it NW3X :)
Vehicles that were made by the man that forged such an awesome weapon pack ought to make things a tad more... crushed :D
I plan to release them separately, not together. What I mean is that they will be released at the same time (but in different links), since it's likely they will be my final releases for UT.
KeeperUTX wrote: maybe fry someone with the Turret or the Vortex!
I always loved their Vortex, but I never liked their Turret to be honest (it wasn't that good visually, and crashed a lot for no big reason).
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by KeeperUTX »

Huh? The Turret tends to crash? With my old UT copy it never did that. What version do you use? 451b? I had (and still do) v436. Works good enough for me...

But heck, I LOVE the Vortex. Use an XVenom or a SLV to toss that little pack of horrors into the enemy base on CTF-LavaGiant, 'BOMBS AWAY!'
Trust me, with the playerstarts being inside the base, you'll get a TON of frags. I should do that with your version of the Vortex (CyBot edition :D)

BTW, via one of those links I found one of my fav mods, MatrixMoves Beta 4! Time to walk on some walls while turning everyone into swiss cheese with a minigun!
Image This is Eevee, a ferocious creature that never relents in tracking its meal. It will lead you to ruin, and when it does, it will finish you.
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by Feralidragon »

KeeperUTX wrote:Huh? The Turret tends to crash? With my old UT copy it never did that. What version do you use? 451b? I had (and still do) v436. Works good enough for me...
The last time I played Chaos the turret crashed a lot (and actually I even remember the team mentioning that exact issue in their readMe, something like "don't place a lot of turrets otherwise UT will crash" or something like that).
Well, probably I was playing an old version back then.
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by jaypeezy »

http://www.unrealsp.org/forums/viewtopi ... =37&t=2639

Without a doubt one of my favorite mods, and has some of the best weapons I've had the joy of using in a WORM loadout. Among these: laser beam (dual or single) pistol; a modified GES biorifle that shoots canisters that explode into a storm of gel; grenade launcher with 2ndary homing missile launcher... yeah, it's great. You'll love it. But you'll ESPECIALLY love it if you want to add monsters and items to your game as well... several ways to do so...

I use some MoZ weapons in botmatches as well (MoZ Uzi, SledgeRifle both with zoom) in addition to a tommygun I found that shoots red dispersion ammo and has a zoom feature. They're all powerful weapons but in different ways, and reward accuracy from long distances but also make for cool close-quarters weaponry.
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by Saya-chan »

Just don't play any of my weapon mods, they're terrible and I feel ashamed of them.
nah just kidding.
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