Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by Dr.Flay »

I never had a problem with the Chaos turrets, in 436 or 451.
Then again I always stuck to the default limit of 5, as spamming turrets messes up game-play too much.
I believe there is a slight difference in the UT GOTY Chaos, and the stand-alone v1.1, so maybe try the version from the Chaotic Dreams site.

Only install 451b if you do not intend to use UEd.
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by UTPe »

KeeperUTX, did you ever try AgentX mod for ut99 ? it's really funny :agree1:
info: http://www.moddb.com/mods/agent-x

"Agent X bring real-life weapons to UT in a nice way. Every weapon is replaced by a real one. You'll find pistols, submachine guns, rifles... and also some exotic things, such as grenades, proximity mines and a huge rocket launcher. The armor is also replaced. It's needed to say that just the weapons are realistic: the unreality still exists, so you can take a lot of shots before dying."

There is also a similar mod called Combat Zone
info: http://www.moddb.com/mods/combat-zone

Anyway, there are many funny weapons that can be used in arena mode, like UZI (I love the version by DOU clan) or modded rifles (like zark rifles or bunny rifles in freestyle sniper)
Some weeks ago I tried even the lightsaber weapon from "Star Wars", ahahah amazing :lol2: think about using this weapon in arena mode with the models/skins for Star Wars available for ut99 (I found many of them in the past), it's like a movie :loool: (I remember that more than a year ago, oToD clan wanted to setup a Star Wars event for UT99 on their server: lightsaber + models/skins + themed maps...)
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by KeeperUTX »


Mind showing me a few?


Oops. Forgot to mention that I know of that too!

But DAMN, that's one of the best packs ever! tho the names are kind of... vulgar. (LOL at ClusterF_cker :mrgreen: )

@Dr.Flay: I HATE 451b. It screwed up a sh*tload of textures while UT was on 451b on my last PC. 436 is trustworthy. But weren't there several unreleased patches??? :?:

@UTPe: Beh. Those are boring. Along with that they made my UT crash several times... :mad2:

And since JackGriffin and Flay and a cr'pload of other ppl have the NW3 banner in their sigs, I can assume they were all beta testers for NW3?
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by Feralidragon »

KeeperUTX wrote:And since JackGriffin and Flay and a cr'pload of other ppl have the NW3 banner in their sigs, I can assume they were all beta testers for NW3?
Most of them were, but it's mostly them actively supporting the mod by using it (and which I appreciate btw, thanks to those who wear it).
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by JackGriffin »

I do it because I'm a fanboi :tu:
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by UTPe »

KeeperUTX wrote:@UTPe: Beh. Those are boring. Along with that they made my UT crash several times... :mad2:
ahahah :mrgreen:
sorry, I never had a problem with these mods
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by Dr.Flay »

Agent-X is a nice small real-world mini-mod (most are large total-mods), but it needs fixing.
look at your log after using it and you would never run it on a server! many many errors (I wanted to use a few of the weapons in a map, but gave up)

The old BUF pack has a few weapons which are fun to use.
Most of the good ones are stand-alone, so look through the weapons folder at http://www.UT-Files.com.
Stupid-weapons was a fun pack, maybe I can find that again.
I'll try and remember to grab a list of my weapons archive.

And yeah even though I did some testing, It's just 'cause it's so damned good (they even feel nice in original Unreal).
And I will be adding the FOOD FIGHT sig, when the time comes (when dinner is served !)
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by EvilGrins »

Somewhere out there is a weapons package where one of the weapons in it is Thor's hammer.
Don't know what it is, but the thing throws a mean lightning bolt attack!
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by KeeperUTX »

You're referring to Unreal4EverUT, EG. Thor's hammer was a crazy weapon to use since you could do thunder jumps, Pikachu style :D But since yer all mentionin' U4E, methinks I'll go an' put my Draco2 costume on again :)
Image This is Eevee, a ferocious creature that never relents in tracking its meal. It will lead you to ruin, and when it does, it will finish you.
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by Blade hunter »

It's a nice thread too bad I haven't posted in there most of the nice weapon packs have been suggested.

I'd like to add PerUnreal, at least for its minigun and rock launcher, the single player mod Legacy, it has a funky disk and flamethrower, as for my fav packs I tend to like

U4e, NW3, Chaos UT, Apocalypse weapons, I also like Dark Magic

Some honorable metions to Rampancy, Stingray, Sin2UT and that weapon pack with a sort of duke nukem chaingun and quake 3 plasma gun

and for the more realistic packs I'd say the early version of TO, Inf2.75 (the mut) Combat zone, Covert Ops, Nights edge

Using stuffswapper you can get a lot of things and cross mods, I wish some weapon pack will add a bazillion of weapons, at least a great compilation of more or less classic video game weapons in a refined manner (ie for example a railgun having more or less the refined features of the more or less classic versions of railguns) also original concepts, etc... this didn't happened as for me Unreal4Ever was more or less what had that in mind for the most part, Cut feels more like an add on to UT, and NW3 was more a different take about what maximum carnage can be done as an own take over an arena shooter's arsenal I also love how a lot of weapons were about being an effect weapon, like ice fire gravity lightning, and the large number of ultimates.
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Re: Weapon pack suggestions, anyone?

Post by papercoffee »

@Blade hunter Last post was from Dec 28, 2012
Please avoid to necrobump threads older than 3 months. House-Rules
You can easily open a new thread and mention this one with a link.