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How can you check the opengl version?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:33 pm
by rsbloom44
Is there some way of checking which version you are using?

Re: How can you check the opengl version?

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:22 am
by Dr.Flay
Look in the UT system folder for the file "Detected.log"
You should just grab a copy of the latest one from the official site anyway (unless you use ATI or intel, then use the new D3D9, 10 or 11).
Feel free to use my tweaked INT config files with any of the new renderers.

Re: How can you check the opengl version?

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:43 am
by rsbloom44
Thanks for the reply. Under Detected.log I don't see which version of opengl. I'm curious to know the exact version I'm using. It's one of Chris Dohnal's I just wanted to check the version. There used to be servers that you entered that would display that information as soon as you joined, but I can't find any.

Re: How can you check the opengl version?

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 7:08 pm
by Dr.Flay
Ah, yes my mistake. It only reports your hardware compatibility via the basic D3D renderer (which it does report the version of).
I just checked the main log and that only reports the GL version of your windows driver.
Possibly if UT can be told to do the detection via the GL renderer, it will show the version number.

Some developers do not include version info, so there may be nothing to view.
Try opening it in hex mode with Irfanview, or use a coders text-editor (notepad will do, but it struggles with large amounts of text)

Re: How can you check the opengl version?

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:53 am
by rsbloom44
Hmm I downloaded that program to open it up, but couldn't find the version number. Thanks for the help anyways. If anyone else knows a method I'm still looking.

Re: How can you check the opengl version?

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:18 am
by Dr.Flay
I just had a skim through the DLL myself.
Didn't find a version number in the newest one.

I'll probably have another poke around, but in the mean-time, just make sure you have the 3.6 version, by installing it from here.

Re: How can you check the opengl version?

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:58 pm
by Shadow
Chris didn't use version numbers internally in the code as far as I knew. It's just an outside version number for people downloading it to know it's a changed version. Uff... seems like I should include version numbers for my render drivers...

Re: How can you check the opengl version?

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:22 pm

Re: How can you check the opengl version?

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:40 pm
by Dr.Flay
Yes, I agree Shadow.
I think internal version strings are important.
If it is in the standard windows format for DLLs etc. then users will be able to right-click and look at the properties.
Clean and simple for users, and for support.
If it can dump the version info into the log (Like the basic D3D renderer) when initialising, that would be great.

Re: How can you check the opengl version?

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:55 pm
by Shadow
Yeah that's no big deal. I'll include the base render driver version of Chris' driver too. So it reads like "UTGLR Version 3.7 - SDK OpenGL Version 1.0"

Re: How can you check the opengl version?

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:16 pm
by Dr.Flay
Top idea ! :tu: