I'm sorry it was so quiet. You can hardly hear me say hello to you all.
I should have watched before uploading, but I went straight back outside to finish my coffee and smoke
My posting was entirely inspired by 2 things. Kelly's vids of enjoying life outside, and Hook's thread at the ship "HUTP - MEMBERS REVEAL Thread - PICTURES Also!".
It was supposed to be a low-key hello to my Unreal friends, but I forgot my Vimeo account is linked to my Facebook and twitter, so I actually ended up spamming it everywhere! Doh!
All these years of being an enigma online, and I end up spamming it !
At least I kept the shades on.
BTW. The technical term for what I am wearing is "Bad-ass-biker-bug-shields"
GEx my friend, you re-paid any debt you feel you owe, by being the first person to create a new page at "Your Unreal".
I help people to help themselves, so that they can help others, thus creating a never-ending chain.
ASLYE702, Me a hippy?
Well yup, my closest friends either call me "hippy", "Mippy" or "Doc".
Loathsome, I doubt I'd annoy you unless you did not like my Lord and Master "Rob Zombie". I am listening to the new album quite a lot, and due to the recent death of Jeff, I have been listening to all my Slayer and mashups.
I am between bikes now (for too many years)
Cornwall is perfect for motor-bikes, so there are a lot of us here
Pietro "Dude".. Duuude, Dude, Dooooooood..... (Sorry I am reminded of the "Dude" scene in the film "BASEketball")..Dood !
Oh yes Frag, I love it at my Mums cottage. The down-side is that the pub next-door is often full of racist red-necks
You can see all my Mums neighbours in the street-view from 1 spot !

Man I am so-rockstar

, that (hed) Planet Earth wanted to take me on the rest of their tour after the played Falmouth

They were a fun bunch back-stage.
I often get to go back-stage at gigs and hang-out in the changing-rooms. I always forget to get photos, but there are a few.
One of the roadies with "Eagles of Death Metal" took my camera and got some photos of me having a drink in a bar with the singer "Boots" (Lovely chap. A huge Pink Floyd and Beatles fan, and he told me a secret story

I think they may be posted on my Facebook page. (Yup
Here's me meeting a rock hero of mine "Chriss Goss" of "The Masters of Reality"
http://my.opera.com/dr-flay/albums/show ... e=12547138
I'm going to have to stop now, before I annoy everyone with a massive post again,
But Hi, Higor and bonjour Medor

hehe I love rhymes so I had to say them together