Nyan Cat Deemer
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Re: Nyan Cat Deemer
Hi Rocky,
finally I tested your update of Nyan Cat Demeer (unfortunately I have a long to-do list...), it works fine, there are no more lag effects during explosion !
As you think to update, soon or later, the mutator I would like to know if you thought about skinning also the redeemer weapon itself by adding a logo of Nyan Cat or something similar.

This image was posted some time ago by Evilgrins on FragFinity forum, it seems a very interesting feature to add to the Nyan mutator.
finally I tested your update of Nyan Cat Demeer (unfortunately I have a long to-do list...), it works fine, there are no more lag effects during explosion !

As you think to update, soon or later, the mutator I would like to know if you thought about skinning also the redeemer weapon itself by adding a logo of Nyan Cat or something similar.

This image was posted some time ago by Evilgrins on FragFinity forum, it seems a very interesting feature to add to the Nyan mutator.
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Re: Nyan Cat Deemer
Glad that worked for you 
Btw NyanCat is open source. You can edit whatever you want. If you still want me to change the weapon texture, then I am ready.

Btw NyanCat is open source. You can edit whatever you want. If you still want me to change the weapon texture, then I am ready.
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Re: Nyan Cat Deemer
I never skinned a weapon but I can try and give you the texture, at the moment my UScript abilities are quite limitedRocky wrote:Glad that worked for you
Btw NyanCat is open source. You can edit whatever you want. If you still want me to change the weapon texture, then I am ready.

Yesterday I've thought about another feature that could be added later: arena gameplay !

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Re: Nyan Cat Deemer
Ok ...Evil Grins hacked UTPe's account ...don't do that ever again.UTPe wrote: Yesterday I've thought about another feature that could be added later: arena gameplay !...think about a bunch of crazy explosive cats flying around the map...awesome !

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Re: Nyan Cat Deemer
Nyan Cat Deemer actually is not setup to be played in arena mode, anyway you can use Arena Match mutator by Wormbo (http://www.koehler-homepage.de/Wormbo/ArenaMatch.html)
But you have to add the blue line in the current .INT file:
Object=(Name=NyanCatDeemer.NyanReplacer,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="Nyan Cat Deemer,Replaces Redeemer with Nyan Cat Deemer.")
Object=(Name=NyanCatDeemer.NyanCatDeemer,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.TournamentWeapon,Description="Nyan Cat Deemer")
now, you can get your maps full of nuclear cats flying around !
But you have to add the blue line in the current .INT file:
Object=(Name=NyanCatDeemer.NyanReplacer,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="Nyan Cat Deemer,Replaces Redeemer with Nyan Cat Deemer.")
Object=(Name=NyanCatDeemer.NyanCatDeemer,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.TournamentWeapon,Description="Nyan Cat Deemer")
now, you can get your maps full of nuclear cats flying around !

Personal map database: http://www.ut99maps.net
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"These are the days that we will return to one day in the future only in memories." (The Midnight)
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Re: Nyan Cat Deemer
sorry for double posting but this is not a simple edit of my previous reply. I've been keeping on working on the modded version of Nyan Cat Deemer (NCD), finally I publish a new version of the mutator, god bless xmas holidays !
In my last post, I wrote NCD was not setup to be played in arena mode, this feature could be achieved through Arena Match by Wormbo and modifying .INT file. Now, this version of the mutator, called NyanCatDeemerMiniV2_ArenaMod, can host arena mode without the need of external mutators.
link: https://www.mediafire.com/?48pmn3mvhe1cyar
The mutator host 2 basic game modes (classic mode and arena mode) and also includes an optional telefrag mutator copied from TeleBonus uscript code by Anthrax (I asked him the permission to use his code into this new version of NCD), which can be used in arena mode. See .int file:
Object=(Name=NyanCatDeemerMiniv2_ArenaMod.NyanReplacer,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="Nyan Cat Deemer Mini v2, Replaces Redeemer with Nyan Cat Deemer Mini v2")
Object=(Name=NyanCatDeemerMiniv2_ArenaMod.NyanCatDeemer,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.TournamentWeapon,Description="Nyan Cat Deemer Mini v2")
Object=(Name=NyanCatDeemerMiniv2_ArenaMod.NyanArena,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="Nyan Cat Deemer Mini v2 Arena, Replaces all weapons with Nyan Cat Deemer Mini v2")
Object=(Name=NyanCatDeemerMiniv2_ArenaMod.TeleBonusMut,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="Nyan Cat Deemer Mini v2 Arena - TeleBonus, Rewards players for telefrags")
changes from previous version:
- arena mode with translocator (if it's present in the game config)
- more config params (including those for telefragging)
- colored textures for deemer shockwave in TDM gameplay (up to 4 colors)
- custom textures for deemer shockwave in DM gameplay, classic skin colors and standard colors (pink, purple, mimetic yellow, gray normal and gray mimetic)
- cat-like ammo with pickup sound
I suggest you to use these params to get a crazy full-colored match (I like much pink shockwaves !):

some notes:
1) ammo are limited for obvious reasons: spamming nuclear cats all over the map is totally no-sense.
2) translocator has been added to demeer arena mode to render the gameplay more interesting and lower (only) a bit the kill-rate: players can run away more easily and at the same time they can telefrag their enemies (+2 for a telefrag and -1 for the player telefragged by default).
Finally, a big thank you to Rocky again for his work on NCD and Anthrax for letting me use his code.
Maybe in the next weeks, I will setup a NCD Arena Open Night for the UT99 community on ISC Server (up to 32 slots).
PS: eh eh, Evil Grins did not hack my account, this time it's only me !
sorry for double posting but this is not a simple edit of my previous reply. I've been keeping on working on the modded version of Nyan Cat Deemer (NCD), finally I publish a new version of the mutator, god bless xmas holidays !

In my last post, I wrote NCD was not setup to be played in arena mode, this feature could be achieved through Arena Match by Wormbo and modifying .INT file. Now, this version of the mutator, called NyanCatDeemerMiniV2_ArenaMod, can host arena mode without the need of external mutators.
link: https://www.mediafire.com/?48pmn3mvhe1cyar
The mutator host 2 basic game modes (classic mode and arena mode) and also includes an optional telefrag mutator copied from TeleBonus uscript code by Anthrax (I asked him the permission to use his code into this new version of NCD), which can be used in arena mode. See .int file:
Object=(Name=NyanCatDeemerMiniv2_ArenaMod.NyanReplacer,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="Nyan Cat Deemer Mini v2, Replaces Redeemer with Nyan Cat Deemer Mini v2")
Object=(Name=NyanCatDeemerMiniv2_ArenaMod.NyanCatDeemer,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.TournamentWeapon,Description="Nyan Cat Deemer Mini v2")
Object=(Name=NyanCatDeemerMiniv2_ArenaMod.NyanArena,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="Nyan Cat Deemer Mini v2 Arena, Replaces all weapons with Nyan Cat Deemer Mini v2")
Object=(Name=NyanCatDeemerMiniv2_ArenaMod.TeleBonusMut,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="Nyan Cat Deemer Mini v2 Arena - TeleBonus, Rewards players for telefrags")
changes from previous version:
- arena mode with translocator (if it's present in the game config)
- more config params (including those for telefragging)
- colored textures for deemer shockwave in TDM gameplay (up to 4 colors)
- custom textures for deemer shockwave in DM gameplay, classic skin colors and standard colors (pink, purple, mimetic yellow, gray normal and gray mimetic)
- cat-like ammo with pickup sound
I suggest you to use these params to get a crazy full-colored match (I like much pink shockwaves !):

some notes:
1) ammo are limited for obvious reasons: spamming nuclear cats all over the map is totally no-sense.
2) translocator has been added to demeer arena mode to render the gameplay more interesting and lower (only) a bit the kill-rate: players can run away more easily and at the same time they can telefrag their enemies (+2 for a telefrag and -1 for the player telefragged by default).
Finally, a big thank you to Rocky again for his work on NCD and Anthrax for letting me use his code.
Maybe in the next weeks, I will setup a NCD Arena Open Night for the UT99 community on ISC Server (up to 32 slots).
PS: eh eh, Evil Grins did not hack my account, this time it's only me !

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Re: Nyan Cat Deemer
Your last post was Mar 19, 2014
Your new post is Jan 04, 2015 ... this no double post pal.
Your new post is Jan 04, 2015 ... this no double post pal.

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Re: Nyan Cat Deemer
I found a bug I didn't notice before 
for some reasons I've still to understand, the mutator works in a different way on local game and server: on local game, Nyan Cat Deemer ammos look like cats (see picture) while on server these ammos are not displayed even though they are still present in the map (you can hear anyway the pickup sound effect and, obviously, ammo counting works)

a final note:
if you play with all items/bonuses, beware of invisibility...Nyan Cat Deemer, when teleguided, is able to track also invisible players, they are tagged like all other players so don't think to run away from these lethal cats

for some reasons I've still to understand, the mutator works in a different way on local game and server: on local game, Nyan Cat Deemer ammos look like cats (see picture) while on server these ammos are not displayed even though they are still present in the map (you can hear anyway the pickup sound effect and, obviously, ammo counting works)

a final note:
if you play with all items/bonuses, beware of invisibility...Nyan Cat Deemer, when teleguided, is able to track also invisible players, they are tagged like all other players so don't think to run away from these lethal cats

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"These are the days that we will return to one day in the future only in memories." (The Midnight)
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Re: Nyan Cat Deemer
Rofl. I'll take a look at it later and see what I can do to see if anything is wrong. 

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Re: Nyan Cat Deemer
I updated Nyan Cat Deemer Arena mutator with a new version, v4.
what's new ? new sounds, new nyan ammo can models (see screenshot), new earthquake ingame effect...much fun !

NyanCatDeemerMiniv4_ArenaMod: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ulhue ... enaMod.zip
I'm sorry but source code is not included in the zip package, unfortunately I deleted it but at the moment I'm working on a new version of the mutator so I will add all source code next time.
I updated Nyan Cat Deemer Arena mutator with a new version, v4.
what's new ? new sounds, new nyan ammo can models (see screenshot), new earthquake ingame effect...much fun !

NyanCatDeemerMiniv4_ArenaMod: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ulhue ... enaMod.zip
I'm sorry but source code is not included in the zip package, unfortunately I deleted it but at the moment I'm working on a new version of the mutator so I will add all source code next time.
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Re: Nyan Cat Deemer
Meow! ^^
I'll have to try it out one of these days, nice work!
I'll have to try it out one of these days, nice work!

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Re: Nyan Cat Deemer
It hasn't been long enough in the UT4 thread for it not to be a double-post, so this has GOTTA BE SHARED here!
NyanCat-deemer has come to UT4!
Available here · https://forums.unrealtournament.com/sho ... NyanDeemer
NyanCat-deemer has come to UT4!
Available here · https://forums.unrealtournament.com/sho ... NyanDeemer
· http://unreal-games.livejournal.com/
· https://unrealarchive.org/authors/evilgrins.html
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· https://x.com/EvilGrinsIsBack
· https://unrealarchive.org/authors/evilgrins.html
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Smilies · https://ut99.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=13758medor wrote:Replace Skaarj with EvilGrins
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Re: Nyan Cat Deemer
thanks EvilGrins for posting this, for unknown reasons I missed your post 
what can I say ? a legendary mutator returns, this time reloaded with the power of Unreal Engine 4 (did you notice the explosion effects ? niceeeeeeeeeee)
I'm working on an updated version of Nyan Cat Deemer, hope to have happy news later...

what can I say ? a legendary mutator returns, this time reloaded with the power of Unreal Engine 4 (did you notice the explosion effects ? niceeeeeeeeeee)
I'm working on an updated version of Nyan Cat Deemer, hope to have happy news later...

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"These are the days that we will return to one day in the future only in memories." (The Midnight)
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Re: Nyan Cat Deemer
You have got some competition now UTPe, as I am too working on a Nyan Cat launcher, and I sort of managed to replicate those colorful shards seen on the UT4 version, now I just need a good Nyan Cat model, create some extra effects and I will release it.