Hooks redeemer server

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Hooks redeemer server

Post by JackGriffin »

I received a PM from Hook requesting source code for a mod I was working on and I replied no. I've been asked why by a couple of people now so I want to explain myself.

A while back I had a test server up and I was working on implementing some changes into Hooks redeemer gametype. The server was never public and I took strict measures to control access because the versions on there were by no means finished. I gave Hook FTP access so he could look at the logs while I was developing.

So one day I'm looking at the FTP logs, banning those damn Chinese attackers you always get on your port 21, when I notice that Hook was downloading things out of my test server. These were mods I had worked on in the past, project stuff that was obviously private and had nothing to do with what we were doing. I immediately shut things down and stopped working on the mod. If you can't respect my private work then we won't have much of a relationship. At least ask first, that's the proper thing.

So I get a PM from him yesterday and he wants the source code for what I was working on. It appears he took the private mod I had on my test server and put it on his public deemer server. This work was very unfinished and I'd appreciate it if you removed it from your server. I did not consent to that and that's twice now you've done that with me. I told you a couple of months back it needed to be removed and you ignored me so now I'm going a bit more public with my concerns. I gave you access and you used that to get something that I wasn't done with. That's uncool Hook.

Get my unfinished stuff off your server. Don't be so desperate for that 'next new thing' that you cross the line of good taste. I give people anything they ask for and had you just asked before taking I'd have given you most anything you wanted. I never gave you (or anyone else) that version to use publicly. It has huge security issues since I hadn't secured the mod and I'll be happy to show you how bad if you continue to run it.

Also I periodically watch for the stuff you downloaded to show up. Don't ever let it.
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Re: Hooks redeemer server

Post by EvilGrins »

Any chance we're just dealing with a simple misunderstanding? You said you were working on something for him, maybe he didn't grasp it wasn't done or that you had it available for him to access?

Just trying to ease off the drama before it starts... most big conflicts start over really tiny things.

How long ago did you start this before you noticed him transferring? Time might be a factor... was it much before your recent health issues?

I'm glad you're back in the game, so to speak, but for awhile there it looked like you were going to be gone for good. Maybe he was just trying to get what you started on before you were gone. Does Hook know you're not pulling up stakes and leaving anymore?

Just my .02¢
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Re: Hooks redeemer server

Post by UnrealGGecko »

I agree with Mr. Grins, it can't be all that bad, I hope that you and Hook solve this ASAP. I also found this thread at his place, are they connected?
http://hooksutplace.freeforums.org/view ... f=9&t=2013
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Re: Hooks redeemer server

Post by Dr.Flay »

We need to clarify the mods in question.
Hook claims that you were aware they were running fine on the public servers for months.
As this work was intended for use by Hook on his servers, so is in some way a Kelly/Hook product.
I can see a level of assumption being made on what rights were allowed.

Can you show any correspondence over the period that shows your request for take-down ?

We may have to agree on a code of conduct, like we do in professional projects.
It may be safest in future to include a standard document with all pre-release work.
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Re: Hooks redeemer server

Post by EvilGrins »

Actually this might work better to simplify instead of clarify.

Mods, whichever they were aside, aren't the issue. Let's just simply say there was a hole in a cloud of the information between them.

If we try to show what went wrong where then blame can be assigned. Forget the blame, dodge the drama. Let's just take it from where it is now, shunt any anger aside, and try to make something a bit more positive between their interaction.

*hippie mode*
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Re: Hooks redeemer server

Post by papercoffee »

I hope both will solve this issue and calm down again.

I close this thread for now. If someone wants to update and shed any light on this matter... PM me.