UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - v2.0 Final

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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4

Post by sektor2111 »

Better see "TournamentPlayer" used...

PlayerPawn from Unreal is not the same as PlayerPawn from UT. UT2U1 takes in account TournamentPlayer not other "PlayerPawn" type so it doesn't work as PVS said... but it do works with XCGE by default...
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4

Post by MrLoathsome »

This is indeed the next thing I need to test with this. (As well as making sure removing the bAlwaysActivate setting doesn't screw something...)

I have only tested the U1 bots with this stuff in the UT sandbox for a few days now.
No tests with U1 Gametypes under UT yet here. PVS is doing that for me. :highfive:

No online tests yet with current dev. versions. (Time....)
Offline no problems noticed with either players, bots or Skaarj using U1 or UT weapons.
Except in a few cases. I seen some Skaarj pickup a Redeemer, but they are too stupid to fire it. That is another story....
Haven't even tried a test where I actually set a Redeemer to be the Skaarj's default weapon. Maybe they use it better then?
Probably not. It is on the test list. (Low on the list. If I get a Skaarj to fire redeemers, you just won't want to be on that level.....)

Will try to adjust it to work with ALL PlayerPawn types, on and offline.
(Then it will work with everything, including XCGE.)
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4

Post by sektor2111 »

MrLoathsome wrote: If I get a Skaarj to fire redeemers, you just won't want to be on that level.....
That is happening already in MH5.04, it was a little trick to do, aside, I forgot to afraid of them while I'm shooting their missiles and or watching them dying... :mrgreen:
In other case SHuman(s) and NsSkaarj types have no issue with Redeemer, it's a perfect practice session.
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4

Post by PVS »

MrLoathsome wrote:Are you setting the UT2U1.ini variable bU1GunFix=True?
I'm never switched it to "False", for me it always "True" in SP or online tests. Tell me - what's wrong if use bU1GunFix=True in SP? I'm not see that something is working not properly and in log is nothing wrong also. Then, why need this extra ini-file in UT directory? :)
Technically possible to have 2 separate mutators in list for one UT2U1.u file? Is better than have ini with only one option in it, in my opinion. "Loathsomes UT Tweak for SP" and "Loathsomes UT Tweak for server", for example. Plug where you want, and never forget about the option in ini. But, if not possible to have 2 separate mutators in list for one UT2U1.u - it is a different matter, then it is better to have ini.
sektor2111 wrote:Better see "TournamentPlayer" used...
I also think that the problem is somewhere in this direction, but I am a little mistake in the previous message, now I checked again and situation is as follows:

1. if to server on UT game type (DeathMatchPlus) with UT2U1 -> join client and have any U1 player skin -> player skin for client force switched to some "default" UT skin and any U1/UT weapons working for him.
2. if to server on U1 game type (DeathMatchGame) with UT2U1 -> join client and have any U1 player skin -> client have U1 skin in game, but U1 weapon not working for him. If server used UT-map with UT weapons - client have U1 skin in game and UT-weapon normal working for him.
3. if to server on U1 game type (DeathMatchGame) with UT2U1 -> join client and have any UT player skin -> client have UT skin in game and any U1/UT weapons normal working for him.

Again UnrealShare.DeathmatchGame, I know, I know... Also, using with U1 DeathMatchGame UT-maps and weapons - not good idea, I see what works poorly in online, I did it only for tests.

MrLoathsome, you see for yourself - it is necessary or not for UT2U1, maybe not waste your time, because I agree - to very few people will be use this game type. At the moment I found the way out - WTriggerer by sektor2111, it work fine for me at any situations.
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4

Post by sektor2111 »

PVS wrote:Again UnrealShare.DeathmatchGame, I know, I know... Also, using with U1 DeathMatchGame UT-maps and weapons - not good idea, I see what works poorly in online, I did it only for tests.
Man, just relax, there is no problem, we can speak about these techs with no worries, perhaps a bit of fine tuning is required in order to make it more nicer.
Wtriggerer - being server-side might happily receive updates because it is not necessary for server-packages - yes, it is addressing PlayerPawn because... Playerpawn in UT has problems not only TournamentPlayer...
However it will try to keep items in map, probably some mutators will have troubles with it...
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4

Post by MrLoathsome »

Well I made some mods to UT2U1. Have the current "Test" version bundled with the
SparmSpawn_v2.0 UT99 Preview Release III.

It is even smaller and faster than before, and now works with OldSkool coopgame2 online. (I think,still testing that....)
No longer references TournamentPlayer.

Note the bU1GunFix is still an option. It does exactly what it is supposed to do, which only to fix the firing bug
when using default UnrealShare/UnrealI U1 guns on a UT server. For all other cases, just leave it false.

If the presence of this small ini file that contains 1 line is an issue, and you are never setting that variable to be True, you can
just delete the UT2U1.ini file since False is the default.

Test it and let me know if any of the changes cause new problems or fix old ones.
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Re: UT2U1 -Unreal Actors in UT games..... Alpha/Beta/Test

Post by MrLoathsome »

JackGriffin wrote:I remember this error and fixing it online Loath. I wanted to import the default disruptor gun from U1 and for it to be able to upgrade with the pickups correctly. I got it to work easily but the gun even with max improvements still was not anywhere near powerful enough for MH so I discarded it.

I like this idea of funneling UT and Unreal closer together. It's a shame we can't get them together any better than it currently is done.
Hey! I am making 2 double posts and quoting a 3 year old post! Yay! :loool:


I think I am making some progress in this area.....
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4

Post by JackGriffin »

I'll admit I have not been following much of anything but I'm interested. Tell me what I need to do and I'll put this on my coop server for testing and send you the logs.
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4

Post by MrLoathsome »

Well for U1/227 servers, the UT2U1 should not even be needed, but might do something for you if it even loads.

If you still have any UT99 servers running, just put UT2U1.UT2U1 in your server startup line.
As mentioned, the bU1GunFix ONLY needs to be set true if you have DEFAULT U1 guns on a UT server.

Thats it.
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4

Post by PVS »

Now everything is fine! For U1 DeathMatchGame: items not auto activated and U1 weapons work with U1 player skins in netgame. Let you know, if I see something wrong during the tests in U1 games.
I'm a bit testing UT game types too - not see what something wrong working for me in this time. I think, in UT games are more likely - what everything should work in UT2U1.
sektor2111 wrote:Man, just relax, there is no problem, we can speak about these techs with no worries, perhaps a bit of fine tuning is required in order to make it more nicer.
No problem, into the account of U1 game types in UT - something got me interested there, but I just do not understand - why it is still not done for the UT? Maybe this is not possible or difficult? I've never work with UScript before, now I looked in UT436 ScriptSource and seems to me, what change the work old U1 game types in UT - quite possible via only UScript, at least - I want to try for myself.

I'm probably going to ask another funny question - why we can not connect from UT to Ureal servers? :)
Maybe somewhere possible to read the information about this task, I have not found at this time.
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4

Post by sektor2111 »

PVS wrote:I'm probably going to ask another funny question - why we can not connect from UT to Ureal servers? :)
I found such a... package allowing UT player in U1 server even mentioning some address. Then... I could not get into that server - perhaps was down, and until I'll see that with my eyes I won't believe any Voodoo Magic like that. U1 is UnrealEngine1 - very closer to UT but it doesn't match exactly in all points, it would be needed some tweaks which were claimed DONE but I WANT to see facts not stories.
If anyone has an U1 server able to support UT player I want an Address not a story...
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4

Post by PVS »

I'm understood, thanks. What happens if try the other side - UT server for Unreal client, for example - run UT server in UnrealShare.DeathmatchGame mode? I suppose the answer is obvious - as impossible too...
I have tried to do so - does not connect, something like "Connect to Index.unr" and nothing happens. Clearly that not all that easy in this matter...
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4

Post by JackGriffin »

sektor2111 wrote: If anyone has an U1 server able to support UT player I want an Address not a story...
Dots did this as a proof of concept. I think Zombie did it also but I know for sure Dots had a server running that anyone could join.
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4

Post by MrLoathsome »

PVS wrote:I'm understood, thanks. What happens if try the other side - UT server for Unreal client, for example - run UT server in UnrealShare.DeathmatchGame mode? I suppose the answer is obvious - as impossible too...
I have tried to do so - does not connect, something like "Connect to Index.unr" and nothing happens. Clearly that not all that easy in this matter...
This falls into the category of "Things I haven't tested".

It might be possible with a new gametype, but a mutator ain't gonna do that. Pretty sure.

Since you seem to be looking at things close, look at the source for TournamentPlayer vs PlayerPawn.
Compare the UnrealShare weapons to the Botpack TournamentWeapons.
Then compare the U1 and UT gametype classes.

UT2U1 fixes many incompatibilities with the minimum code required, but some of the things you are trying would require
fixes at the gametype level.

I might be wrong, but I don't think I am.

Better coders than me have tried before, as Jack pointed out.....
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - v2.0 Final

Post by Rubie »

Hi every that reads this :)

I just did not knew where to post what I wanted to ask and found by keyword search this topic here :)

I did read about the fasttrace monsters and bots use and so they can look trough doors (movers).
My question = can this be fixed if you run a dedicated coop server on the UT platform with a script or is there an existing mod that fix this weird situation on servers.
Monster do see players thats a fact and even if they shoot and players are too close from the mover they will been hit by shockrifle or eightball and flakcannon.
We are busy to write the Gametype for UT99 so maybe if exist we can import it to the gametype ? :)
I'm not a good (bad) scripter so pls if you have a solution explain me into details.


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