UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - v2.0 Final
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak
Hello. For the last 2-3 years I've been playing all the custom single player and coop packs and maps for Unreal that I can get my hands on, with a friend, on a listen server that I host using Oldskool's coop gametype (oldskool.coopgame2). We've had troubles with packs that have customized weapons (like Dots's 97/98 Unreal Beta maps coverted for 225, RTNP-UE, Stargate Talisman SE, and others), because in those games the player who is not on the hosting machine, who joins the game, can pick up the customized weapons but they will not fire. (Also, if the second player enters ghost or fly mode, they are unable to return to proper "walk" mode after that...)[]KAOS[]Casey wrote: Well, I mostly finished what I said I'd do. http://www.klankaos.com/NewSchool.zip
What this does do:
Replaces TournamentPlayers with classes that can use non-tournament weapons.
Fixes fly/ghost->walk bugs such as falling to ground after walk and no bSimFall updates.
Should allow full functionality of all Unreal1 weapon mods to work.
Make oldskool look like bloated trash
Usage: map.unr?mutator=NewSchool.NSBaseMutator
If you have any problems, tell me. The ini has a few minor configurable options, like nuking the base mutator in case a particular gametype is problematic. Custom gametypes that replace playerpawns will break this and will not work. Just steal the fix from the code and put it in other stuff.
If I get unlazy I'll add in UnrealIplayer equvilants, but for now it's tournamentplayer only. You can use Unrealshare.coopgame for the original{nearly, obviously.} U1 Coop experience with little to no hacks as possible.
So I'm very much looking forward to testing out the "NewSchool.NSBaseMutator" mutator with the Unrealshare.coopgame game type. I assume what I'll need to do is to disable OldSkool Amp'd on my computer, and then in the console type something like "open nyleve?game=Unrealshare.coopgame?mutator=NewSchool.NSBaseMutator" - does that sound about right? And then will my friend be able to join by disabling OldSkool on his machine and then using the "Multiplayer>Open Location" menu option in UT99? Thanks for letting me know if I am on the right track!
Also, a strange behavior that I've noticed when using the NewSchool.NSBaseMutator mutator with the unrealshare.singleplayer or unrealshare.coopgame gametypes (or seemingly with just about any gametype) is that it seems to disable some parts of the voicepack for my player. I tried reverting to what I assume were some default player type settings (class: Male Soldier, Skin: Soldier, Voice: Male One) but when I use the jump key, or take damage, or die, my player doesn't grunt or make any of the usual noises. Oddly enough, when I'm drowning or getting bit by biterfish then I do make the "glub glub" noise, and if I type "speech 2 3 0" in the console then my player does say "Cover Me!" in the correct voice. So it's an odd glitch, and I was wondering if you have any suggestions about how to get those jumping/getting hurt/dying sounds working again, with the NewSchool.NSBaseMutator mutator?
Sorry to ask a long semi-off-topic question about Casey's mutator in a thread dedicated to Loathsome's very awesome sounding mutator - which I am also quite interested in learning more about, for non-coop purposes. So I don't mean to hijack the thread - It's just that Casey's mutator doesn't have its own thread, and this seems to be the only place it is being discussed...
Thanks to anyone who can help with my questions!

- Inhuman
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
You should try using this UT2U1 mutator with coopgame2. There is a chance it might fix the problem with the guns not firing.
Try it an let me know. (I did not actually do that test....)
I am pretty sure UT2U1 is done, and will not be updated.
In the event that I do any more new gametypes, they will probably have the same code integrated with them.
Try it an let me know. (I did not actually do that test....)
I am pretty sure UT2U1 is done, and will not be updated.
In the event that I do any more new gametypes, they will probably have the same code integrated with them.
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
Thanks for the suggestion! The only reason I didn't try that out before was that I got the impression from your previous remarks (quoted below) that the UT2U1 mutator might not work with coop game types...MrLoathsome wrote:You should try using this UT2U1 mutator with coopgame2. There is a chance it might fix the problem with the guns not firing.
So what I just did now was to start up a few coop sessions (with myself as the only player), using alternately the unrealshare.coopgame and oldskool.coopgame2 gametypes, in conjunction with the UT2U1 mutator, and I was delighted to see that everything seemed to work quite well for me under both gametypes. As with the NewSchool mutator, the Beta weapons worked fine for me with UT2U1, but unlike with NewSchool, I didn't lose any of the voicepack sounds for player "grunts" when jumping, getting hurt, or dying. So that seems promising. I'll just need to wait until my friend has a free moment to join in and see if the Beta weapons will work for him as well, in the coop session.MrLoathsome wrote:this UT2U1 thing is attempting to make all the Unreal content other than SP maps work in the default UT and various other
custom gametypes. (If they don't mess with the basemutator....) Everything EXCEPT coopgames.
So given the bad stuff I've been reading in this thread about OldSkool, I guess my order of preference would be to try to get coop working with the beta weapons for both players under these conditions:
(1) ?game=unrealshare.coopgame?mutator=UT2U1.UT2U1 -- top choice, hopefully keeping the player "grunt" sounds working and avoiding OldSkool altogether
(2) ?game=oldskool.coopgame2?mutator=UT2U1.UT2U1 -- hoping the "grunt" sounds will still work, and that the OldSkool problems (failure to "walk" after ghost/fly) don't reappear for the 2nd player
(3) ?game=unrealshare.coopgame?mutator=NewSchool.NSBaseMutator -- hoping that everything *except* the "grunt" sounds will work for both players
(4) ?game=oldskool.coopgame2?mutator=NewSchool.NSBaseMutator -- hoping the Beta weapons will work and that OldSkool won't present too many problems; assume no "grunt" sounds
I'll let you know what results we get, once we get a chance to do some multiplayer testing with the different mutators, under the different coop game types!
Thanks to both of you (Loathsome and Casey) for sharing these valuable mutators with the community!
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
Success! I played through a few maps of the Unreal Beta '97/'98 map pack (converted for Unreal 225 by .:..: aka Dots) with my friend today, using the UT2U1 mutator under the unrealshare.coopgame game type (I was hosting a listen server), and all the Beta weapons worked for both players, and all of the sounds functioned normally as well!
I started the game with something like this:
Open Vortex3?Game=unrealshare.coopgame?Mutator=UT2U1.UT2U1,BFix.BFix,BetaStuff.BMutator
The one minor disappointment was that the client player still encountered the problem of not being able to revert back to "walk" mode properly after using the ghost/fly cheats. But that may be a separate issue, involving the use of S3TC hi-res textures (skating player bug)? I never figured out exactly how to resolve that. But it's not that important as the second player doesn't normally need to ghost/fly.
But it was amazing to get all of the weapons working for both players - many thanks to MrLoathsome for the mutator! (I also summoned some of the custom weapons from the Stargate Talisman SE map pack, from Upak/RTNP, and from Legacy by Ezkeel, and those all worked fine as well.) This will make replaying a number of those map packs a lot more fun for us!
I started the game with something like this:
Open Vortex3?Game=unrealshare.coopgame?Mutator=UT2U1.UT2U1,BFix.BFix,BetaStuff.BMutator
The one minor disappointment was that the client player still encountered the problem of not being able to revert back to "walk" mode properly after using the ghost/fly cheats. But that may be a separate issue, involving the use of S3TC hi-res textures (skating player bug)? I never figured out exactly how to resolve that. But it's not that important as the second player doesn't normally need to ghost/fly.
But it was amazing to get all of the weapons working for both players - many thanks to MrLoathsome for the mutator! (I also summoned some of the custom weapons from the Stargate Talisman SE map pack, from Upak/RTNP, and from Legacy by Ezkeel, and those all worked fine as well.) This will make replaying a number of those map packs a lot more fun for us!
- Inhuman
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
Cool cool. Thanks for testing that out.
Just need somebody to test it on a MonsterHunt server now.
Re: walk bug.
Chances are you are correct and it is related to the S3TC textures.
You could try taking those off the listen server, and have only the default textures on that machine.
S3TC should work fine on the other client PC.
Just need somebody to test it on a MonsterHunt server now.
Re: walk bug.
Chances are you are correct and it is related to the S3TC textures.
You could try taking those off the listen server, and have only the default textures on that machine.
S3TC should work fine on the other client PC.
- Godlike
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
MonsterHunt server should be fine, DMMutator shouldn't be doing any processing anyways.
My only concern is that some maps have OLWeapons preloaded in them...
My only concern is that some maps have OLWeapons preloaded in them...
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
I did hear somewhere ..."never use S3TC textures on a server (and never map with them)" this gems are client side only.MrLoathsome wrote: Re: walk bug.
Chances are you are correct and it is related to the S3TC textures.
You could try taking those off the listen server, and have only the default textures on that machine.
S3TC should work fine on the other client PC.
- Inhuman
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
OLWeapons should have no problems with this at all.Higor wrote:MonsterHunt server should be fine, DMMutator shouldn't be doing any processing anyways.
My only concern is that some maps have OLWeapons preloaded in them...
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
I'm sure you're right about that. I'm just attached to seeing the nice textures when I play, as the "host" of the listen server. Since my friend doesn't really need to ghost around if I can do it, we've just got used to living with that bug for the "client" player...MrLoathsome wrote:Re: walk bug.
Chances are you are correct and it is related to the S3TC textures.
You could try taking those off the listen server, and have only the default textures on that machine.
S3TC should work fine on the other client PC.
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
I can confirm that the UT2U1 mutator has no problems with OLWeapons, in singleplayer or in coop games.MrLoathsome wrote:OLWeapons should have no problems with this at all.Higor wrote:My only concern is that some maps have OLWeapons preloaded in them...
- Inhuman
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
Thanks for testing that.
The Weapons fix portion of this is optional anyway, and only needs to be set true if you are planing on playing with maps or
mutators that have guns which are having the no-fire issue in online play.
Worst thing that might happen if used with non-TournamentWeapons type guns that already have this fix in them is a few redundant lines
of code might execute.
And the OLWeapons are TournamentWeapons. If you are just using them you can probably set the bU1GunFix config variable to False.
But why would you do that when this will let you use the default UnrealI and UnrealShare weapons?
The Weapons fix portion of this is optional anyway, and only needs to be set true if you are planing on playing with maps or
mutators that have guns which are having the no-fire issue in online play.
Worst thing that might happen if used with non-TournamentWeapons type guns that already have this fix in them is a few redundant lines
of code might execute.
And the OLWeapons are TournamentWeapons. If you are just using them you can probably set the bU1GunFix config variable to False.
But why would you do that when this will let you use the default UnrealI and UnrealShare weapons?
Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
billybill wrote:asssumed the mod was for ut servers and would fix a checking done on all game world actors (not sure how often the checks were done but aready sounds excessive. checkng to see if they were u1 actors in a UT gameclass. explaining why its harder to make a script spawn a queen but its easy to summon a queen
correct me if on wrong on any of this
so why do some maps, fractal for example. use an older shieldblelt. was this check meant to be there to change it to the UT shieldbelt? There are numous other maps, and yes a fix that replaces them with the ut relevent actor would be easy to do. My question is, why would this be happening (if i havent answred it, i havent looked at the map in editor either). second question, so these maps were earlier made before the invent of UT pickups/powerups per se? or is this some freak occurance. I will list the map names that it is happening on if it helps. Also seing messages about picking up shells and random unrel pickups when picking up jumpboots but I need to get a more definite handle on these ones before pointing them out/
Obviously I didnt fully understand what I was getting into using this as a mutatorbase or I am doing something wrong maybe
- Inhuman
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
My guess would be that some of those earlier maps might have the U1 actors in them, and nobody noticed before as UT would always switch them to the UT
You may be able to write maps that contain both U1 and UT weapons/inventory/armor etc, and if you run them with UT2U1, everything should work. (I think...)
You may be able to write maps that contain both U1 and UT weapons/inventory/armor etc, and if you run them with UT2U1, everything should work. (I think...)
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
I just wanted to follow up by noting some glitchy behavior that I have noticed, with the way that Armor and Inventory items are displayed in the client player's HUD, when using the UT2U1 mutator on a listen server under the unrealshare.coopgame gametype.NaPaliShore wrote:Success! I played through a few maps of the Unreal Beta '97/'98 map pack (converted for Unreal 225 by .:..: aka Dots) with my friend today, using the UT2U1 mutator under the unrealshare.coopgame game type (I was hosting a listen server), and all the Beta weapons worked for both players, and all of the sounds functioned normally as well!
I started the game with something like this:
Open Vortex3?Game=unrealshare.coopgame?Mutator=UT2U1.UT2U1,BFix.BFix,BetaStuff.BMutator
I have described my observations and the results of some experimentation with this, in this thread on UnrealSP:
http://www.unrealsp.org/forums/viewtopi ... 444#p61444
However those diplay glitches seem to clear up when I use the same configuration on a dedicated (coop) server, instead of a listen server. (I should note that the same issues can sometimes show up under oldskool.coopgame2 on a listen server as well, if I start the game from the console instead of the "New SinglePlayer Game" menu in OldSkool.)