billybill wrote:@NapaliShore: That bug with the cheat codes online has been in UT as long as I can remember. I don't see how it specifically relates to UT2U1. Without having looked into it the bug you are talking about is when "fly" is turned off and in net games the player's physics is set to falling until the pawn is killed and respawned. Would the cheat codes me native? (I can't recall having seen the code)
@MrLoathsome: I wanted to try an actor replacing everything in a UT map with U1 objects but the weapons only fire one or two shots off before they do nothing when fired, bots would have no trouble firing until the ammo expires. I DID find a tournamentweapon check on the clientfiring checks so I disabled them through hex in the botpack package, got the same result. So I ask, why a weapon that exists already on a map would work properly but one added after wouldn't, I am thinking maybe it's precache or something like that. Tried server v436 and 451. And using UT game modes of course. Any ideas?
UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - v2.0 Final
Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
- Inhuman
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
Did you set the bU1GunFix variable to True in the UT2U1.ini file?
Did you set the bU1GunFix variable to True in the UT2U1.ini file?
- Godlike
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
just a quick Q here Mr.L..
so with this mod we can host unreal1 maps with weapons online?..
does this somehow bypass the failed to send (for memory) error that used to occur when trying to play/host U1 maps via UT99 Setup.
so with this mod we can host unreal1 maps with weapons online?..
does this somehow bypass the failed to send (for memory) error that used to occur when trying to play/host U1 maps via UT99 Setup.
- Inhuman
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
Any 3rd party unreal1 maps should work great online. Will send you a pm regarding that error.Wises wrote:just a quick Q here Mr.L..
so with this mod we can host unreal1 maps with weapons online?..
does this somehow bypass the failed to send (for memory) error that used to occur when trying to play/host U1 maps via UT99 Setup.
Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
billybill wrote:Wow, def. a candidate for mod of the year. There's a few problems you are probably aware of the bioglob is one. Do you want me to detail the problems here as they come up or are you providing this as-is and I should just see what I can do with it. thanks again. Oh and Unreal 1 weapons don't have decals?
- Inhuman
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
Thanks.billybill wrote:Wow, def. a candidate for mod of the year. There's a few problems you are probably aware of the bioglob is one. Do you want me to detail the problems here as they come up or are you providing this as-is and I should just see what I can do with it. thanks again. Oh and Unreal 1 weapons don't have decals?
And yes, if you have any details regarding the bioglob problem or others, let me know. I was not aware of that issue. or the unreal1 weapons decals thing.
I will have to check that now. Probably just didn't notice it.
I have been thinking that RC4 of this is the final, but if enough issues crop up, and they can be fixed with an update, I will consider it.
*Edit. Unreal 1 weapons do NOT have decals. So that is not a bug with UT2U1.
There may be another way or 3 around that. Looking into it.
Also, in tonight's testing, GES biorifle seemed to be working normally.....
Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
billybill wrote:I was genuinely surprised there were no decals, I will admit to having barely played Unreal 1 and never online in anything but coop which was actually in UT. Although I do own a copy of the game. This was no bug report, but I was sure with monster hunt and UT coop the oldskool weapons had decals added
And I never actually found any other bugs than that. With the Unreal version of Bioglob, I don't know why it's not happening for you so this shall remain a mystery for now. I'll make some serverside decals, someone else can make them in a more normal way if they wish as it would no doubt save some of the server's CPU. Part of me wanted to rip the UWindows from oldskool but writing from scrach the ini options will do for now [keeping the serverside theme], at least I would have a starting point. I guessed most of the replacements from snooping at the classes and made use of all but a couple of the unreal ones. I can see why the oldskool author left out the new invisibility, it's so powerful when the invis person doesn't have a faint outline!
The bugs I did mention were worked around one by one
On Giveweapon function if it's dispersion pistol make it un-throwable
On tick destroy any dispersion pistol that has no owner (it was still getting dropped when they die for some reason)
At mapstart set weaponstay to True to each weapon in the map if weaponstay is on
I still need to see how the kills are handled, to make sure they are spoken in the player's local language, I know there is a bUseClassicDeathMessages option
Edit: would servside decals even be an option? If there is latency on instant shots it could look a tad retarded
- Inhuman
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
I will take another look at the bioglob. I think I tested that with the UT gun, and not the Unreal one when I looked at it yesterday.
One note on adding Unreal items to UT games with this. If you are using a mutator to add the Unreal items, and it is doing any
sort of pre-cache or other processing in PreBeginPlay or PostBeginPlay, then load order does become important.
If UT2U1 is not loaded first, the other mutators attempt to add the items will get clobbered by the default code before UT2U1 is loaded.
Those issues regarding the dispersion pistol are not really bugs as such. For example in some of my testing I had SkaarjTroopers dropping
dispersion pistols so that players could then pick them up and use them. Setting on the various items should be able to be set however you
want without this messing with them.
Pretty sure serverside decals is not a valid option. The DecalStay mod runs client side only for example.
And I think any really well coded weapons probably avoid spawning decals anyway if Level.Netmode == Dedicatedserver.
The best answer for the decal issue, if you really want them, is to just use the OLweapons I think.
There might be a way to get the U1 guns to use the projectile classes that come with OLWeapons, but I am not sure if
that is even worth the effort. In the classes I looked over so far, the projectile is what spawns the decal, not the actual gun.
One note on adding Unreal items to UT games with this. If you are using a mutator to add the Unreal items, and it is doing any
sort of pre-cache or other processing in PreBeginPlay or PostBeginPlay, then load order does become important.
If UT2U1 is not loaded first, the other mutators attempt to add the items will get clobbered by the default code before UT2U1 is loaded.
Those issues regarding the dispersion pistol are not really bugs as such. For example in some of my testing I had SkaarjTroopers dropping
dispersion pistols so that players could then pick them up and use them. Setting on the various items should be able to be set however you
want without this messing with them.
Pretty sure serverside decals is not a valid option. The DecalStay mod runs client side only for example.
And I think any really well coded weapons probably avoid spawning decals anyway if Level.Netmode == Dedicatedserver.
The best answer for the decal issue, if you really want them, is to just use the OLweapons I think.
There might be a way to get the U1 guns to use the projectile classes that come with OLWeapons, but I am not sure if
that is even worth the effort. In the classes I looked over so far, the projectile is what spawns the decal, not the actual gun.
Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
billybill wrote:I haven't forgotten this thread, I have spent less time compiling stuff to use for UT2U1 but still played it a fair bit. The biosludge thing hasnt gone away. But removing some clientside HUD rendering did give it some extra frames. Still looks blinky and not animation-like
Have yet to test Quadshot, the powerups for disperson pistol could be interesting. The main reason I made it unthrowable is because they were ending up on the ground, around spawn points, in their dozens, all in a circle and spinning. I was trying different ways to remove it and I thought weapon slot 1 already, recharging weapon, should be unthrowable anyway. However it would be neat to pick up one to regain an instant recharge and possibly a powerup for it too
I'll let you know how further testing goes on the decals, do you know if anything else needs fixing to bring any more of Unreal into UT?
My question about MonsterMadness and your swarm adder that you are updating at the moment
edit: regarding QuadGun this from unreal series wikipedia pageSo forget that, what is this referring to I wonder:QuadShot: A quad-barreled pump-action shotgun not used in the final game, but several mods bring it back in. Primary fire shoots the shells inside the shotgun, secondary fire loads up to 4 shells, one in each barrel.Additionally there are two other weapons which are not used in the standard maps but are available through standard mutators and can be placed in custom maps.
- Godlike
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
So... when can we expect the final release?
This thread was very silent since September.
This thread was very silent since September.
- Inhuman
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
You can expect the final release, soon after this goes viral and I can quit my non-IT related job andpapercoffee wrote:So... when can we expect the final release?
This thread was very silent since September.
get back to important work. (i.e. UScript)
I can't get IT work anymore, because I am old and not "diverse".

....Edit - dead link deleted.
You can ban me now for bumping this old thread and blatant advertising of something that is not UT related.

Last edited by MrLoathsome on Fri May 27, 2016 11:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Godlike
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- Location: Cologne, the city with the big cathedral.
Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
You are sooooo a lucky man that I quit my job as staff here..........MrLoathsome wrote: You can ban me now for bumping this old thread and blatant advertising of something that is not UT related.![]()

- Godlike
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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
A late answer is hardly a necro bump.
As for the advert, knock yerself out.
You could make one that grows nali plants. Perhaps that may appeal to another audience
As for the advert, knock yerself out.
You could make one that grows nali plants. Perhaps that may appeal to another audience

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Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
Greeting UT Community!
UT2U1 I tested it a bit on UnrealShare.DeathmatchGame mode on-line, U1 weapons works fine for me, thanks for this mutator!
I have a slightly different question, and it's not really related to this topic but the theme is quite close. I try to run old Deathmatch mode (UnrealShare.DeathmatchGame) - it is possible to use bots in this case? I have a result - empty bots settings window in all cases. I think this question has long been known and I would be very grateful, if someone tell - is it possible to solve this issue?
I hope someone will see my post here
UT2U1 I tested it a bit on UnrealShare.DeathmatchGame mode on-line, U1 weapons works fine for me, thanks for this mutator!
I have a slightly different question, and it's not really related to this topic but the theme is quite close. I try to run old Deathmatch mode (UnrealShare.DeathmatchGame) - it is possible to use bots in this case? I have a result - empty bots settings window in all cases. I think this question has long been known and I would be very grateful, if someone tell - is it possible to solve this issue?
I hope someone will see my post here

- Inhuman
- Posts: 958
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- Personal rank: I am quite rank.
- Location: MrLoathsome fell out of the world!
Re: UT2U1 - Loathsomes UT Tweak - RC4
Hello and welcome!
That is very interesting. I tested UT2U1 a lot of different ways, but never did try to play UnrealShare.DeathmatchGame or
any of the other actual U1 gametypes. I was mostly testing all the U1 stuff with the UT and custom UT gametypes.
Very cool that it works.
Not sure on the bot issue with that configuration. Would have to look into it and try to figure out exactly what is going
A quick fix might be to add some bots with the SwarmSpawner mutator: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=11485
No idea if the scoring would work doing that way or not......
That is very interesting. I tested UT2U1 a lot of different ways, but never did try to play UnrealShare.DeathmatchGame or
any of the other actual U1 gametypes. I was mostly testing all the U1 stuff with the UT and custom UT gametypes.
Very cool that it works.
Not sure on the bot issue with that configuration. Would have to look into it and try to figure out exactly what is going
A quick fix might be to add some bots with the SwarmSpawner mutator: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=11485
No idea if the scoring would work doing that way or not......