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EnhancedUT - Epic new looks! - The real thread

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:54 pm
by *Kr!D_o)
Okay, well I asked Chamberly to start a thread here for me so I could advertise my new mod 'EnhancedUT' She did a good job but I would like to create my own thread explaining the mod, and for any new releases.

Here is the latest release of 'EnhancedUT' (v1D) In this release I attempted to fix any bugs / add a couple of new features. I finally fixed (optionally removed) the lockdown effect produced by the PulseGun/Minigun when your getting blasted. Both the primary/alt fire for the Minigun and the alt fire for the PulseGun lock you down, making it very hard to move when attacked by there weapons. If bNoLockdown=True in the ini then all lockdown effects will be removed. I have falsely stated that I fixed it in the last version 'EnhancedUTv1_c. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I truthfully believed that it was fixed. I changed the way it works inside the mutator and now it's fully functional!

NOTE: Dude to something with the FWS there's a bug when you switch weapons. Sometimes the weapon will switch but won't fire right away, it'll sit on top of the screen briefly or it'll hang up on the Minigun. Also it causes the zoom on the Sniper Rifle to zoom all the way in. I just fixed these issues and I am testing to see if I can find anymore. I will upload the new version shortly after I'm sure there aren't anymore bugs... UPLOADED, check the link.

BUMP: New download link ...

The following features have been added since I started this project;

- ¡Features! -
x TickFix integrated! This means no need for TNsE's tickfix/tickfix2

x Tickrate Insensative "T.I. PulseGun/Minigun" - Allows you to increase the tickrate without increasing the power of the weapons.

x NoLockdown - Removes the push effect (momentum transfer) / lockdown effect when getting hit by PulseGun/Minigun.

x Faster Weapon Switching - "FWS" which allows you to hit your opponent with more weapon combonations (;

x HitSounds - Client side hitsounds when you inflict damage on your enemy.

x Weapons are now destroyed if they they are tossed or dropped into "killzones" such as lava, acid, fall off map, ect ..

x BrightPlayers - Exactly what it says, adds player lighting making it more difficult for people to hide/camp!

x Added Arena's for all weapons (Flak/Sniper Arena's are currently disabled due to bugs -_-)

x Fixed the annoying ImpactHammer sound bug.

- ¡Features! - (CONTINUED)
x UTPure style HUD (match time/jboots charge)

x New charge counter HUD for the DamageAmp. Now when you pick up the Amp an icon will appear, displaying the time time remaining. Similar to UT2k4 and UT3

x UT3 style DamageAmp - If someone has the DamageAmp and they get killed, a copy is dropped with whatever time was remaining. But you better hurry to pick it up because it's only alive for 15 seconds before it gets destroyed!

x New scope texture for the Sniper Rifle (while in zoomed state)

x 2nd set of hitrings removed from the Shock Rifle for both primary and secondary fire (the big blue hitring when you hit something) Much cleaner look, looks a lot better!

x New ring texture 'utringex' for the Flak Cannon's chuntrail. Much nicer (:

x New 2k4'ish style explosion for the alt fire (flakslug)

x Changed the Rocket Launchers flares, now red, looks more realistic!

How to install EnhancedUT -
Copy the files included in the package to their respective folders

EnhancedUTv1D_fixed.u - System - System - Redirect

Add the following line to the [Engine.GameEngine] section of your server.ini


And for the server cmd line;


Now add this anywhere in your server.ini


If you are using any version of UTPure, goto the section of the ini and change the TrackFOV
settings to 0 so that the Sniper Rifle will properly zoom!
