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Gun with serious damage

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 11:18 am
by Hitman
I need a simple gunmutator that have serious damage, like 10000 each round when i test and create MH-maps locally that sometimes have insane health on monsters and are made for 10 or more ppl are very boring to test-play them yourself over and over before i release it , if there is one already tell me the name of it, or if someone can whip/modify one i appreciate it .

Re: Gun with serious damage

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:25 pm
by Spectra
I believe Weaponlord mod has many weapons that deal exact or more than 10000 of damage.

Re: Gun with serious damage

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:29 pm
by heliumcat
Wouldn't a mutator that alters the existing weapons to fire insanely fast, have an insane amount of ammo and do insane damage be better for this?

That way you can use any weapon you like in extreme matter.

Re: Gun with serious damage

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 1:01 pm
There is some stronger weapon
  • Weaponlord - Shuriken
  • {FHG}NutzBlaster
  • AAA_StingerX6_LS (AAA Weapons are strong)
  • BoomBox - Thats the strongest weapon what I ever seen (Thats a radio - lol)
If I at home I post more stronger weapon for you but now I cant Im using Phone

Re: Gun with serious damage

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 1:11 pm
by heliumcat
Maybe try the NW3 nukes?

Re: Gun with serious damage

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 2:27 pm
by papercoffee
Only one NW3 nuke are that strong, I think.
...Ultima protos needs some time and shakes your CPU and your whole house, but it should kill those overpowered beasts.
The Megaton is even stronger (if I remember correct) but is out of question because you have to place it between those Monsters. and then run ...but MH monsters tend to follow you.

Re: Gun with serious damage

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 5:23 pm
by heliumcat
Perhaps try this one:

Fast firing, large ammunition and 5000 hp damage per shot.

Re: Gun with serious damage

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 8:55 pm
by EvilGrins
A standard instagib takes off 1000 for each shot, which can kill a Warlord in 3 shots as the standard one has 2200 health. I'd personally recommend the insta-combo-gib, which does a little more damage with the combo shots.

As someone mentioned the NW3 Ultima-protos, I'd like to counter-recommend the NW2 version:

The blast alone lasts close to 45 seconds and I've only ever encountered 3 monsters that can survive anywhere in the blast radius. It's default settings are stronger than the NW3's defaults, so you don't need to waste time configuring it... ... nsIIX.rar/
...just use as is.

Re: Gun with serious damage

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 9:25 pm
by JackGriffin
Hitty, you might try coding a weapon that does percentage of health remaining damage, rounded up. What I mean by that is that each 'hit' by the weapon removes 5% (or some other variable) of the remaining health of the victim (or 1000, whichever is higher).

I will tell you that I tried this online with negative results. For some reason percentile damage hit calculations were just too obtuse for my limited intellect to suss out. Locally it would be an easy matter to do though. ASLY mentioned my BoomBox (God, how do people still have that abomination? So much for my legacy....) and it would be an easy matter to recode that to do what you want. I'd show you how if you want to make it. You can even set the audio to something you like haha.

BTW, good to see everyone. I still read from time to time, though it's obvious that UT has slowed tremendously in the last year. Good on you guys for keeping it lit here.

Re: Gun with serious damage

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 10:26 pm
by Hitman
Ok i try these suggestions out, but i don't some exploding stuff like megaton ( even tho i like it) since it tend to spread the monsters in all directions, and if they are connected to a counter...arrrr and the gun i want is just for me locally, to test maps, the monsters could be up to 1000 and some have half a million in health and damn boring to play true if the error is at the end LOL

Re: Gun with serious damage

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 11:29 pm
by papercoffee
Isn't it possible to code a weapon which inflict infinite damage ...the Ultimate Gun? A Shock Rifle with a flash beam or a lime green colored beam, what really kills everything with one shot.

Re: Gun with serious damage

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 11:08 am
by Feralidragon
papercoffee wrote:Isn't it possible to code a weapon which inflict infinite damage ...the Ultimate Gun? A Shock Rifle with a flash beam or a lime green colored beam, what really kills everything with one shot.
It is, instead of inflicting direct damage, a weapon could be done to just trigger the kill (not even god mode would stand a chance against it, just like with the translocator [telefrag]).

Re: Gun with serious damage

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 11:18 am
by heliumcat
^^ So if someone is godmode, you should just translocate him?

Imagine someone being godmode on a server having zillions of translocator beacons flying towards him all the time by the rest of the server population just in attempt to possibly kill him?

The mental image of that is quite hilarious if you ask me.

Guess that could be a new gametype: "translocate the godmode player"

Re: Gun with serious damage

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 1:11 pm
by Hitman
is it possible to create a arena-gun that inflict that type of damage ?

Re: Gun with serious damage

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 3:39 pm
by Feralidragon
Yes, you can inflict any kind of damage you want with any weapon you code. In the case of a "telefrag"-kinda gun, all you have to do is:
Victim.gibbedBy(Instigator); (as that's exactly what the translocator does)