I'm soo sorry that there were no any updates for a long time here and even longer - at ModDB.
So here are the lastest news from battlefield. The two news.
First of all I want to say, that i will no longer hold for remodelling project. But...
I talked with designers of UT 2341 - their mod reached great progress since last time i checked them. So now i will concentrate on coomplete port of UT 2341into UT99

The main reason - i don't see any sence in recreating stuff when there are already done really good quality models, with all needed stuff.
Those awesome guys gave me permission to use all content for import, even a code if i will find any usage for it in UT99. Sure, models from UT 2341 are a bit more "heavyweight" that i planned to do - more detailed with more polygons, but i hope it will not cause large performance drops.
The things i will do - play around to make some better visual FX for the stuff (take better textures of explosions, scorches, bullet holes etc) and implement some my own specific features - bullet "fly-by" sounds for trace weapons (Enforcer, Minigun, Sniper Rifle), improve weapon movement on the screen (weapons will now look like more "alive" instead just being glued to the screen) and maybe some other stuff if i imagine and realize with code

Important note, that main features of weapons, such as firing speed, damage, ammo counts and so will not be changed.
And also another note - after making an UT version, i should work with version for Unreal 227.
So, stay tuned guys

Project changed it's name but still alive.