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If you add some 2.65z guns to a ut99 map it says (cant find boolproperty in file boolpropertyengine.weapon.bTossedout)
I know that 2.75z weapons mutator for ut99 works and is almost same, but - the problem is that it doesnt default auto reload for players that connect to server ( they must dl and install mod themselves), also the gun sounds are worse in 275 vs 265 and also a worse recoil pattern. And players cant set a manual reload key in ut99 with a console command, they must dl the mod (mutator) and use the mods menu to set the reload and weapon mode key.
I know oldskool makes some unreal 1 stuff work for ut99, but wont help with the inf 2.65z problem, does anyone know a solution to make it compatible??
thanks for anyone who helps