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Jerry from Poland

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 7:10 pm
by MartiniPL

First of all, I would like to say Good Job, of keepeng this old boat running. UT99 surely made into history as a game and many poeple still love it. Myself aswell.

I am Jerry, located in Poland, I started my Adventure with piracy copy of UT, which I was given by friend, and in next 5 days I bough legal boxed copy, which I still have in my game collections. Since january 2000 I played UT under nick Martini_PL and as far my internet conection (modem 56.6k) would give me ping around 300, I was able to play. But even on cable/dsl, in october, I still had pings over 150...Sorry to say, but on internet it was unplayable. Then I have discovered Tactical Ops mod, and I friend of mine introduced to me Unreal Editor. I started creat first maps, but without any succes. I had no experience in that field at all, even gaming one, and that, as I believe, should be most desired when designing levels. Anyways, 3 yers into Tactical Ops has made a great bound with Unreal Engine and Me.

As time passed, I always got back to map designing, yet I never did that in way I could use. So, now - as you may see - I still think about this engine and I ask my self, What If I actually learn about things. Mod making, skins, maps and everything, which is in range of middle aged guy with too much free time. I regret I didnt started ealier, really. Now TO is dead, AoT never meetd my excapactions, and I always loved oryginal Tactical 1,6 and 2.2 - I know its a bad forum to write to, but you are only one knowledge lair, and I have many questions to ask. I am reading whats here, but unfortunately, I found answers only for few questions. So, if you allow me, I will set up a topic here with questions - I believe I am swift leearner and, if I have around 3-4 months of free time, I could revieve TO 2.2 and define it as a 2.3 or something similiar, with changes it needed in long long time.


Re: Jerry from Poland

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 7:25 pm
by Torax
Hello and welcome to Tha Fortress Of Unreal Tournament :highfive:
It's good to see that new players are still coming and playing this awesome game :rock:

Re: Jerry from Poland

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:51 pm
by Radi
Hello there ! :) jak masz jakieś pytania dotyczące tworzenia map to wal śmiało ;)

Re: Jerry from Poland

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:33 am
by papercoffee
Radi wrote:Hello there ! :) jak masz jakieś pytania dotyczące tworzenia map to wal śmiało ;)
Something is wrong with your keyboard... :mrgreen:

Welcome aboard Jerry.

Re: Jerry from Poland

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:41 am
by Dr.Flay
Welcome Jerry (you aren't the belly-button elf are you ?)
You've certainly come to one of the best places to start modding.

There are a few "Real" projects still going. Somewhere here there is a thread where someone posted about porting CS for UT with the new DX10 renderer. This obviously split opinion. I'll try and find it.
Then there is Gizzy's new CSWeapons pack, designed to take advantage of the new features of Unreal227.
He started on the UT version, but has been busy (too busy to post any replies anyway!).

I have recently been playing with the re-released Infiltrations for both UT and Unreal, but the CS pack for UT will make me most happy
I like what Silver Ibex did with Infiltration 2.75 Extended. The weapons make a "shadow" when you look down them, instead of blocking your view. ... 5-extended
The full standalone version 2.9 also recently got a makeover ... as-it-gets

Re: Jerry from Poland

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:50 am
by MartiniPL
Dr.Fly, hanks for such advanced information. I really appreciate this! I was not able to find any information about Infiltration mod (I still got instaled 2.86) in google, I mean, literally none. Not mentioning Strike-Force, doh - I am downloading this just to see whats there.

I will ask away questions - those I didn't found answers here on forum. I could ommited something, but..., here it goes.

As I have said, I am interesting in Tactical Ops - making this free mod better. I lunched project, mostly because I really love TO, and I have too much free time atm, and I have started from doing mappack Echo - simple, dynamic maps with plot (Not CPL like maps, hell no!).


1. I want to redo player models with animation. If its possible at all, I will use MAYA render program. But, can I glue characters/weapons/granades to the ground? They currently are hovering around 10 units above, it looks sily.

2. Since I am skilled in photoshop, I can change textures. But weapon textures and weapon itself are rather well designed and animated (may be too fast, but I will try to change it). I wanted to redo texture for 1 weapon and, since I have NO experience in this field, I broked game, hehe. I exported one texture, darkened it (changed colour aswell), and loaded (imported it) again in same place. But it doesnt change in game. I really tried find info about it, but I failed get one. What went wrong?

3. Basic scoreboard (UT one) is used in TO, with prefix added K.I.A. I want to change it a bit - but again, wher to seek files for that?

4. About animation of characters. Player model has 4 animations (walking forward, backward, strafing, jumping - and in addition two poses of weapon handling). As those who are interested in military ect, weapon positioning in TO is really broken, and as far I know, those models are stricte used from basic UT. I want to believe they can be redone/reworked in much more advanced way when it comes to pose and animation. And this is my main goal, along with further apply great skin to them.

5. Weapon parameters - where to change them in TO? (I see that weapon textures are loaded "with map", not from basic texture pack... I am confused by this).

If there are answers here, on forums, please link it.

PS: Well, I guess player models can't be redone at all, seing whats there in Inf SF and TO... somone would do that already, doh.

Re: Jerry from Poland

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:07 am
by Dr.Flay
There are a load of useful converters and resources in the downloads section here. Bitburn will probably be useful for you.
Look for the textures and models threads

You will find a lot of real-world resources here
and a wide variety here ... -resources
Grab the tools first.

Sounds like your centre-point is too low in the models. UT uses collision radius not mesh collision :(
Put a model in a map and enable the radius view in the UEd viewport.
Right-click on the grey bar at the top of the viewport you are using, and go to "Actors" then "Radii View".
The centre is not at the feet.

Being skilled in photoshop is very different to being skilled at texturing. Understanding the engine, and the fine-points of 8-bit images will help you more.
Being skilled with photoshop is also a vague thing, as some are good at remembering sequences of steps, and others are just great artists.
As they say "It's not what you got, but how you use it"

Having a tool that offers more options when remapping to 8bit will help avoid trashing textures with lots of colours.
Here are a couple of examples ... tte_Editor

The weapon textures are in the file TOModels.u
BTW. Here is a useful TacOps site for you

I don't know much about animation, but I do know, don't forget to link the breathing anims, as that is the most common log error seen with bots.
There are a couple of people here that do players and pawns, so hopefully they can help.

There are plenty of decoration packs available to add detailed or reactive items and street-furniture to maps. There are also animals and birds to make the maps more alive. I use crows, sparrows, rats and cockroaches in city maps. ... 00038.html
There is also reactive animated grass, trees and other plants to add a bit of breeze.

Re: Jerry from Poland

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:07 am
by MartiniPL
Sounds like your centre-point is too low in the models. UT uses collision radius not mesh collision :(
Put a model in a map and enable the radius view in the UEd viewport.
Right-click on the grey bar at the top of the viewport you are using, and go to "Actors" then "Radii View".
The centre is not at the feet.
will try this - Its not my model, its UT model (or adopted UT model and reworked by guys from TO team) :)

I need to read a lot about changing textures, simple replacing textures in TOmodels.u wont do the job I need :S