Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by papercoffee »

EvilGrins wrote:
papercoffee wrote:The RT is the better option when you run out of ammo ...even better then the Blades.
Given how powerful the weapons are in NW3 I've never played it without the same ammo/health regenerator I use when I play MH.

Added plus: unlimited nukes!
:shock: ...dude that's insane and boring at the same time.
There is nothing better than limited ammo.
In CTF, a fight to the last bullet satisfying as hell. When you get away with the flag only holding the RT as your last weapon, knowing every enemy is on your heels trying to get you, and you can make it to the base with minimal health ...That's a feeling ...It beggars description.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by KeeperUTX »

Hey, love the skill-kill system, yesterday I got a Matrix Style. It happened in CTF-HallofGiants while I was chasing after a bot who snatched our flag. He jumped up one of those vertical accelaration tubes with me following suite. Just as he was falling down and I was going up I locked an H-Missile onto him and fired just after he fell to my current height, and lo-and-behold: Matrix Style, it was +70 I think.

Anyone else revealed an interesting skill-kill aside from Damn! (headshot in mid-air, love that one but it's really hard) and Matrix Style?
Image This is Eevee, a ferocious creature that never relents in tracking its meal. It will lead you to ruin, and when it does, it will finish you.
The way it bobs its head lefty-righty? It's just cracking it's neck so it can get a better grip on you with its jaws.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by Torax »

Usually headshoting enemy in the air happens with me with classic rifle in online :lol2:
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by KeeperUTX »

Well, I usually disregard sniping since Feralidragon's other weps are just too awesome, and now I'm completely out of practice.
CURSE YOU FERALI! :mad2: :lol:
Image This is Eevee, a ferocious creature that never relents in tracking its meal. It will lead you to ruin, and when it does, it will finish you.
The way it bobs its head lefty-righty? It's just cracking it's neck so it can get a better grip on you with its jaws.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by Torax »

KeeperUTX wrote:Well, I usually disregard sniping since Feralidragon's other weps are just too awesome, and now I'm completely out of practice.
CURSE YOU FERALI! :mad2: :lol:
Heheh :tongue:
I'm a big fun of sniper firearms in any game. And the best in ut :mrgreen:
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by EvilGrins »

papercoffee wrote: :shock: ...dude that's insane and boring at the same time.
There is nothing better than limited ammo.
Not so, what's better is unlimited ammo. It's totally insane, constant unpredictable action, and a non-stop thrill-ride!

Hence, the better.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by papercoffee »

with all due respect to Insanity ...but unlimited ammo is predictable and gets really fast boring.
if you mean the unlimited-modifier, then yes, this is fun.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by KeeperUTX »

Torax wrote:
KeeperUTX wrote:Well, I usually disregard sniping since Feralidragon's other weps are just too awesome, and now I'm completely out of practice.
CURSE YOU FERALI! :mad2: :lol:
Heheh :tongue:
I'm a big fun of sniper firearms in any game. And the best in ut :mrgreen:
Friendly warning: there will always be someone better than you, regardless of what you do to change it. Same thing happens everywhere else. Fact is that I can't hit people who really dodge alot, but if you decide to move in a straight line like a Skilled difficulty bot - or if I can figure out how you move - then I'll likely put a hole in your head faster than you can say "Hi". How fast can you chain a monster kill, anyways? For me it's somewhat dependent on the situation, IE if everyone is close enough together so I can rapidly chain a monster kill.

Eitherway, one time I also got a Pro Kill skill kill, but I have no relative idea how I got it. Anyone got an explanation?
Image This is Eevee, a ferocious creature that never relents in tracking its meal. It will lead you to ruin, and when it does, it will finish you.
The way it bobs its head lefty-righty? It's just cracking it's neck so it can get a better grip on you with its jaws.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by UTNerd24 »

Still having trouble with The Miner Oversurrection.

The error is on the previous page. The strange thing is that I havent even edited the Oversurrection, it still crashes for some reason...
I've been playing UT for so long it's practically tradition.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by Feralidragon »

As for the skill kills system, every skill kill present and their rules can be found in the NWConfig.ini itself, in the [NWCoreVIII.NWSkillKillsManager] section.
In the case of Pro Kill (and also Pro Lord Kill) the entries are these:

Code: Select all

Skills[14]=(Conditions="minfragsdif=20;fragsdifdir=1;",Message="Pro Kill",extraPoints=80,extraFrags=0,allowExcessPoints=False)
Skills[15]=(Conditions="minpntsdif=2000;pntsdifdir=1;denylist=14;",Message="Pro Lord Kill",extraPoints=55,extraFrags=0,allowExcessPoints=False)
minfragsdif is the difference of frags between you and the one you killed, and the fragsdifdir is the direction of that difference (1 means that it's only when that difference is your victim to have more than you). In other words, you obtain a "Pro Kill" when you frag someone who has at least +20 frags than you.
Pro Lord Kill is similar, but it's not by frags, but rather by points (which is a different metric), and the value is +2000 points than you.

Every skill kill can be edited relative their rules, names, points, frags, etc, etc, and you can also add new ones (up to 128 entries).
You can see how the "Conditions" field works (which is where you define the rules/condition for a message to appear) in the documentation of the mod, specifically in the INI_NWConfig.pdf file, also in the [NWCoreVIII.NWSkillKillsManager] section.

Here's an excerpt of the docs in this regard:

Code: Select all

* Conditions: List of conditions (in the format property=value), separated by semicolons, to activate this skill:
> disable=1: Deactivate this skill completely;
> dmglist=<damage types list>: Damage types list;
> gibbed=1: Victim gibbed;
> nogibbed=1: Victim NOT gibbed;
> headshot=1: Victim headshot;
> noheadshot=1: Victim NO headshot;
> wpn=<weapon class name>: Victim current weapon class name;
> mywpn=<weapon class name>: Killer current weapon class name;
> ktime=<time in seconds>: Max amount of time to consider the next kill as part of this one;
> kills=<number>: Min amount of kills within ktime;
> klimit=<number>: Max amount of kills allowed within ktime;
> airh=<number>: Victim min air height;
> myairh=<number>: KIller min air height;
> mindist=<number>: Min distance between victim and killer;
> maxdist=<number>: Max distance between victim and killer;
> minhealth=<number>: Min victim health right before the kill;
> maxhealth=<number>: Max victim health right before the kill;
> myminhealth=<number>: Min killer health right before the kill;
> mymaxhealth=<number>: Max killer health right before the kill;
> mindmg=<number>: Min kill damage amount;
> maxdmg=<number>: Max kill damage amount;
> minlftime=<time in seconds>: Min victim lifetime after the last respawn (only for players and bots);
> maxlftime=<time in seconds>: Max victim lifetime after the last respawn (only for players and bots);
> myminlftime=<time in seconds>: Min killer lifetime after the last respawn (only for players and bots);
> mymaxlftime=<time in seconds>: Max killer lifetime after the last respawn (only for players and bots);
> noview=1: Victim not seeing the killer;
> mynoview=1: Killer not seeing the victim;
> nowview=1: Victim not having a direct line of sight to the killer;
> mynowview=1: Killer not having a direct line of sight to the victim;
> waterzone=1: Victim in water zone;
> mywaterzone=1: Killer in water zone;
> dmgzone=1: Victim in damage zone;
> mydmgzone=1: Killer in damage zone;
> revenge=1: The kill is a revenge act (the victim was once the killer's killer, only for players and bots);
> fragsdifdir=<0, 1 or 2>: Frags difference direction between victim and killer:
0 = ( Victim frags = Killer frags )
1 = ( Victim frags > Killer frags )
2 = ( Killer frags > Victim frags )
> pntsdifdir=<0, 1 or 2>: Points difference direction between victim and killer:
0 = ( Victim points = Killer points )
1 = ( Victim points > Killer points )
2 = ( Killer points > Victim points )
> minfragsdif=<number>: Min difference of frags between victim and killer;
> maxfragsdif=<number>: Max difference of frags between victim and killer;
> minpntsdif=<number>: Min difference of points between victim and killer;
> maxpntsdif=<number>: Max difference of points between victim and killer;
> minfrags=<number>: Victim min amount of frags;
> maxfrags=<number>: Victim max amount of frags;
> myminfrags=<number>: Killer min amount of frags;
> mymaxfrags=<number>: Killer max amount of frags;
> minpnts=<number>: Victim min amount of points;
> maxpnts=<number>: Victim max amount of points;
> myminpnts=<number>: Killer min amount of points;
> mymaxpnts=<number>: Killer max amount of points;
> denylist=<list of skill indexes>: List with the indexes of skills to be denied in case this one succeeds.
The skills list is evaluated backwards (starting with the max index down
to index 0), which means that only indexes lesser than the current one will have effect.
Setting the denylist to “all” will deny every other skill with no exception.

* Message: Skill message (use %n to represent the number of current kills made for this skill);
* extraPoints: Skill extra points;
* extraFrags: Skill extra frags (each frag gives also 1 extra point);
* allowExcessPoints: Allow points to be recalculated depending on the excess number of kills needed to
perform it (only when kills > 1).

UTNerd24 wrote:Still having trouble with The Miner Oversurrection.

The error is on the previous page. The strange thing is that I havent even edited the Oversurrection, it still crashes for some reason...
I will look at it later on. Btw, which "profile" do you have loaded in NW3? "Strong weapons"? "Monster hunt party"?
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by Torax »

KeeperUTX wrote:Friendly warning: there will always be someone better than you, regardless of what you do to change it. Same thing happens everywhere else. Fact is that I can't hit people who really dodge alot, but if you decide to move in a straight line like a Skilled difficulty bot - or if I can figure out how you move - then I'll likely put a hole in your head faster than you can say "Hi". How fast can you chain a monster kill, anyways? For me it's somewhat dependent on the situation, IE if everyone is close enough together so I can rapidly chain a monster kill.
I don't mean i'm best sniper in UT :)
I don't playing so much to impove skill to absolute limits.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by papercoffee »

Torax wrote:
KeeperUTX wrote:Friendly warning: there will always be someone better than you, regardless of what you do to change it. Same thing happens everywhere else. Fact is that I can't hit people who really dodge alot, but if you decide to move in a straight line like a Skilled difficulty bot - or if I can figure out how you move - then I'll likely put a hole in your head faster than you can say "Hi". How fast can you chain a monster kill, anyways? For me it's somewhat dependent on the situation, IE if everyone is close enough together so I can rapidly chain a monster kill.
I don't mean i'm best sniper in UT :)
I don't playing so much to impove skill to absolute limits.
Put your bots to jumpy behavior and they dodge even the NW3 sniper if they can see you.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by heliumcat »

Wonder how the sounds were actually done for this mod, they all sound so HQ, even if they would be simply library nicked and sonically unedited.

I'm an ableton/fl studio user with a pair of dynaudio bm5a's, hence why I'm asking.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by UTNerd24 »

Feralidragon. I'm using a Custom profile. I could send you the exact details of my settings if you want.
I've been playing UT for so long it's practically tradition.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by Feralidragon »

heliumcat wrote:Wonder how the sounds were actually done for this mod, they all sound so HQ, even if they would be simply library nicked and sonically unedited.

I'm an ableton/fl studio user with a pair of dynaudio bm5a's, hence why I'm asking.
Well, I used normal UT sounds (weapon, fx and ambient sounds), and also some UT2k4 (same kind), some Unreal II ones (same kind) and very few UT3 sounds as well (perhaps not even 10 of them). But I used a relative low amount of them, as instead of just using their original raw versions, I modified most of them, and even mixed them a lot to generate a ton of different sounds from a rather limited set of them, as I reused a lot of the same sounds to do new ones. For example, the Oversurrector firing sequence sound is made from about 6 to 7 different sounds, which mixed in and with enough modifications now sound as intended, and then I used a few of those sounds to make new ones for the oversurrections themselves.
The scream of the Executioner oversurrection for instance is a mix of some editing of ambient sounds with some scream sounds from UT, from where I intensified some frequencies to sound menacing instead of their original intent.

The editing and mixing themselves were made in a very ancient version of GoldWave I still have (buggy as f**k, tends to crash a lot when using the equalizer or the parametric filtering to intensify and weaken some frequencies and amplitudes), and the process itself was mostly the basic audio editing you can do with such an old program: tweaking frequencies, crop, add, remove stuff, pitch, doppling, equalizing, tweaking the noise, volumes, trying to eliminate certain harmonics/frequencies from it as well (with band filters and some other tricks), and mix the results at different locations at different intensities and different frequencies until it sounded good enough.
I still tried Sony Sound Forge as well, and it's quite cool, but I am no sound artist so I couldn't take full advantage of it and thus I ended up not using it.
It took me a lot of trial and error to be able to reproduce the sounds I wanted though, and even so some of them didn't turn out completely like I wanted :lol2:

UTNerd24 wrote:Feralidragon. I'm using a Custom profile. I could send you the exact details of my settings if you want.
You can try to zip the NWProfileCfg.ini here so I can take a look into it. Probably the oversurrector is spawning too many mines (although I did test with higher amounts than what the ini files are set to).
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