Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by papercoffee »

Feralidragon wrote:The problem with Facebook is that unlike other places, nothing works properly there, and they don't care and they are even open about not caring. Gladly I never had a personal account there, only the NW3 page.

As for the setting: in the case of arenas you have to add it directly to the ini (if it isn't already). For example, the bolt rifle arena mutator is called BoltRifleArena (the rest of the arenas follow the same naming logic SuperBoltRifleArena, IRPRArena, etc), and you would have to add this:

Code: Select all

The ChargerType field is what defines those things, and you essentially have RCT_Charger1 and RCT_Charger2.
Thanks I'll try this.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by Hitman »

Ok some more ques for you Fearly,Is there a setting to limit down the shaking and the brightness on the weapons a bit, and I am curious if you have some new projects you work on ? or if after this well worked mod just taking a loong well deserved break ? If you got some time over, come visit the server so you can see the mod "in action"
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by KeeperUTX »

Feralidragon wrote:As for the skill kills system, every skill kill present and their rules can be found in the NWConfig.ini itself, in the [NWCoreVIII.NWSkillKillsManager] section.
In the case of Pro Kill (and also Pro Lord Kill) the entries are these:

Code: Select all

Skills[14]=(Conditions="minfragsdif=20;fragsdifdir=1;",Message="Pro Kill",extraPoints=80,extraFrags=0,allowExcessPoints=False)
Skills[15]=(Conditions="minpntsdif=2000;pntsdifdir=1;denylist=14;",Message="Pro Lord Kill",extraPoints=55,extraFrags=0,allowExcessPoints=False)
minfragsdif is the difference of frags between you and the one you killed, and the fragsdifdir is the direction of that difference (1 means that it's only when that difference is your victim to have more than you). In other words, you obtain a "Pro Kill" when you frag someone who has at least +20 frags than you.
Pro Lord Kill is similar, but it's not by frags, but rather by points (which is a different metric), and the value is +2000 points than you.

Every skill kill can be edited relative their rules, names, points, frags, etc, etc, and you can also add new ones (up to 128 entries).
You can see how the "Conditions" field works (which is where you define the rules/condition for a message to appear) in the documentation of the mod, specifically in the INI_NWConfig.pdf file, also in the [NWCoreVIII.NWSkillKillsManager] section.

Here's an excerpt of the docs in this regard:

Code: Select all

* Conditions: List of conditions (in the format property=value), separated by semicolons, to activate this skill:
> disable=1: Deactivate this skill completely;
> dmglist=<damage types list>: Damage types list;
> gibbed=1: Victim gibbed;
> nogibbed=1: Victim NOT gibbed;
> headshot=1: Victim headshot;
> noheadshot=1: Victim NO headshot;
> wpn=<weapon class name>: Victim current weapon class name;
> mywpn=<weapon class name>: Killer current weapon class name;
> ktime=<time in seconds>: Max amount of time to consider the next kill as part of this one;
> kills=<number>: Min amount of kills within ktime;
> klimit=<number>: Max amount of kills allowed within ktime;
> airh=<number>: Victim min air height;
> myairh=<number>: KIller min air height;
> mindist=<number>: Min distance between victim and killer;
> maxdist=<number>: Max distance between victim and killer;
> minhealth=<number>: Min victim health right before the kill;
> maxhealth=<number>: Max victim health right before the kill;
> myminhealth=<number>: Min killer health right before the kill;
> mymaxhealth=<number>: Max killer health right before the kill;
> mindmg=<number>: Min kill damage amount;
> maxdmg=<number>: Max kill damage amount;
> minlftime=<time in seconds>: Min victim lifetime after the last respawn (only for players and bots);
> maxlftime=<time in seconds>: Max victim lifetime after the last respawn (only for players and bots);
> myminlftime=<time in seconds>: Min killer lifetime after the last respawn (only for players and bots);
> mymaxlftime=<time in seconds>: Max killer lifetime after the last respawn (only for players and bots);
> noview=1: Victim not seeing the killer;
> mynoview=1: Killer not seeing the victim;
> nowview=1: Victim not having a direct line of sight to the killer;
> mynowview=1: Killer not having a direct line of sight to the victim;
> waterzone=1: Victim in water zone;
> mywaterzone=1: Killer in water zone;
> dmgzone=1: Victim in damage zone;
> mydmgzone=1: Killer in damage zone;
> revenge=1: The kill is a revenge act (the victim was once the killer's killer, only for players and bots);
> fragsdifdir=<0, 1 or 2>: Frags difference direction between victim and killer:
0 = ( Victim frags = Killer frags )
1 = ( Victim frags > Killer frags )
2 = ( Killer frags > Victim frags )
> pntsdifdir=<0, 1 or 2>: Points difference direction between victim and killer:
0 = ( Victim points = Killer points )
1 = ( Victim points > Killer points )
2 = ( Killer points > Victim points )
> minfragsdif=<number>: Min difference of frags between victim and killer;
> maxfragsdif=<number>: Max difference of frags between victim and killer;
> minpntsdif=<number>: Min difference of points between victim and killer;
> maxpntsdif=<number>: Max difference of points between victim and killer;
> minfrags=<number>: Victim min amount of frags;
> maxfrags=<number>: Victim max amount of frags;
> myminfrags=<number>: Killer min amount of frags;
> mymaxfrags=<number>: Killer max amount of frags;
> minpnts=<number>: Victim min amount of points;
> maxpnts=<number>: Victim max amount of points;
> myminpnts=<number>: Killer min amount of points;
> mymaxpnts=<number>: Killer max amount of points;
> denylist=<list of skill indexes>: List with the indexes of skills to be denied in case this one succeeds.
The skills list is evaluated backwards (starting with the max index down
to index 0), which means that only indexes lesser than the current one will have effect.
Setting the denylist to “all” will deny every other skill with no exception.

* Message: Skill message (use %n to represent the number of current kills made for this skill);
* extraPoints: Skill extra points;
* extraFrags: Skill extra frags (each frag gives also 1 extra point);
* allowExcessPoints: Allow points to be recalculated depending on the excess number of kills needed to
perform it (only when kills > 1).
Huh. Thought I'd have to do something goddamn impressive to achieve it. Thx for the update :wink:
BTW, found some odd behavior patterns when a bot has both The Miner and the Multi Missile Launcher, they constantly swap between the two weapons. Dunno if it always happens when they have both or it's just a random glitch.

Also, do bots actually target my nukes when I'm guiding them around? Or do the things just short-circuit randomly and go ka-boom 0.7 seconds after I launch?
Image This is Eevee, a ferocious creature that never relents in tracking its meal. It will lead you to ruin, and when it does, it will finish you.
The way it bobs its head lefty-righty? It's just cracking it's neck so it can get a better grip on you with its jaws.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by papercoffee »

KeeperUTX wrote: Also, do bots actually target my nukes when I'm guiding them around? Or do the things just short-circuit randomly and go ka-boom 0.7 seconds after I launch?
They aim at the nukes but not always hit them.

For the MML and Miner glitch ...noticed it only on match ending. Bots stay around and switching those two weapons.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by Feralidragon »

Hitman wrote:Ok some more ques for you Fearly,Is there a setting to limit down the shaking and the brightness on the weapons a bit
The shaking can be turned off completely, but it cannot be tweaked down. As for the brightness, you can tweak the brightness from the pickups (health, shield, etc), but not the weapons themselves nor their effects.
Hitman wrote:and I am curious if you have some new projects you work on ? or if after this well worked mod just taking a loong well deserved break ?
I am working in something new for some weeks already, but it's something vastly different from anything I ever did so far. It's something that uses UT, but only as a base platform for something entirely new (a whole new game or a total conversion if we can call it that way, around a concept that I never saw developed at least to the extent I want to develop in any existing game), and it's mostly native (uses C++ and thus will run only in Windows machines, as I don't plan to rip my hair off in even trying to make it work for Linux or other platforms).

However, it's still in a very very early development stage (I am still working on a new renderer that the game will need), and what the project is really all about is still somewhat top secret, and it doesn't have any release or even announcement date planned yet, and probably will remain that way for several months, if not a year or two, although it's actually progressing quite well and better than what I originally expected.
When (and *if*) I ever get dangerously close to release it, that's when I will probably announce it and show what it is all about. :)
And before any rumors start from this point: it's *NOT* NW4, at all, although a tiny few NW3 concepts may get recycled into this new project.
Hitman wrote: If you got some time over, come visit the server so you can see the mod "in action"
I will :)
KeeperUTX wrote: BTW, found some odd behavior patterns when a bot has both The Miner and the Multi Missile Launcher, they constantly swap between the two weapons. Dunno if it always happens when they have both or it's just a random glitch.
It's probably The Miner acting up. Since bots only fire their weapons with enemies on sight, they do not have the internal concept or code to "deploy" things. So weapons like The Miner, Cybot Launcher and Megaton "teaches" them to do so by forcing them to have certain attitudes like deploying the mines and cybots even when no enemy is at sight.
In this mechanism, The Miner will force the bot to select itself in this case, but it does consider the existence of other deployable weapons in his inventory to not run into an infinite cycle of switching back and forth between The Miner and the Cybot Launcher for example.
However, there might be a situation when the bot wants to have a certain weapon selected (because it's listed as "better than current" by the game), and thus The Miner force the select to itself, but then the bot doesn't want to and switches back to the MultiMissile. That should only happen a few times though, and only when bots are not attacking anyone and only at certain difficulty levels (it shouldn't happen in Novice for example).
KeeperUTX wrote: Also, do bots actually target my nukes when I'm guiding them around? Or do the things just short-circuit randomly and go ka-boom 0.7 seconds after I launch?
Yep, bots shoot down nukes, guided or not. Well, it highly depends on the difficulty level (in Novice they won't even try to target them, but in Godlike they will shoot them down aggressively). It's another AI behavior (among others) I force on them depending on the difficulty level, just like The Miner.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by Feralidragon »

Not sure how many of you get the monthly newsletter from Moddb:

I generally don't mention this kind of stuff, but this the 3rd time already this mod is featured/highlighted in Moddb in some way due to its final release (1st - front page/featured, 2nd - weekly featured video, 3rd - monthly newsletter), furthermore as a matter of fact I always wanted to see one of my mods featured in the monthly newsletter at some point (ever since I joined Moddb), so needless to say I am quite happy about it. :mrgreen:

In the same newsletter I also noticed an interesting mod for another game, at the top: "X-Half-Life", which is pretty much a UT-fied Half-Life (with DM-Morpheus, and UT-like Half-Life logo, etc). It seems that even in some other games there's always someone wanting to also port UT to it.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by papercoffee »

"UT-fied Half-Life" ....hahaha ... UT will never die, it will be ported for evvvaaaa!!!

Nice ! ...NW3-Final is a masterpiece's natural that it got highlighted. ;)
Well deserved.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Congratulations mate! :gj:
papercoffee wrote:"UT-fied Half-Life" ....hahaha ... UT will never die, it will be ported for evvvaaaa!!!
Too bad I don't have Half-Life (and enough space for my PC), I'd like to try that mod as well :thuup:
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by Emperor »

Like to Say, Love your mod, the weapons are alot of fun and aesthetically pleasing, Skill Kills are also fun (Curious on the list of SKill Kills you can possibly earn and the circumstances on which to earn them with) I just have a few concerns, I'm just having some difficulty running a LAN server With Stuffswapper, replacing certain items while using some from other mods, regardless, I've put your Packages in ServerPackages and it basically makes my Game crash every time I try to host a Server. :/ also does the corona's and other effects suppose to disappear while a player/bot is holding it compared to the pickup? I'm using a later version Directx Driver for UT.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by papercoffee »

Emperor wrote:also does the corona's and other effects suppose to disappear while a player/bot is holding it compared to the pickup?
Yes it's a "bug" in the UT engine.

For the other questions should you contact him on Moddb ...he isn't active here anymore.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by Hitman »

I run a quite popular MH-NW3 server but there is one thing i like to solve, the light/smoke effect from the x-rockets is to blinding for us from incomming fire, especially when severel ppl use them, and even worse if they put the red ball on to speed it up, in the end I had to remove x-rockets witch is a pity since a lot of players liked it, is there a way to set this effect down in the config ?
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by JackGriffin »

Send me the u file Hitty, let me look at it or tell me the package it's in. I can redo it for you guys if you really want that.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by papercoffee »

Feralidragon wrote:Probably almost no one knows this, but you can actually create all sorts of plugins for NW3 to modify its behavior by code in a clean and simple way.
So check the following pdf files in "Help\NaliWeapons3\docs\" that come with the mod:
- NW3_Plugins.pdf: read page 2 (Introduction) and then jump to page 9 and check SetPropertiesOptions
- Replacement_FiltersAndOptions.pdf: read the first 2 pages, and the very last field of the last page (concerning the C filter [C as in "Custom"])

So, in practice the modification here would be something like:
1 - Create a new package
2 - In the package make.ini add the NWCoreVIII and NWMultiMissileVIII
3 - Extend the XMissile class (XMissileB extends XMissile, for example)
4 - Override functions to get the desired effect, such as SpawnOthers and ExplodeOnWall as (remove corona and debris):
simulated function SpawnOthers(vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal){
Spawn(class'XShockAfterEffects',,, HitLocation + HitNormal*10);
function ExplodeOnWall(vector HitNormal, actor Wall);

5 - Create a new mutator by extending the NWMutator class (XMissileNoSmokeMut extends NWMutator):
* you have to excuse me my coding notation now and if I forgot some UScript stuff
* a lot has happened to my programming skills in these past years, including changes in style
class XMissileNoSmokeMut extends NWMutator;

function SetPropertiesOptions(string ID, Actor A){
//change missile projectile class
if (ID == "change_xmissile" && MultiMissile(A) != None)
MultiMissile(A).MissileProj[4] = Class'XMissileB';

//important: never break the NW mutator chain
if (NextNWMutator != None)
NextNWMutator.SetPropertiesOptions(ID, A);

6 - Edit the NWConfig.ini:
- go to [NWCoreVIII.NWMainReplacer]
- go to WeaponItems[11]=(bSwap=True,ItemToReplace="BotPack.UT_Eightball",NewItem="NWMultiMissileVIII.MultiMissile",ReplaceSubClasses=True,Filters="",Options="")
- change the Options="" part to Options="C=change_xmissile;"

7 - Compile and load up the mutator

I know this is far from optimal, but the functionality is there and even so is relatively simple to use, and is the way that was meant to be used for that sort of thing.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by JackGriffin »

I visited Hitty on his TS and we hashed this out. What he wants to do is going to be a lot of work.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release

Post by Hitman »

I have come up with a solution that is gonna work so far and that is to skip the X-rockets totally and set the damage up to same on the H-rockets .
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