UED Add ons

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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

For the moment I have this toy which I was using for various tasks in Editor.

It will have more if... I don't know... maybe people will finally make maps for UE1 in UT Editor and not for UT4 or whatever...
This is a builder for Editor, but it won't make brushes, it might be removing Garbage from map - I think has a self-explanatory name.
The mention here - nearby already written document - is purging duplicated actors and trying to have original untouched.
Steps for cleaning Evil maps:
- make a backup of said map;
- start Editor - load map - check it. By any matter close everything after this initial check - even if map is good or not - some tags can be changed, so don't save it or fix duplicates in this same editing session;
- for cleaning map, Editor will need another clean session with Evil map fresh loaded and nothing else edited;
- set the two bools values bCheckDuplicates and bRemoveDuplicates and press Build button. Save immediately a copy and close Editor if is alive and not crashed;
- open Editor and the new copy-map. Look for previous duplicated actors if map has them in a single copy and not screwed;
- another cleaning method is available but... requires the same single task/session unless you'll get bDeleteMe actors vanished later and screwing map;
- If map has duplicated InventorySpot actors with navigation references then... probably builder won't help you alone, you have to work map "manually" later...

Installing builder is simple and described in document at once with what this builder might do. Builder has a paths checker/viewer which mainly shows in words what XC_EditorAdds shows in images - but mappers are not understanding... This builder is my default tool for writing patch files capable of doing those One-Way paths which Editor is screwing up because it shows reachspec index which can be removed manually from a PathNode and other nearby ones using advanced actor editing... I even removed all PrunedPaths[x] bugging me...
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

Bump timer: Buttoning spree
For mappers which are not like writing stories in console - Editor needs this at random - we can create a button for making InventorySpots actors visible (I do need this for various editing tasks - removing evil paths references, maybe adjusting location a bit, etc.). For lower skilled ones InventorySpot is a NavigationPoint created by Editor for each item and Default bot navigation code will use these as target goals in a DeathMatch game.
Button's setup goes in UnrealEd.ini file in section

Code: Select all

where we have defined:
  • NumButtons=X+1 //I have 26 here because my last button is 25
    ButtonX=Show InventorySpots,UShowInv,showinv
Buttons are starting with 0 to whatever X value so we need this NumButtons announced accordingly.
Show InventorySpots - means the hint text shown at walking mouse's cursor over button.
UShowInv - means the name of BMP file which is the icon for button or how does this button looks like.
showinv - means command for toggling visible/invisible InventorySpot actors.
BMP files must be dropped in editorres folder from parent System folder localized inside UT's folder(my case).
And now pick your button:
By Epic, ripped from Engine
(865 Bytes) Downloaded 33 times
By Papercoffee
(1.17 KiB) Downloaded 33 times
By Pappercoffee
(1.3 KiB) Downloaded 37 times
To Do: Revision at Next Update for MapGarbage, it includes:
- zones checker -> credits goes at Barbie
- Evil Paths remover -> credits goes at Epic and Higor
- ... etc
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

I've done some update for MapGarbage July 2019
Add-ons Summary:
- removal a path from a point heading to another point - strategy copied/modified from TranslocDest - good for doing One-Way paths;
- checking Playerstarts and Defensepoints - toggling textures available for visibility when multiple checks are done;
- checking zones - recommended by Barbie.
Old features:
- prePathing tweaks;
- paths removal at once with other stupid bytes - a good clean when map will be repathed with XC adds;
- ScriptedPawn fixes;
- Creaturefactory tweaks;
- Mover tweaks;
- Void checker - a bit loved in this update;
- Falling Ammo locker - all ammo located in map can be changed to not fall;
- Ammo booster - more ammo loaded from the same spot;
- etc...
A more or less explained topic and a download is here.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

In order to group a bit these things together there is a topic having some builders for UT Editor linked together and not only for UT, but helping at UT mapping. They can be seen here:
Builders helpers for UT Editor

Referenced builders:
- MapGarbage
- EditorTools
- MapPurger

- PathsLinker - working only in newer U227 assets but capable to edit UT maps.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

Future version which might be out in October will have a code change for LiftCenter checks. It will take in account combos adjusted manually by user, these can be really needed one-way paths and they should not be treated as questionable buggers because are not having default charge. In CTF-Valley and others I have adjusted and created manually some links which are perfectly usable and they should not be found as questionable buggers as long as they do work properly.

Edit: Next version will have changed methods for aligning at grid - it's about negative coordinates not really matching the nearest integer at grid...
After rewriting these calculations separate for positive and negative numbers I figured by example a HealthVial used only for testing properly placed at the nearest grid point and not rounded elsewhere...
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

Another thing has captured my attention and... I added a few bits to that TrashLord planed for October.

Checking PlayerStarts for "Face-At-Wall" n00b cubes drawer default placement (they call that mapping... deeply inside brain). These are discovered and selected being ready for a top view examination. I found more maps with this "awesome" style of mooing at walls...

Whatever wrong placement for something, it can be quickly moved to a new spot without to know the newer location data. Just adding a temporary lamp or whatever actor at target place, selecting Both and exchanging locations, then temporary actor can be deleted. Cave At: items added post pathing and paths tweaking can go messed up, being moved far away from their InventorySpot, as result...

Another feature can link an Item with InventorySpot (both selected) in original manner after an exchange locations task as long as these need to be closer each-other, without affecting this InventorySpot which is an important part of navigation - it should stay where it was placed, but items are supporting here some corrections without to do damage by exchanging referenced spots "manually".
If you are moving Navigation Actors post-pathing, the trash result it's your fault - this is aiming other actors, various edits, fixes, etc.
If you are exchanging places between a light and an Item, all junk results are based on your actions. Builder it's for helping not for learning.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

Nearby fore mentioned October features, I've added something similar to Editor from UT469 but without option for a custom string - it's about logical connection of Combos (with or without a Lift) for being mapped with future paths. Why not using a custom string ? Because... it doesn't make any sense. What is the purpose of a custom human-readable string ? Engine can do connections for points logically connected based on any names used and no creativity or time wasted is required. MapGarbage will generate a name for LiftTag and the Tag of the lift, if used (all of them Selected), and will complete all actors for selected combo with the same needed string under an eye blink. Buttons and Doors are also getting turned into Lifts - if mover requires door setup it will need to be reverted manually - I doubt about that - only map DM-Modolif_D3 has this need and... that one is already properly done.
Another added feature is loading essential stock textures (no player skins). It's not needed opening each texture and guessing stock ones, MapGarbage loads them in a single move. All need it's refreshing textures browser by toggling dock status or such in order to see them loaded. This call does a direct UTX file load without mention to textures folder - paths being declared already in main INI file, these could be found (at least for me they work) and loaded. We also talk about UTTech1 2 3 4 adds. If anything goes wrong at this point then don't use Texture Loader feature.

What ? No... definitely it won't load Credits.utx. What for ? If you need it do use MyLeveling feature from the same builder and switch it in MyLevel, you genius.
Builder AddOn it's in usual place:
Builders helpers for UT Editor.

Hunting ReachSpecs feature will stay here. As long as a C++ function should never mess outside of ReachSpecs Array and there is no command available for listing/getting data available - except the destructive method, I won't remove out my work because of a newer "feature" calling "ScriptWarning" happily provided by UT469a and its 469 baby predecessors. Previous UT versions and 227 did not have anything like that and The Moon it's still on the sky. Do not use it if you are hating it.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

Link shown above has been updated and it will be updated again as needed when MapGarbage for November will have some... final stage for Next Month until new needs are going to show up.

Update operated is addressing PathsLinker builder compiled and tested in UGold227i. It doesn't have added features because it doesn't need to be extremely complex but here are included some ergonomic features:
- swapping N1 with N2 getting ready for a full disconnection automatically and not requesting user action from getting/writing navigation points N1 N2 again in reverse. If we don't need a reversal disconnection we can move to other bad connections re-capturing next points N1 and N2;
- when user wants a path to be created and it already exists, builder won't only show reachSpec Index that can be modified instead, it will also copy it as variable NSpec and this reachSpec can be adjusted in next seconds as desired by the option doing this task;
- several things are turned False after usage - they don't need to work twice for the same thing, like testing two points for a potential manual connection, or modifying a reachSpec - once modified a reachSpec, option is turned back to False - Who needs to adjust twice a reachSpec ?

I won't consider this builder as chapter OFF-TOPIC as long as UT specific maps can be edited/changed using this builder via 277h 227i and map will run properly in UT'99 - I can consider UGold227h 227i good tools for UT'99 mapping - including MonsterHunt maps without using any MH assets during editing, but this is another discussion if exist any MH mappers interested. Technically we have what we want with regard to navigation network and manual control over it.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

Link at UT/Unreal builders posted before has been updated.
MapGarbage November 2020 is being added.
Change notes:
- a selected Navigation Point from a Combo LE-LC-LE can have added a trigger for said used Mover Lift and then mover goes to InitialState <TriggerOpenTimed>, such lifts usually will need two triggers Top Bottom. One point per task - explanations are included. Trigger collision must be checked if it's matching colliding area and has some settings for helping Bots;
- Teleporters can be set also one by one - Target, then Source - by using MapGarbage with automated URL and Tag for future paths and teleporting;
- blind deletion of extra PathNodes loaded in certain range (configurable), this option is not a must be everywhere but I found UNR junks where I cleaned areas. This code probably in future updates will be more mature in analysis - in other hand... more iterations are not a bless for UScript.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

Because MapGarbage version for February is being already out with tiny updates, in future version will be an option for Original Editor - for OldSkool mapping: Changing colors for Paths Lines. Blue Paths are better than Red Paths - said tutorials. How about these ?
I don't think this feature will work in newer assets which are having probably... hard-coded vars ? Too bad then... but in XC21 assets for Editor (those with path scan range option) is usable. And what is the purpose of this feature ? Darker Maps might have more visible Paths, we can pick desired colors, Lighter maps also might be good for using with darker colors for paths, etc.
Anyway I'm looking around for any potential feature which might be helpful in mapping/editing task for next month.

The beep: I didn't test these in 227 as long as I can see there... other rules as well...
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by OjitroC »

Yes, nice idea - looks good. When you say you don't think it will work in newer assets, you mean it won't work in the 469 Editor?
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

As you could see, UT 469 has an Editor having Colors changed - there isn't any RED or BLUE over there, also these colors were changed in 227 for a few years, I don't know if exist a documented option for switching colors after user needs - hard-coded stuff non-configurable it's what I disliked in the most of cases. You can change those vars but newer Editor will ignore them because are not used, it has another deal which I could not figure yet, neither to reveal versions for making adaptive code.
This is more like a butterfly which I had in my mind as aspect and visual ergonomics.

The other side it's map itself having whatever collisions not adjusted when they need to be adjusted and adjusted when these should not be touched - Decorations Vs Pawns. Also code for tuning a decoration screwed into a static decoration bug-free blocker won't need to be set bHidden=False it will go visible in next version, then I'll do an examination to the rest of options which can be deactivated after use because some of them don't need to run multiple times unless mapper is demanding this action. Pathing task launched by Builder it does a clean-up at chained vars accumulated during pathing process for reducing trash bytes. The mostly it's about OldLocation vector hosted by newer InventorySpot actors created as normal navigation components but... not all their content is getting used.

Next plan is finding a "rat hole ending". There is a hole into ground with a weapon inside - we have paths to InventorySpot heading there but nothing for going out - a sort of A.I. trap point. I think I'll implement a blind detector based on Node data for revealing if a map has these "options". It's what I forgot to do at a moment when my phone was ringing and I was called somewhere... That's another discussion not UT related.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

MapGarbage is now updated to version March 2021 - link is posted in an upper post at once with other known Editor builders.
Quoting adds:
- bFindTrapPoints - feature will find navigation points having incoming paths but nothing for going out. These are not welcomed in routes to goals as long as we need Two-Way paths for heading at something and back, not 50%;
- bChangePathsColors - For plain Editor 436, 440, colors are changed mainly instantly, ViewPort must have checked flags for "Show Paths", at this moment I could not find a solution for setting this automatically, it needs more than UScript for this option or I could not figure a cheap solution yet;
- bRedFlagIsRed - This option makes "RedFlag" for Team 0 - in Editor it's FlagBase not really a flag - exactly as it looks in game and not a Blue one;
- bFixScaledCollisions - This option does an examination at colliding Decorations and Pawns. Pawns screwed up by n00bs are reverted back, Pawn is adjusting collision cylinder automatically in run-time and it's advisable to be left alone. Decorations with a bigger DrawScale will collide as in original if they are not adjusted having a lousy colliding cylinder - here cylinder is automatically calculated based on DrawScale, by example a NaliStatue with DrawScale 2 will collide as it should and not like is having DrawScale 1.

Various stunts:
When a random crash occurs in Editor from 469a, 469b or whatever similar one I'm not going to respond at any question accordingly. Builder won't control new implementations at C++ Level (less visible Actors list for a "quick" selection inside builder - a waste of time scrolling for a crash)
Selecting_TheCrash.PNG (9.52 KiB) Viewed 1067 times
and so neither the newer bugs from this stage (friends were calling them "features"). If you want to complete an actor name for whatever purpose, just write the class name and forget that new browsing solution - it might be useless. All ends with MainLoop - I was wondering if anyone wants to do a SecondaryLoop :ironic: .
If we talk about UT (ANY !) and you are working in Editor (ANY !) follow my advice: Don't forget to save your work from time to time, and keep clapping hands.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

In above linked place with Editor builders, MapGarbage is now having an update April 2021 with a few new functions:
- bGetMinScanRange - aiming a reachSpecs/Paths length statistic for optimizing ScanRange toward mapping paths using builders from XCv21 XCv25b - advanced experience is required here not cube drawing only - fake stupid Paths can be de-referenced or deleted in 227 depending on map's content;
- bLowerMovers bUpperMovers - MoverLocateZ - if movers need to be elsewhere during building process for preventing creating shadows - might not be a daily need but... we do have this capability for testing various builds;
- bImportTexture - a texture importer/creator supporting various flags not only plain import;
- bLoadStockSnds - Stock sounds are loaded for use - except voices - Mover stuff, Ambient Sounds, etc.

Other older functions have been updated for CreatureFactory setup - needs added due to fascinating 2021 type crapping mapping:
- testing STOCK abstracts which will never spawn;
- testing similar tags;
- other nonsenses and lousy settings successfully embedded during fore-mentioned task.

Credits are going at Barbie and Buggie -> a function which I adapted and a list which I edited.
Small update for statics check deal. If actor has a different net setup it won't be reported through warnings.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

Bump related to previous link posted with builders for UT99 and even U227 concerning tweaks good for UT.
A bit late for May - but still out before taking a break here (I have to work at other things...), MapGarbage has a few changes and adds in Version May 2021;
- bRepLostInvSpots - Scan InventorySpots left without items based on replacements in custom pathed maps without to replace items properly - I found such things - Map Garbage is capable to do normal replacements taking paths in account for mapped items;
- bCheckBadPrePivot - because a BSP issue was gone after making prepivot of a brush aligned at an integer value this task will do the same thing for all rammed prepivots and selecting those brushes in the same time. Before rebuilding map or doing anything else, it is advisable a backup if this option will do more damage than fixing a problem - for me was more useful than damaging;
- bCheckBigCylinders - very big colliding actors usually are doing in game lags - this is a detector for actors having both big height and radius and even calculating volume taken (as a sort of lousy joke).

Code Changes:
- Setting up those needed console commands as constants, those which are often used;
- hunting LevelInfo for operating Actor's Specific functions will cycle through more options: LevelInfo0 to LevelInfo10 in case of multiple Levels open - a bad mapping practice with such unstable Editor but...;
- little corrections for hiding log here and there for preventing "Slow-Down"s while log is printing messages during processing and showing log Post-Processing;
- maybe more - which I totally forgot.

That's all so far, future updates for MapGarbage are a bit delayed for unspecified time, I have another task on the table and I need more focus.
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