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DM Fringe [UT][Unreal]

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 1:40 pm
by Dr.Flay
I was chatting with "J" (another of my fave mappers) about the idea of using teleport destinations to other small maps, and expanding on the idea of stargates, when he mentioned the sci-fi series "Fringe", and a map concept he had strange memories of, but ignored.

Since then Jeff has realised it was because he had previously removed part of his brain, because he was becoming too dangerous (the bit of the brain needed to operate UEd).
Now he has replaced the missing grey-matter, and I received this message;
Hi Doc.
How is everything with you.
Thought you guys might get a kick out of this... ...
I just bought the entire series on dvd. We are about half way through watching it for the second time.
Totally fringed out!
Take care and have a great summer,

We just fell in love with the show so much, I had to make some video game levels for it.

This is a starter map designed to encourage additional spin offs by other fans familiar with the Unreal and UT engine, and game level design.

Includes Fringe (event), Fringe: China Town, Fringe: Corporate Campus and Olivia Dunham skin.

Similar to a few of my other maps, this is basically a “Flower Arrangement”, meaning it is mostly for show and not strictly intended to be a full blown game level, although it could be.

To play this map you will need the original Unreal or Unreal Tournament game. These maps should run equally well on either version. No mods or add-ons required.

FRINGE: “Event” is basically a location set. A mix between modern New York and the alternate universe.

FRINGE : “China Town” is a darker richer map that begged for a separate skybox for the neon lights which just naturally look better at night. The streets are noticeably more shallow and narrow than down town and the buildings are designed to over-hang the streets slightly, giving the set a more claustrophobic and “snug” feeling.

Jumping “into” the Fringe Event will result in teleportation between maps. If the other map is not present it will generate an error message and return to the original map.

One of the bus stops leads to an observer’s room.
Another bus stop leads to the Massive Dynamic Corporate Campus.

Good luck agent and welcome to FRINGE division.
Potential Fringe agents, should look inside the zip file for a briefing from Colonel Broyles.
Keep your eyes open as you explore. You are not alone and observers will be watching ;)

Note: this is as Jeff points out, a concept map rather than something setup for proper play.
There are not many pickups and it is not pathed much, so it will probably interest mappers more than casual gamers (oh and obviously Fringe fans.

Jeff often adds secret weapons and NPC characters in his maps, as well as custom health pickups. He may not make the most polished maps, but they are always entertaining and inspiring.

Re: DM Fringe [UT][Unreal]

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 10:46 am
by Wises
Sounds cool.

I remember years ago we were trying to build portal maps linking to other servers.
One guy actually got it going doing some webqueries (Noggy) but not seen anything really since.

Re: DM Fringe [UT][Unreal]

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 1:04 pm
by papercoffee
I'm not a Fringe fan because I've never watched this show.

Re: DM Fringe [UT][Unreal]

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:31 pm
by Dr.Flay
Fringe did not last for many series.
It is thinking-person sci-fi and requires you pay attention, as it is 1 long story for each series.
They play with the genre in a few special episodes, and just as Leonard Nimoy started to become more regular, the networks cancelled it.
Much more popular outside the US, but they never count international ratings.

It gradually shifts from being a bit like the X-files, to being full-blown sci-fi travelling across dimentions.
It is well acted and the characters are all fully-fleshed (they have good and bad days).
Who the good and bad guys are, is never that easy, as circumstance changes everything.

The crazy professor they have to help them, keeps himself sane by taking huge amounts of drugs.
...most of the time.
The episode where an FBI agent (their boss) helped tidy the lab, and tripped his nuts-off was superb.

Re: DM Fringe [UT][Unreal]

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:03 pm
by Red_Fist
"keeps himself sane by taking huge amounts of drugs.
...most of the time."

I don't think that is right, they got him out of the institution and he was never crazy, the government locked him up for doing so-called unethical work.

He has drugs for his work and uses on other people, but I don't recall him doing drugs. He is always inventing some weird new food items.

Re: DM Fringe [UT][Unreal]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:47 am
by EvilGrins
Red_Fist wrote:I don't think that is right, they got him out of the institution and he was never crazy, the government locked him up for doing so-called unethical work.
The unethical work he was doing he was doing for the govenrnment. No, the reason he was locked up was in the early stages of what became an all out war between 2 parallel Earths, he performed a procedure that took a chunk of his memory out of his head so no one could steal it. This had a slightly deteriortating effect on his sanity... he was a lot more stable before that happened.

The taking of drugs had nothing to do with his stability. He found them beneficial for his work and he enjoyed taking them for what they did to his conciousness.

Re: DM Fringe [UT][Unreal]

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:29 am
by Dr.Flay
I've watched all of Fringe, and most episodes at least twice.
I like DVD box sets because you get lots of bonus material and the commentary from the cast and crew.
But you don't need the box set to spot the drug use, as it is in a lot of episodes.

Walter starts one episode placing a bong on the table as he relaxes, and you get to hear him talk later about his own special breed.
Like all good scientists he tests things personally, and has an altered outlook that would compare to putting Steven Hawkins brain in Keith Richards.
He often uses a cocktail of hallucinogenics to get in the right mind-set to solve a problem.
I suspect you just missed the references, as they were never blatant about seeing him take anything. He would usually have already had it by the time people realised he was tripping.