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Taken Lead Announcements in DM!

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 8:53 pm
by Spectra
I know SmartCTF has these features to play those Sounds like TakenLead, LostLead, etc.

However I want to know if there is any mod that does the same in DM or TDM?? At first I thought SmartDM would also support such announcement features, but nope.

So is there any Mod that exists??

Re: Taken Lead Announcements in DM!

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:15 pm
by UTPe
yes, there is and the mutator is called EnhancedFeedback


Re: Taken Lead Announcements in DM!

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:58 pm
by Chamberly
Yeah, UTPe got it. I mostly hear all of that in pro sniper servers lol.

Re: Taken Lead Announcements in DM!

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 1:12 am
by papercoffee
Any download link?

Re: Taken Lead Announcements in DM!

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 1:52 am
by Dr.Flay
Here is the original (for reference), and the newest.
Source code and compressed files are included.
_______ .__ __. __ __ ___ .__ __. ______ _______ _______
| ____|| \ | | | | | | / \ | \ | | / || ____|| \
| |__ | \| | | |__| | / ^ \ | \| | | ,----'| |__ | .--. |
| __| | . ` | | __ | / /_\ \ | . ` | | | | __| | | | |
| |____ | |\ | | | | | / _____ \ | |\ | | `----.| |____ | '--' |
|_______||__| \__| |__| |__| /__/ \__\ |__| \__| \______||_______||_______/

_______ _______ _______ _______ .______ ___ ______ __ ___ ___
| ____|| ____|| ____|| \ | _ \ / \ / || |/ / |__ \
| |__ | |__ | |__ | .--. || |_) | / ^ \ | ,----'| ' / ) |
| __| | __| | __| | | | || _ < / /_\ \ | | | < / /
| | | |____ | |____ | '--' || |_) | / _____ \ | `----.| . \ / /_
|__| |_______||_______||_______/ |______/ /__/ \__\ \______||__|\__\ |____|

||Why enhanced feedback 2?||
Adam Hearn - [KaK]Reckless made the original version in 2000. Lately I played on a server
running it and I saw it wrongly announcing killingsprees on two kind of situations.
I wrote completely new code reusing only the audios.

||What it does:||
only DM and TDM are supported
-DM and TDM-
-> countdown last 3 frags to victory (WITH SOUND)
-> humiliation: killing with a melee weapon (WITH SOUND)

-> announce new leader (WITH SOUND)
-> announce a player equalizing with leader(s) (WITH SOUND)
-> announce a player dying 3 times in a row and ending this spree (lamer spree)

-TDM- (2-4 teams)
-> announce teamkillingspree (5 Kills) and its end
-> announce a team dying 3 times in a row and the end of this spree (lamer spree)
-> announce each collection of 5 teamkills
-> announce new leading team (WITH SOUND)
-> announce a team equalizing with the leading team(s) (WITH SOUND)


a) ServerActors=EnhancedFeedback21.EnhancedFeedback OR
b) use the in the mod menu

EF_Player21.u(.uz) is the client package to be distributed

FIX 25 Feb. 2011
-> fix serious bug with TDM
FIX 03 March 2011
-> more fixes on TDM
-> some changes on messages/missing snd plays

Re: Taken Lead Announcements in DM!

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:32 am
by UTPe
Flay posted the original version of the mutator (2000) but 2 updates were published later, v2 and v2.1 (2011) which fixes some bugs found in the new v2 version.
sorry for having not posted also a file but it looks like I can not attach a file, I don't find the option in the reply box anymore :what:

Re: Taken Lead Announcements in DM!

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:46 am
by Chamberly
UTPe wrote:Flay posted the original version of the mutator (2000) but 2 updates were published later, v2 and v2.1 (2011) which fixes some bugs found in the new v2 version.
sorry for having not posted also a file but it looks like I can not attach a file, I don't find the option in the reply box anymore :what:
True, but then I can use a link to add on to here.

Re: Taken Lead Announcements in DM!

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:41 pm
by Carbon

Re: Taken Lead Announcements in DM!

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:26 pm
by Dr.Flay
Hmm, not sure why you lost the ability to attach files Mr.P
I just had a look via your privileges and I also could not see an attachment tab.
I'll see what is going on.
Also it sometimes happens in restricted threads, where you are not the original poster, so check to see if you have it in other threads.

Thanks for the newer versions, I should update my post.

Mr.P, I just looked at all your privelages and you do still have the ability to attach files, so it must be a thread permission setting.

Re: Taken Lead Announcements in DM!

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 11:57 pm
by papercoffee
Dr.Flay wrote: Mr.P, I just looked at all your privelages and you do still have the ability to attach files, so it must be a thread permission setting.
I think the "Download Search" section is somehow restricted... can please someone else than a moderator confirm this?

I hopefully fixed it... please check it out.

Re: Taken Lead Announcements in DM!

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 8:16 am
by UTPe
papercoffee wrote:I hopefully fixed it... please check it out.
Fixed ! now I can see the "Upload attachment" tab in the reply box, thanks.

Re: Taken Lead Announcements in DM!

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 6:34 pm
by Spectra
Thank You guys.
Well, I am hearing that Upload Attachments problem for the 1st time.

Re: Taken Lead Announcements in DM!

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:15 pm
by noccer
Is enhancedfeedback better than Qannouncer?

Qannouncer does the same

Re: Taken Lead Announcements in DM!

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:23 pm
by Spectra
The only difference between both I see that EnhancedFeedBack prints text on the screen like "Player has Taken the Lead" and also plays sounds.
Whereas QAnnouncer does not, it only play sounds i.e Taken, Tied, Lost The Lead, etc.

Re: Taken Lead Announcements in DM!

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 7:28 pm
by noccer
Oh, thanks :)