the unskinned skin

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the unskinned skin

Post by EvilGrins »

Anytime something goes wrong with a skin, in-game, you tend to see something like this:
That green & gray thing is the underneath of all models. When something doesn't have a skin, no matter what model it is, it looks like that.

Where does that green & gray thing come from?
Is there a texture for it somewhere in the default UT textures I can get ahold of?
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Re: the unskinned skin

Post by {S.o.W}DeathMask »

Few questions:
1) (Don't answer if you answered q.3)Was the screenshot taken ONLINE?
1a) Did you put the right ServerPackages line (e.g. ServerPackages=Fcommandoskins_customskins)?
1b) Did you make sure the right texture pack is into the server Texture folder?
2) Was the .int file CORRECTLY refer to the Texturepack (Correctly= every referrence, from texture1 to texture 5 - and names, with all Teamcolors in)?
3) (Don't answer if you answered q.1)Was the screenshot taken OFFLINE?
3a) Did you make sure the right texture pack is into your Texture folder?
3b) Did you make sure the .int file is inside your System folder?
4)(And perhaps a crucial one): was the texturepack itself compiled properly (If that's not one skin of yours, it's very hard to tell. In case, pass me it and I'll have a look)?
{S.o.W}DeathMask, 9 times CWC UT2003, 1 time EMKTC.


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Re: the unskinned skin

Post by Dr.Flay »

Hmm. Being UT, the "skin" could be across 2 or 3 bitmaps.
The green being one of the block square panels in Botpack I think.
Possibly it is just using the first textures it finds. Open UEd 2 and what do you see at the top of the textures window ?
Ammocountbar is a 4x4 green texture.

You would need a mutator to change the default non-skin, as editing the botpack is not an option.
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Re: the unskinned skin

Post by Radi »

Myleveled textures should work here .. Hmm probably :-P. I thinking about changing multiskins in mesh actor properties to myleveled texture. No editing botpack or something involved.
I not sure now (~94%), going to sleep. Bye .:-o
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Re: the unskinned skin

Post by UnrealGGecko »

That green skin problem happens about 60% of the time on the Rocket Arena gametype for me :?.
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Re: the unskinned skin

Post by Chamberly »

I seen that skin online. It happen if someone have a different skin on that the server doesn't recognize (not in server packages), it will show that skin.
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Re: the unskinned skin

Post by JackGriffin »

Here's why you are seeing what you are.

Grins, you are correct in everything you posted. To fill in the rest, do you know how in some maps when the creator REALLY F-ed up you don't see the actor they wanted and instead there is a sprite (flat, 2-D) texture of a pawn piece? That's the engine's "default mesh". It also has the engine's "default texture". You can see this texture if you open Engine.u up with WOTgreal and look at the texture S_Pawn. Both of those properties are the default of EVERYTHING you see in the game so they are the fallback if you screw up royally.

When you look at S_Pawn you'll see this:
Are things starting to make sense now? Instead of displaying the pawn piece it displays the coded mesh but since the skin on it fails it displays the default texture across it. The reason you see the green is because the pawn piece renders as a sprite and so the green is invisible. Your skin renders normally so the green is not replaced, otherwise most of your model would be invisible.

Next question!
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Re: the unskinned skin

Post by EvilGrins »

JackGriffin wrote:Are things starting to make sense now? Instead of displaying the pawn piece it displays the coded mesh but since the skin on it fails it displays the default texture across it. The reason you see the green is because the pawn piece renders as a sprite and so the green is invisible. Your skin renders normally so the green is not replaced, otherwise most of your model would be invisible.
Makes sense. How I accidentally learned to skin the SKtrooper is from that sort of thing happening with other skins during memory glitches:
{S.o.W}DeathMask wrote:Few questions:
Skipping all questions as you didn't understand what I was going after. Well, the screenshot is from offline but I had this fixed 2 years ago.

I'm trying to get that green/gray skin so I can use it in a project now... if that's possible.
Dr.Flay wrote:Open UEd 2 and what do you see at the top of the textures window ?
Ammocountbar is a 4x4 green texture.
*runs to go look*
*runs back because I just ran away from the computer*
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Re: the unskinned skin

Post by Tater »

The green skin happens when you go to a server wearing a skin that is not in that server's "serverpackage". If a server is only using the default UT99 skins and you join that server wearing a custom skin first you'll show up as a red soldier then when you die you'll show green.
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Re: the unskinned skin

Post by papercoffee »

Was it really necessary to necro-bump a nearly 2 years old discussion with an information already explained in this specific thread?
viewtopic.php?p=66153#p66153 especially here
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Re: the unskinned skin

Post by EvilGrins »

papercoffee wrote:Was it really necessary to necro-bump a nearly 2 years....
Is it just me or has this been happening a lot more recently than ever before?
Tater wrote:The green skin happens when you go to a server wearing a skin that is not in that server's "serverpackage".
Tater, while I appreciate your desire to help... if you read the above you'd see this screenshot wasn't taken from a server. It was played offline.