Postal 2 animals, converted by "gopostal"
-WARNING- These are incomplete Beta pawns.
(HellHound is very incomplete)
at the top of it.
Just one problem with this: I've never seen this work before. It certainly wasn't me or it wouldn't be all jacked up.
So anyway I tried to look at the first model, the CowBoss, and it hard crashed me and the texturing is all fucked up. Took me about 10 minutes to do a (very) rough quick fix of it and I ended up with this:
I haven't even looked at the other models in this pack but if they are in a similar state of disarray I could totally repair this and make it usable. I know there would be interest, this model alone is really good, but my concern is this: who's work is this in the first place and can I get an ok to redo it? It's hilarious that it's my name in the readme and I'm asking this I know. How deliciously bizarre...
So if someone has deeper knowledge of this can they enlighten me? I'd really like to do this.
Here are the animals in the zip
Summon CowBoss.CowBoss
Summon MaDCow.MaDCow
Summon MaDCow.MCow
Summon MaDCow.GrinderCow
Summon MaDCow.MGCow
Summon MaDCow.ZombieCow
Summon MaDCow.ZombieCow2
Summon MaDCow.ZombieCow3
Summon MaDCow.ZombieCow4
Summon MaDCow.ZombieCow5
Summon MaDCow.ZombieCow6
Summon MaDCow.InfCow
Summon MaDCow.BInfCow
Summon Elephant.Elephant
Summon Elephant.babyphant
Summon Elephant.InfElephant
Summon Elephant.InfBabyphant
Summon Dog.Dog
Summon Dog.Dog0
Summon Dog.Dog1
Summon Dog.Dog2
Summon Dog.Dog3
Summon Dog.infDog
Summon Pigeon.Pigeon
Summon Pigeon.Pigeon2
Summon Pigeon.infPigeon
Summon Pigeon.InfPigeon2
Summon HellHound.HellHound
Summon HellHound.Dobermin
Summon HellHound.Dobermin2
Summon HellHound.Dobermin3
Summon HellHound.Wolf
Summon HellHound.infHellHound
Summon HellHound.infWolf
Summon HellHound.infDobermin
Summon HellHound.infDobermin2
Summon HellHound.infDobermin3
Summon MaDCow.MaDCow
Summon MaDCow.MCow
Summon MaDCow.GrinderCow
Summon MaDCow.MGCow
Summon MaDCow.ZombieCow
Summon MaDCow.ZombieCow2
Summon MaDCow.ZombieCow3
Summon MaDCow.ZombieCow4
Summon MaDCow.ZombieCow5
Summon MaDCow.ZombieCow6
Summon MaDCow.InfCow
Summon MaDCow.BInfCow
Summon Elephant.Elephant
Summon Elephant.babyphant
Summon Elephant.InfElephant
Summon Elephant.InfBabyphant
Summon Dog.Dog
Summon Dog.Dog0
Summon Dog.Dog1
Summon Dog.Dog2
Summon Dog.Dog3
Summon Dog.infDog
Summon Pigeon.Pigeon
Summon Pigeon.Pigeon2
Summon Pigeon.infPigeon
Summon Pigeon.InfPigeon2
Summon HellHound.HellHound
Summon HellHound.Dobermin
Summon HellHound.Dobermin2
Summon HellHound.Dobermin3
Summon HellHound.Wolf
Summon HellHound.infHellHound
Summon HellHound.infWolf
Summon HellHound.infDobermin
Summon HellHound.infDobermin2
Summon HellHound.infDobermin3