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Post by JackGriffin »

So something interesting just happened. Flay sent me some potential project zips to use for new monsters. The first one I opened was P2Pawns and the zip file reads:
Postal 2 animals, converted by "gopostal"
-WARNING- These are incomplete Beta pawns.
(HellHound is very incomplete)

at the top of it.

Just one problem with this: I've never seen this work before. It certainly wasn't me or it wouldn't be all jacked up.

So anyway I tried to look at the first model, the CowBoss, and it hard crashed me and the texturing is all fucked up. Took me about 10 minutes to do a (very) rough quick fix of it and I ended up with this:

I haven't even looked at the other models in this pack but if they are in a similar state of disarray I could totally repair this and make it usable. I know there would be interest, this model alone is really good, but my concern is this: who's work is this in the first place and can I get an ok to redo it? It's hilarious that it's my name in the readme and I'm asking this I know. How deliciously bizarre...

So if someone has deeper knowledge of this can they enlighten me? I'd really like to do this.

Here are the animals in the zip
Summon CowBoss.CowBoss
Summon MaDCow.MaDCow
Summon MaDCow.MCow
Summon MaDCow.GrinderCow
Summon MaDCow.MGCow
Summon MaDCow.ZombieCow
Summon MaDCow.ZombieCow2
Summon MaDCow.ZombieCow3
Summon MaDCow.ZombieCow4
Summon MaDCow.ZombieCow5
Summon MaDCow.ZombieCow6
Summon MaDCow.InfCow
Summon MaDCow.BInfCow
Summon Elephant.Elephant
Summon Elephant.babyphant
Summon Elephant.InfElephant
Summon Elephant.InfBabyphant
Summon Dog.Dog
Summon Dog.Dog0
Summon Dog.Dog1
Summon Dog.Dog2
Summon Dog.Dog3
Summon Dog.infDog
Summon Pigeon.Pigeon
Summon Pigeon.Pigeon2
Summon Pigeon.infPigeon
Summon Pigeon.InfPigeon2
Summon HellHound.HellHound
Summon HellHound.Dobermin
Summon HellHound.Dobermin2
Summon HellHound.Dobermin3
Summon HellHound.Wolf
Summon HellHound.infHellHound
Summon HellHound.infWolf
Summon HellHound.infDobermin
Summon HellHound.infDobermin2
Summon HellHound.infDobermin3
I took a quick look at all of them and they are all fixable. I'm not going to waste time on fixing a fucking pigeon but the dogs are damn good and the elephant is pretty cool too. I know several people who would be all over all the cow ones too. Yeah, this is gonna get done. I have my next project.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
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Re: P2Pawns

Post by EvilGrins »

I'm familiar with these, they've come up before. Tried them myself but they kept crashing UT... which is a shame as they look really good.

Weird it says they're your work, which as you've said they're not. Flay brought them up in another thread a couple months back but he listed them as someone else's project.

Re: P2Pawns

Post by UT99.org »

billybill wrote:I don't think it matters too much if extracted properly... but Postal 2 runs on a modified UE2 engine, not UE1. You can tell because when you play the game the death animations are all ragdoll. There's probably some in that jurassic park pack that are the same. I know someone tried to extract the cats and elephants from Postal 2 without much luck.

Anyway, there is at least one thread on these forums already. They are said to sink into the floor, same happens when you import UT3 meshes etc. Even one of the (unreleased) meshes from the UT beta never worked and never worked on retail when I imported it, my guess is it was too detailed.

As for textures not working I have no idea. Don't get me wrong I'd love to see more monsters. I'm saying there is too many sharp edges in the meshes or something like that that UE1 doesn't like but I could be wrong

Please take a look at the monster meshes from Rune too if you give up. Rune runs on a modified UE1 and closer to Unreal than UT. I'm sure you won't be dissapointed
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Re: P2Pawns

Post by JackGriffin »

The ragdoll code is all removed. Someone tried to put UEngine type code into the animation calls but it looks kinda like they didn't know what they were doing. The models themselves are imported improperly but the model base seems solid so it's all fixable. I'll just have to start from the beginning and work forward, redoing it all correctly.

Models falling through the floor are easy to fix. Because UEngine uses cylindrical collision you have to construct a proper origin (model center) and circular hitbox. The models have both but they are really badly placed. For instance the vid I posted for the cowboss, his hitbox is way off center and far below his actual model. Unless you place him way up high and let him "fall" into place he will render halfway into the map and most likely just delete himself (fall through the map or fail the spawn check in the first place).

The models do have a of of polys but it's certainly renderable. I wouldn't have 200 running around though.

How funny, I'll release this after it's done with the original readme and this time it will be both working and textually correct that it was my work :lol2: :lol2:
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Re: P2Pawns

Post by Dr.Flay »

Sorry the miss-credit is my mistake at the time I found the files marked as Postal.
I later found MentalHunters page and the status of the files.
I never fixed the readme, because I decided the package was not for general distribution.
You are the only other person to have that archive file, so maybe it was always intended to end up in your hands !

Indeed it is the dogs, elephants and ordinary cows that interest me mostly. The Cowboss is OK for crazy MH maps, but the rest are more generally useable.
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Re: P2Pawns

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Just proof of what Doc said, (found it in the Godzilla thread of all things :lol2: )
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Re: P2Pawns

Post by Dr.Flay »

Yeah, due to MentalHunter wishing the betas would not be distributed, I decided I would only give them to someone genuinely interested in finishing them.
Basically these are his first or second versions, so come with "baggage".

I am working on a map for the Newbies Playground, and I would really like to be able to use reliable dogs on their server.
If I map them in, and place them high, they do not crash.
Spawning anything from these pawns is unreliable and depending on the terrain random crashes happen.

One thing that really needs sorting, is the cows digestion system.
Too much poo, and the sounds seem to be the same volume no matter how far away.

Re: P2Pawns

Post by UT99.org »

billybill wrote:
Dr.Flay wrote: One thing that really needs sorting, is the cows digestion system.
Too much poo, and the sounds seem to be the same volume no matter how far away.
LOL. At least we know where the projectiles will come from! You can make this cow always face away from the enemy right?
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Re: P2Pawns

Post by JackGriffin »

I'm really sad to post this update. It looks like these models are not salvageable. I can fix the crashing they cause so that they spawn into a test map but every one of them has a corrupted animations package. It looks like the way they were originally exported was not done correctly. Also if you look closely at the video I posted there is a nasty jagged corruption on the left butt cheek of the monster that causes a point coming down between it's legs.

If anyone is in contact with mentalhunter and he wants to give up the original files I could try again with them but this stuff is never going to get fixed the way it is. I know, this really pisses me off too. I was excited about doing the project.
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Re: P2Pawns

Post by EvilGrins »

If you can get the originals, the only part of this that needs saving are the pigeons. I mean, really... pigeons are everywhere. We should have them for UT too!
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Re: P2Pawns

Post by Dr.Flay »

This is why he was pissed at people ripping them for distribution.
MentalHunter is still around I think. Possibly his own forum may be the best place to contact him, although his email is
killa_unknown (at) hotmail.com
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Re: P2Pawns

Post by bobisunreal »

http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1873 ... owBoss.psa
http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1873 ... owBoss.psk
http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1873 ... imports.uc
(ripped from p2 itself)
psk needs to be import and re-export in MS and the vertex assigned.then its good to go :wink:

they are all that easy to export if you can fix that one issue

mh originally used utpt to avoid the issues with the missing bone assignments i am pretty sure.

Re: P2Pawns

Post by UT99.org »

billybill wrote:@Jack if you read the wiki of Postal 2 it says the Cow mesh was not finished until one of the expansions (Scripting side of it). It's used in more than one expansion too from the look of the wiki
There were also going to be cows included in the game, but they were left unprogrammed. They did appear in Apocalypse Weekend and the A Week in Paradise modification.
(P.S. I'm not saying Wikipedia is a reliable source, but yeah)
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Re: P2Pawns

Post by Dr.Flay »

To be honest I think we could try and be more legit about this and go and ask RWS :noidea
We do have a slight advantage concerning this particular game.
"Running With Scissors" are a bunch of very cool people, as Jack can verify :highfive: