Map Vote Ultimate v2 for UT by Deepak O V & SpEcTra_7 (
Map Vote Ultimate needs 1024X768 or more resolutions for fitting column width on the screen.
What is Map Vote Ultimate v2?
Map Vote Ultimate is a Mapvote Mutator that allows the players to vote for the next map being played
Main Features:
- Voting for up to 2024 maps
- 8 Customizable Map Lists+
- Customizable Mapvote Background Color
- Customizable Mapvote Map box text Color
- Up to 200 Custom gametypes where you can assign Prefixes, Mutators and Settings
- Filter system (supporting Wildcards) to implement detailed Maplist assignments (up to 8x256 Filters)
- Predefined Maplist if noone voted (return to default maps)
- Automatically mapswitch to a predefinded Maplist if server is empty for a certain time (return to default maps)
- Priority System for Maplists
- Re-Vote limit (avoidable for certain maplists)
- Kickvote to kick players
- Displaying a Clanlogo within the votemenu
- Support for Assault and LeagueAssault
- Automatic removal of crashed maps (to prevent them to be revoted)
- Mapplaycount report and Mapsequence report
- Detailed in-game Admin page for most of the configuration
Installation (Server)
1) copy the .u, .int and .ini files to the UT\System folder
2) add to the UnrealTournament.ini in section [Engine.GameEngine] the following entry
The configuration is done in the file MapVoteULv2.ini
Most of the settings can be changed in-game too. If you log in as admin and open the Mapvote you will get an additional Admin Tab
In MapVoteUL the MutatorActorConfig[] has been removed and merged into the CustomGameConfig[].
Remove the MutatorActorConfig[] entries and start the server and do a servertravel. The CustomGameConfig[] settings should now
have been expanded and you can apply the Mutators there.
Starting up Mapvote
Fire up your server and choose "Map Vote Ultimate ][" from the Mutator Tab
* to open the votemenu midgame use the following keybinding: "mutate bdbmapvote votemenu"
* to adjust settings in-game log in as admin and open the votemenu, you will get an additional admin tab for configuration

FAQ: What settings do I need in MapVoteULv2.ini?
1) Step 1: Loading Maps
For default gametypes there are predefined keys to enable the maps:
To load cusom gametypes, mutators and settomgs you can use up to 16 'CustomGameConfig's.
Here some examples to load iDM, iCTF, iAS, RocketArena and Bunnytrack:
* Mind: to distinct Maps with same name but different gametype/mutators/settings you have to change the prefix.
E.g.: to load Deathmatch and Insta-Deathmatch just change the prefix of the Insta-Deathmach to 'iAS'
* Custom Settings:
You can use several custom settings by seperating them with a comma. E.g.: "FriendlyFireScale=1.0,Aircontrol=0.8"
IMPORTANT: If you use custom settings in the CustomGameConfigs you have to make sure those settings get reset to Default for all other maps:
E.g.: DefaultSettings="FriendlyFireScale=0.0,AirControl=0.35"
2) Step 2: Assign the maps to a maplist
Tell the mapvote in which list the maps should be displayed. Use the (up to 48 per list) 'List1FilterX[Y]' variables for this.
You can use wildcards in the Filters. Some Examples:
Loading all Assault maps into List 1:
Loading AS-Asthenosphere, AS-Bridge and AS-Rook into list 3:
Loading all iDM maps into List 4:
Hint: If you have changed some prefixes you can/have to use the new prefixes in the Filters (like iDM for Insta)
Hint: You can use Wildcards. E.g.: DM-A* or *castle*
Q: How do I add a clanlogo into mapvote (displayed in the middle of the Votewindow)?
A: LogoTexture=ClanLogoPackage.TextureName
Make sure the Clanlogo is added to the Serverpackages aswell
Q: Can I use wildcards in the filter?
A: Yes you can. E.g.: List1Filter[0]=AS-B* will filter all AS maps that start with the letter 'B'