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Working tactical Ops 2.2 server lists

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:46 pm
by MartiniPL
Some may find it handy, since many players still asks for this free mod for UT99, and Tactical Ops 2.2 is still climatic shooter.

As you know, after turning down master.gamespy0 servers, you won't be able to see any servers in Internet Games, when you install Tactical Ops 2.2 mod. Even after seting up configuration with newsest tutorials, this problem still exists.

It's because new lines in tacticalops.ini and they don't support s_SWATGame, and they support only TO350 game.

You can easli acces servers online adding this code to your ini files:

Code: Select all

You should add this line after doing whole configuration as seen at 333 Networks Tactical Ops Wiki page

Re: Working tactical Ops 2.2 server lists

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 11:18 pm
by noccer
MartiniPL wrote:
You can easli acces servers online adding this code to your ini files:

Code: Select all

Thank you very much, i will put this to the wiki ;)