Yes it might be truly hard or insane easily.shockpl wrote:But how to use that only for one skin, what I want in mutator/mod, hmmmms ?
First ask EG how to paint some skin and be your stylist. Second point (I have seen you posting a code so I assume you might handle a few UScript lines).
Mutator named whatever (probably works called only from server)
Contains a ModifyPlayer. Translated into a bad english sounds like: IF player has skin, that skin in cause, then make it translucent, see some ScaleGlow, put even some lightning like for angels, etc.
Red color means checking to not be hidden or to have a valid skin matching yours, else it's a NONE deal.
To add a mention, see what's going on after expiring some invisibility, maybe is good to deal with default properties of player with such skin or to have a timer/tick to manage keeping this display all the time. Relics and things attacking player's display might turn off original setting it in default so I think it would be a need to deal directly with defaultproperties in the same time.
Usually I'm not a fan of skinning from any kind, but I was curious about topic to see if something evil happened with some transparent skin.