Transparent Skin

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Re: Transparent Skin

Post by sektor2111 »

shockpl wrote:But how to use that only for one skin, what I want in mutator/mod, hmmmms ?
Yes it might be truly hard or insane easily.
First ask EG how to paint some skin and be your stylist. Second point (I have seen you posting a code so I assume you might handle a few UScript lines).
Mutator named whatever (probably works called only from server)
Contains a ModifyPlayer. Translated into a bad english sounds like: IF player has skin, that skin in cause, then make it translucent, see some ScaleGlow, put even some lightning like for angels, etc.
Red color means checking to not be hidden or to have a valid skin matching yours, else it's a NONE deal.

To add a mention, see what's going on after expiring some invisibility, maybe is good to deal with default properties of player with such skin or to have a timer/tick to manage keeping this display all the time. Relics and things attacking player's display might turn off original setting it in default so I think it would be a need to deal directly with defaultproperties in the same time.

Usually I'm not a fan of skinning from any kind, but I was curious about topic to see if something evil happened with some transparent skin.
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Re: Transparent Skin

Post by shockpl »

Thank you all for your tips :)
OK, I did the Skin and it works on the server, I did not know it could be so easy. But not really, because now the problem is UTpure, which blocks the changed Skin :/
Is there a mutator, which allows to use other skins than basic and work with UTpure\NewNet ?
hmmm ?
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Re: Transparent Skin

Post by EvilGrins »

sektor2111 wrote:Usually I'm not a fan of skinning from any kind, but I was curious about topic to see if something evil happened with some transparent skin.
Hang on, I'm actually working on this.
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Re: Transparent Skin

Post by shockpl »

If anyone is curious about how it works, I can share of it, np. I only still need something that will make it work with UTpure/NewNet.
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Re: Transparent Skin

Post by shockpl » - here is this skin, the problem is that it does not work with UTPure and NewNet, im just nobie in unrealscript so If someone can make that as a mutator and will be working with UTPure/NN, will be realy nice, one more time thanks for tips :)
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Re: Transparent Skin

Post by EvilGrins »

What I'm working on is twofold:
1) An actual playable skin with team colors, that is partially transparent. Haven't started yet, kicking ideas.
2) If that doesn't work then a map with a playerbot on it that is partially transparent. That I can do easy, once I pick the right skin.

I've got a skin, from templates I do superhero skins from, that's the Silver Surfer. He's all white...
lower left:
Image I'm kinda going with a ghost theme.
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Re: Transparent Skin

Post by EvilGrins »

Haven't had a lotta luck with making a transparent skin, though I did make one for my constant trying:

Question: if not for making skins transparent...
...what's the "transparent" option for?
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Re: Transparent Skin

Post by Unknown »

I don't think this is possible with just the usual .u and .utx files used in a skin because this may change the texture but not the way the player is drawn, check the code for the invisibility, it changes how the player is drawn and then applies the new texture to get the invisibility effect. I could be wrong however as I don't know everything about the engine.
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Re: Transparent Skin

Post by Chamberly »

I think the transparent part is probably looking for some surface to be see-through like the 512kb logo.
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Re: Transparent Skin

Post by EvilGrins »

Chamberly wrote:I think the transparent part is probably looking for some surface to be see-through like the 512kb logo.
If it's looking for something like that, how do I make textures with something it will recognize as being transparent? Is it a specific color or something??
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Re: Transparent Skin

Post by Chamberly »

EvilGrins wrote:
Chamberly wrote:I think the transparent part is probably looking for some surface to be see-through like the 512kb logo.
If it's looking for something like that, how do I make textures with something it will recognize as being transparent? Is it a specific color or something??
& that's something idk about. But the idea is take different sample of other logo that was created in 512kb and look at it in photoshop I guess.
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Re: Transparent Skin

Post by Unknown »

I don't know if this is what you mean and I'm not a hundred percent sure but I remember you could make masked textures or something like that which would not draw the color of the very first pixel in the top left corner.
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Re: Transparent Skin

Post by EvilGrins »

Grabbing an already posted screenshot from another thread to illuminate the problem:
The underside of the Warlock's wings is designed to be clear, for the graphics card that ut99 was built for, the VooDoo3. Also some other around at the time, but as I don't have that anymore I see the blue... as you can from most of the Warlords in that pic. Sometimes though, it's clear... and I couldn't say why.

There's probably a couple specific colors that ut99 recognizes as being see-thru. It'd be nice to know what they specifically were.
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Re: Transparent Skin

Post by sn260591 »

Color does not matter. The main thing that he was the first in the palette.
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Re: Transparent Skin

Post by EvilGrins »

sn260591 wrote:The main thing that he was the first in the palette.

He who??