New Skins (Work In Progress).

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New Skins (Work In Progress).

Post by Unknown »

I am working on making new Skins for the Male Soldier using all the original ones and placing them together as in the SoldierSkins files that came with Unreal Tournament.
The current theme is an alternate dimension where the Unreal Tournament is located in Hell rather than space.

Here I will be posting the progress as to receive some feedback.

Here's the Soldier Skin version I:

I am not entirely happy with the result in here, I want to find a way to make the camouflage stand out a little better and I think I missed some spots with the colors. I would also like to clean up all the dirt those guys have on their boots and gauntlets.

I finished the Raw Steel as well but I didn't like the whole Team Colors deal so I have to change that one again but should be finished soon enough.
After those two I will be making the Marine, Metal Guard and War Machine skins. From there I plan on doing the same but with different themes, like zombies.

And here are the faces I have edited so far:

Arkon didn't get contacts because his eyes are a little too sensitive, go figure. He also lost the soul patch because he has no soul, and because soul patches suck.

Bruce learnt the hard way that you should never talk with your mouth full.
I think I have to change the skin between the nose and the mouth a little.

Kregore got a strange skin disease for kissing so much demonic butts.
I have to change's Kregore's skin to look a little more like scales as it did on Photoshop.

Manwell lost the stupid tear tattoo with laser, however he accidentally got his eyes burned during the process.

Slain lost yet another eye fighting the Skaarj, good thing the devil's the best surgeon and got him a new pair of eyeballs in exchange for his soul.

Brock, also known as Mr. Intro Dude, lost an eye against Xan. He bought a cybernetic replacement after winning the tournament.

Harlin got his skull open in half in a freak accident involving his dog and a spoon. He couldn't afford a real surgeon so he stapled his face together.
Harlin turned out fine but I'm not so happy with the Talk Texture, I'm going to work on it.

Johnson got hooked on bio puffs which damaged his internal organs, he's not allowed near the Bio Rifles anymore.

Rankin got a really bad pimple and just couldn't resist popping it.
I have to edit this guy as the texture looked well enough but inside the game the whole red spot just doesn't look quite right to me.

That's it, let me know what you think. I will be updating this post as those freaks come to life.
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Re: New Skins (Work In Progress).

Post by papercoffee »

Don't forget to save them with a prefix to prevent mismatch in online games ;)