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GTA mod for UT?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 8:39 am
by UnrealGGecko
A friend of mine found a video about this GTA mod by KingJosh (probably?) and BlackCheetah and is looking for it. Though it looks to be done a bit... how to say... horribly :tongue: , I'd still like to try to find it simply for those car resources. Does anyone know where to find it?



Re: GTA mod for UT?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 1:42 am
by KingJosh
hello yes me and Blackcheetah made this together i think in 2010. I no longer have the file and i asked blackcheetah a few months ago on skype and he deleted it. i pretty much just used AC3d modelling program to trace some car images, and made some simple 3d gun models from extruding in ac3d, and of course i made the large city map in unreal ed as always... Blackcheetah imported my 3d models and coded them. I cant even play my mod anymore lol, i bet someone out there has the file though, just not sure who. My kingjoshcity map and my SaintzRow map also have cars. linked my saintzrow map below -it uses different cars (from meshmaker this time not ac3d, some car models from angelheart in saintzrow map), saintzrow still requires d3d9 but nothing crazy like kingjoshcity. ... -SaintzRow

If i eve find anyone who has has my GTA mod map i will let you know. I called it grandtheftcadillac if i remember correctly.

Re: GTA mod for UT?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 10:38 am
by UnrealGGecko
Thanks for the info, KingJosh. :tu: